Atlanta Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/24/2004)

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My name was left out

prosix December 17,2002
DESIDON777 December 23,2002
pashwin December 27,2002
saras76 January 06, 2003
hudakchullu January 07, 2003
ognep, January 13, 2003
NII, January 23, 2003
PainCard January 30, 2003
GC2ME Feb06,2003
GA0501 Feb 06, 2003
ADOL, Feb06, 2003
waters, Feb10, 2003
sthirumal Feb 24, 2003
mhsoor, March 10, 2003
adibazz March 23, 2003
singh244 march 11 , 2003
aksmks march26, 2003
sunny_sm April 14, 2003
rxr May 2003
H1Buser2002 May 6th 2003
satishshetty5 May12 , 2003
smbasha July 1, 2003
Some_GreenCard July 11, 2003
TAMIL_GC September 29, 2003
AVM acting strange!!!!

I tried AVM yesterday as per my weekly practice. And the recording started giving me all possible LC Status on my case. It gave me more than 6 or 7 different status. I should have noted them down but unfortunately I did not. Generally we hear "Certified", "Received" ,"Remanded back to Emp." or "Denied" but there are couple of more status also.

Anyway, I tried in the evening again and it was working fine.
Hi Kandy_iyer

You got your case number quickly for recd date Oct 27th. There are people in this forum waiting for long time to get case #. Who knows your case may be approved before us ;)
thanks for you encourging word Some_GreenCard. HI tamil_GC did you try your case number by entering your emp. phone number.

No not yet. Even my collegue's case hasn't been shown up at AVM by employer phone, his case was forwarded to ATL DOL six months back.
updated list

prosix December 17,2002
DESIDON777 December 23,2002
pashwin December 27,2002
saras76 January 06, 2003
hudakchullu January 07, 2003
ognep, January 13, 2003
NII, January 23, 2003
PainCard January 30, 2003
GC2ME Feb06,2003
GA0501 Feb 06, 2003
ADOL, Feb06, 2003
waters, Feb10, 2003
sthirumal Feb 24, 2003
mhsoor, March 10, 2003
singh244 march 11 , 2003
adibazz March 23, 2003
aksmks march26, 2003
sunny_sm April 14, 2003
rxr May 2003
H1Buser2002 May 6th 2003
satishshetty5 May12 , 2003
smbasha July 1, 2003
Some_GreenCard July 11, 2003
TAMIL_GC September 29, 2003
atl-la-bore Jan 29, 2003.
Re: A question to the Gurus!!!!

get a noterized co-worker affidavit from a co-worker with whom you worked at your former employer. That will do. -- Adi ..

Originally posted by wannabe
I have a predicament... I need a experience letter from a former employer which I cannot get. What are the options????
Nov 7th 2002

Guys ..
my case transfered to ATL from TN On Nov 7th 2002
No news from my lawyer yet ... any one on the same boat ?

it 's beyond frustrating ? after 26 Months no Labor yet.

P.S I don't have the case number cus the Company policy is not to
give the case number to employees .. so I am just lost here

Type in your employer phone no in the AVM and lookup the case number for the approximate date it was transferred to ATL DOL. Please update the thread after you find it.
Pashwin... I agree 100% with u. I don't think we should ever hope any thing good from any governemnt worker. My mind is too much tensed nowdays due to job security and labor approval delays. but they don't understand the pain of immigrants and of course neither AILA.
hey prosix,
not all the government workers are like that. I work for the government too but I do my job on time ;-);)
I wish they have a online status -- for our peace fo mind sakes...

I wish DOL had a online status web page - that showed, in general,

1. how may cases are pending
2. what cases are they looking into
3. how many people currently involved clearing the applicatins
4. why the delay
5. update all the above and any more information daily if not
real time

Hello Avatar,

Your site (dol tracker) looks cool. I like it.

Are you pulling the information from DOL or is it submitted by applicants like us ?
It's been a while since we all heard any approvals, I wonders whether they are working :rolleyes:
I am sure many of us are having a tough time maintaining our jobs. Each day is crutial and very important for us, but no one understands. Atlanta and California are the two Labor which are working for 2002 rest all are working on 2003 cases, Chicago is working on September 2003 cases, this really ticks me.
My friend applied his labor from IOWA in September 2003, his State got cleared in 8 days any was transfered to Chicago and he is expecting Labor Approval anytime.
Check this out

I noticed that someone who goes by Laskhman, with Atl DOL recorded date 12/17/2002 signed up on the amitgoel labor tracker web-site as being approved recently. He has a DOT number 189.117.030 (Managers of all sorts). However, don't know how authentic these submissions are,as they are submitted by individual persons. According to this person's submission - his was approved 9/25/03.
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