Atlanta Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/24/2004)

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Pain Card

Mine is also forwarded from Florida to ATL DOL and it took about the same time as yours did.

Good luck Prosix and the rest of the December guys. Gonna miss your postings on this thread.
Last night @1AM:) and today at 9:30 AM too. I don't think they are update AVM daily. They may take long time to update the AVM. So I don't know even if my case is approved, but it may not be updated in AVM.

Can anyone call ATL to check what date they are telling. Last time they told us that they are processing NOV first week. Can someone call... and update the forum..

by the way where is MysteriousGC, did he become silent watcher:D
04394500 Recvd on Nov'13 still pending. So it is hard to guess what way they are processing the cases.
Florida Cases taking longer time?

No offence to other states but, I have noticed by previous postings on this thread that Florida cases are taking much longer than Georgia Cases.

There are 3 Georgia cases already certified received in End of December and January respectively.

Is there any preference?
I think Georgia SESA is processing and approving some cases locally, instead of sending it to ATL DOL. This is a test they are conducting to resuce the work load :)mad: ) on ATL
HI Pain Card

One of my friend filed from Florida SESA got his case approved around Dec 20th and case Recd date was Jan 13th only. They are guessing because of holiday season , it was delayed.

My case fwd from Florida SESA on July 1st and Rcd date in ATL DOL is July 11th.


Some GreenCard:eek:

You guys have scored a Century (100th Thread). Congrats.

Just for some info on ATL DOL.

I work in ATL although my company is from Florida. And, my friend's office is next building to ATL DOL.

I have been inside the building 3-4 times just to see what type of people are working there. To be honest, The attitude of people working in Labor Dept. is typical like Indian Government Employees. They are very difficult to talk to and based on my experince at ATL DOL, the lady only answered my question in either of four way: "YES", "No", "Don't know", "It depends". To go there is just a waste of time.

You can summarize in one word that it's the same atmosphere as any DMV office.
prosix -- does that mean Atlantans are at a advantage ?

Hi prosix,

Does that mean the cases sent to (cleared by) georgia state DOL are at a advantage ? if georgia state DOL people are processing the Federal DOL part too ?

Did I understand your message correctly ?
Hope I am not confusing ppl.
Don't Expect much in the month of December

Friend of mine lives in California and he knows someone working in DOL in San Fransisco.

He told me that employees of DOL get much more vacation days compared to us (Private working class) & they like to use their vacation days in the month of November and December to take long vacations. Almost 50 % of the regular staff generally goes on vacation during these months.

How about the rest of the 50%? Well, you will be surprised to know that they are busy picking up each-other name to give & take Christmas gifts. Every other day, they get together in meeting room, open Christmas gifts, complement each-other, party for hours & hours and wait for 4 o'clock to go home. My friend also added that majority of them leave work around 3 o'clock to catch up on Christmas shopping....

This explains why my state labor got approved on Dec 20th and ATL received date is Jan 30th.

Just be patient....Holidays will soon be over....

I have been monitoring this thread and gone through the same pain as all of you.Right now, when I see the partying and the "waiting for 4 pm" attitude, its a collosal waste of my time and energy trying to chase something I cannot control.
This is a good tracker, but please dont try to visualize or imagine how things are working at DOL.They are government workers and poorly paid like any other country.
I have a few questions for the participants:
I'd like to know one thing.Why is everyone monitoring dates and times for DOL?why not go about your work and allow DOL to do their job?They are laid back, poorly paid government workers who need to know who should get what as the christmas presents.So let them do their job and all of us wait as bonded laborers - for our "green card" to arrive.Also, if everyone knows that situations in India are great, why is everyone painfully checking the AVM for a response?
Now that everyone has suffered a wait for two years, which one of you is ready to fight for the cause and make sure future applicants donot face such situations?or would you guys just leave it,forget the pain and let it be someone else's fight?

Well said!!! BUTTTTT there are some benefits also for few of us by sharing the information and pain here and of course you won't understand that cozzzz u choose to be a silent watcher instead of active writer in this thread.

Who is with me to advice LRU to be silent watcher, that would be better for him as well as for us tooo. Please leave us as we are. In another words, you can say we have got addicted to this thread and feel satisfied just by reading and ofcourse writing something here in this thread instead of just watching and frustating others.

I wonder WHY are you reading this thread. As you said situation in INDIA is great... why are you still here? Good luck in INDIA
I think lrugnevm is much more frustated then us and he is just taking out the heat on us...
I bet each one who is visiting this thread wants his labor to be approved ASAP. Better mind your language and business. Nobody is force to follow this thread, atleast you have that control.
I think we all are doing a good job here by sharing information and giving supporting each other. You are welcome to join and share info., better encourage people then demoralise.

Keep on updating the thread guys... We all are with you.:D

No hard feelings.

If you see my first couple of postings, I was looking for an answer for my state labor getting approved on Dec 20th, and ATL DOL received date of Jan 30th.

I thought, like me lots of other people will also be wondering why it takes a Full month and 10 days for just transferring case from state to Federal level. When you share something like this, lot of folks like me don't feel left alone and they get moral support and better digest the fact.

Also, All these threads are about sharing information and giving each-other moral support. The processing dates only moves forward every two months, if we just sit, be a silent watcher & don't update the thread, Trust me GC-Path becomes much more longer & boring. I guess, sometimes its better to share extra-curricular knowledge to just have something to read and keep yourself strong.

On your points of "They are government workers and poorly paid like any other country" & "Why is everyone monitoring dates and times for DOL". I do not feel any sympathy towards DOL workers. As I have said earlier, I have been to DOL office 3 times, They just don't like us (specially, brown skin) for many bias reasons. You just have to be there to understand the situation. On the second point, if we don't moniter the progress, how can we fight the cause by not preparing the historic background and help the future applicants. Sitting tight and not doing anything is not going to help the future applicants.

To change the topic :

Member ATL DOL Date
prosix December 17,2002
DESIDON777 December 23,2002
pashwin December 27,2002
saras76 January 06, 2003
hudakchullu January 07, 2003
ognep, January 13, 2003
GC2ME Feb06,2003
GA0501 Feb 06, 2003
ADOL, Feb06, 2003
waters, Feb10, 2003
mhsoor, March 10, 2003
adibazz March 23, 2003
singh244 march 11 , 2003
aksmks march26, 2003
sunny_sm April 14, 2003
rxr May 2003
H1Buser2002 May 6th 2003
satishshetty5 May12 , 2003
Some_GreenCard July 11, 2003
TAMIL_GC September 29, 2003
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