Atlanta Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/24/2004)

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please post the DOT code too next time,so we can tell if the job
category matters.

Originally posted by NJ999
ATL DOL states that it is currently processing July 2002 cases, but I checked some of the cases randomly and there are cases which were received in Feb 2003 , March
2003 that have been approved. Can someone explain?

04399990 03/10/2003 -> Received
04399888 03/10/2003 -> Received
04399775 03/04/2003 -> NOF
04399970 03/11/2003 -> Certified
04399111 02/20/2003 -> Certified
04399000 02/18/2003 -> Received
04399960 03/10/2003 -> Received
The cases recieved by ATL DOL in Feb/Mar and certified could be "Premium Processing" cases. If you opt for PP your case gets certified within 15 days, but you have to pay $1000 extra for it.

My attorney told me that ATL DOL is still processing cases received in last week of JULY 2002.

Is there really something called "premium Processing" in labor Certification ? As far as I know "Premium processing" is available only for h1B visas.
email to

Please help me!!

I emailed a few times with my employer's taxID but I don't get any response back. I believe that I had the correct format
Tax ID xx-xxxxxx in the body and no subject title.

Anyone got reply back from there recently?

My Attorney confirms that my Labor application is indeed certified.
The DOT code was 030.162-014 which is a Programmer Analyst and was recieved in Atlanta on 07/22/2002.
Atlanta DOL status is July 2002. What date is that, is it the application recieved by state office or Atlanta Office.

This website


Regional Processing Times(This reflects the date the application was received by the state)

Atlanata - 7/2002

Can anyone clear my confusion.

are these LC for GC purpose?

These cases were certified so quick!

Case # 4395226
DOT Description Crab Meat Processor
No. of Openings 20
Received Regional Office 01/09/2003
Current Status Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 01/17/2003.

Case # 4395231
DOT Description Tree Planter
No. of Openings 45
Received Regional Office 01/09/2003
Current Status Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 01/17/2003.

Case # 4395234
DOT Description Crab Meat Processor
No. of Openings 90
Received Regional Office 01/09/2003
Current Status Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 01/17/2003.
Re: are these LC for GC purpose?

Wow. We need to consider planting trees....

Originally posted by gizgiz
These cases were certified so quick!

Case # 4395226
DOT Description Crab Meat Processor
No. of Openings 20
Received Regional Office 01/09/2003
Current Status Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 01/17/2003.

Case # 4395231
DOT Description Tree Planter
No. of Openings 45
Received Regional Office 01/09/2003
Current Status Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 01/17/2003.

Case # 4395234
DOT Description Crab Meat Processor
No. of Openings 90
Received Regional Office 01/09/2003
Current Status Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 01/17/2003.
Latest Case status

I just checked the status from the AVM for my company.
Caes No: Received Date Status
04391875 08/19/2003 -> Approved on 04/04/2003
04391875 08/22/2003 -> Received

The second one is mine.

Both the cases have the same DOT code but soem reason my case is still not updated....:(

Can anyone give me any ideas or suggestions?

Re: Latest Case status

Might because your name starts with Z

Originally posted by gcnowhere
I just checked the status from the AVM for my company.
Caes No: Received Date Status
04391875 08/19/2003 -> Approved on 04/04/2003
04391875 08/22/2003 -> Received

The second one is mine.

Both the cases have the same DOT code but soem reason my case is still not updated....:(

Can anyone give me any ideas or suggestions?


What is the DOT code for the two cases you mention? let us know so that we can determine whether ATL has really started processing August cases for S/W, computers.

Please update. Good luck!
cases tracker

It looks like all the cases certified were all approved within a very short time period. Where do you go to check the DOT codes description? I suspect these might be 245(i) cases based on the previous messages of "tree planters" or "crab meat processor" etc.

Case# Received Certified DOTCodes
043-90-500 7/12/2002 3/17/2003 526.131-010
043-91-000 8/12/02
043-91-875 8/19/02 4/4/2003
043-91-890 8/26/02 11/5/2002 861.381-018
043-91-900 8/26/02 9/16/2003 771.281-014
043-91-950 8/27/02 638.131-022
043-91-980 8/26/02
043-92-050 8/27/02 9/16/2002 860.381-022
043-92-100 9/9/02 9/12/2002 311.677-018
043-92-500 9/10/02 039.162-014
043-92-800 9/18/02 10/8/2002 090.227-010
043-92-850 9/23/02 12/9/2002 010.101-022
043-92-870 9/23/02 160.162-018
043-92-900 10/7/02 11/4/2002 317.687-010
043-92-910 10/8/02 10/24/2002 359.677-018
043-93-900 10/24/02 369.167-010
043-94-900 11/22/02 166.117-018
043-95-900 12/26/02 131.267-026
043-96-900 1/13/03 201.362-030
043-97-900 1/31/03 2/11/2003 250.257-014
043-98-100 1/31/03 730.281-054
043-98-200 2/6/03 030.162-014
043-98-900 2/18/03 185.167-046
Re: cases tracker


Occupational Definitions
Professional, Technical, and Managerial Occupations
001.061-010 to 024.364-010
024.381-010 to 079.131-010
079.151-010 to 153.267-018
153.287-010 to 169.117-014
169.127-010 to 187.167-226
187.167-230 to 199.682-010
Clerical and Sales Occupations
201.162-010 to 219.362-046
219.362-050 to 243.367-018
245.362-010 to 272.357-018
272.357-022 to 299.687-014
Service Occupations
301.137-010 to 362.687-018
363.681-010 to 389.687-018
Agricultural, Fishery, Forestry, and Related Occupations
401.137-010 to 461.684-018
Processing Occupations
500.131-010 to 519.585-014
519.585-018 to 522.685-094
522.685-098 to 529.685-138
529.685-142 to 550.665-022
550.682-010 to 558.482-010
558.485-010 to 570.683-010
570.683-014 to 583.132-010
583.137-010 to 599.687-038
Machine Trades Occupations
600.130-010 to 613.132-010
613.360-010 to 622.381-014
622.381-018 to 651.362-030
651.362-034 to 669.686-010
669.686-014 to 689.134-022
689.134-026 to 699.687-022
Benchwork Occupations
700.130-010 to 713.684-018
713.684-022 to 726.685-054
726.685-058 to 737.367-010
737.381-010 to 761.684-010
761.684-014 to 781.384-018
781.484-010 to 795.687-030
Structural Work
800.662-010 to 821.361-018
821.361-022 to 861.381-026
861.381-030 to 899.687-014
Miscellaneous Occupations
900.683-010 to 921.683-046
921.683-050 to 962.162-010
962.167-010 to 979.687-034
reply to Z2

So it does look like that the cases approved faster are 245(i), non-professional, technical or managerial jobs.

Does anyone have the last case approved with DOT codes beginning with any number <200. ???

I guess there is no point in figuring out their gaming plan. It will be processed when it is our turn.
Re: reply to Z2

probably true, but what about the case you posted
043-98-200 2/6/03 030.162-014, it's a PROGRAMMER-ANALYST case

Originally posted by atl01
So it does look like that the cases approved faster are 245(i), non-professional, technical or managerial jobs.

Does anyone have the last case approved with DOT codes beginning with any number <200. ???

I guess there is no point in figuring out their gaming plan. It will be processed when it is our turn.
Re: Re: reply to Z2

ok, I got it, it's just received at DOL, no approval info. yet.

Anybody has any idea how many cases they may process per day or per week or per months?

Originally posted by Z2
probably true, but what about the case you posted
043-98-200 2/6/03 030.162-014, it's a PROGRAMMER-ANALYST case
Reply for Prosix

The DOT code for both the cases is
030.062-010 Software Engineer...
But no change in my case's status...:(

Let me know if that tells you anything.

The cases maybe assigned to different analysts. Some analysts may work faster than the others. But the processing time information from DOL website always use the slowest one or average one.

Since those cases are so close, you may want to call them to find out. You can ask them who the case was assigned to and see if they are to same persons.

Good luck. Keep us posted.
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