Atlanta Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/24/2004)

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LC certified within 9 months


My Ls was filled with the NS SESA SEP 2001 and went to DOL last year DEC 17 2002. Still waiting for the response. But 2 of my friends who filled in June 2002 got their LC just took 1 month at DOL .. I am happy for them .. but wondering how that happend any idea...

I am waiting for morre than 2 years to get my LC cleared while others get it done sooner ?

any thoughts:eek: :confused:
Nope! No update. My case (August 26 2002) is still pending while Atlanta is processing September 2002 cases.:mad:

I have had some friends getting their approvals from Atlanta DOL in a month while others have been waiting for upto 9 months. I dont think it has anything with DOT code either. I guess it would depend on which officer gets your case. Again, just a guess. I would think yours would be approved within 6 months since ATL DOL is currently working on September cases.

Here is some info on labors that were filed with ATL DOL. All of them have the same DOT code.

> Case# Receipt Date Status
> 0439-9xxx Feb 24 Received
> 0440-4xxx May 23 Received
> 0440-4xxx May 23 Certified
> 0440-4xxx May 23 Certified
> 0440-4xxx May 23 Certified
> 0440-4xxx May 16 Received

Hope for the best...
Atlanta phone number and email?

I performed a few searches and could not find the number to call in Atlanta for automated responses on case status.
Could someone please kindly post that phone number and also the automated email?
Thanks in advance.

Hi Everybody,
I came to know thru AVM that my case has been remanded to the employer as of July 19th .Does anybody know,what does it mean? My case was received by the ATL DOL on 10/21/02 & I am an Occupational Therapist . What I understand by reviewing posts from the past, it usually pertains to advertisement efforts by the employer.My employer did the advertisement for at least 6 months before filing the LC . Hopefuly its not something very serious .


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Thanks for the info so, we can assume that Atlanta DOL is working
on Sep-Oct Cases...

As per my knowledge, 'Remand to employer' is different
from 'Remand to State'..
Please read two-three pages back in this thread and someone
had got the same as 'Remand to employer' and probably
Signature problem etc..and he got approved within next 10-15 days...

Check it out and please update this thread about the progress of your case...

Any Sep end or Oct approval in IT area. Please post. Mine was reached to ATL DOL on 17-DEC-2002. Still waiting. Any idea when they will reach Dec.
Could employees going on vacation during summer be one of the reasons for the recent delay in processing?

Guys my federal got cleared in 2 weeks, my application from NC state reached federal on july 07 2003, atlanta approved my labor on july 20 2003 , in 2 weeks
shock to my attorney also, lot of my friends from same employer are waiting from 7-8 months
proved BCIS also does magic

What is your profession or DOT code?

I am a network engineer, case received to Atlando DOL in Jan 2003, still waiting.

You seem to be posting some misleading messages here.
this is from your message in the past(see below)....and now today you mentioned that your labor reached federal on july 07'2003.
Please refrain from misusing this message board.
if you want to indulge in some kind of chat forum for fun...this is not the right place.i am sorry if i sound harsh..but this is really unprofessional on your end.

yada007 posted:
my friends labor was from from Atlanta this week, i am not sure whats going on
his application went from NC to Atlanta on may 14 2003
he got his approval on june 7 2003
it took 3 weeks , he applied as progammer/analyst under RIR EB3

my other friends also got her application approved under same category whose priority date is oct 29 2002
EB3 RIR, approved on may 13-14 2003

i am still waiting from
my application was applied from GA in june 2001
went finally to Federal on jan26 2002
no news from that time
its more than 2 1/2 yrs
god knows when it will be approved
Congrats yada007,

Can you provide sufficient information to the guys in this thread
who are waiting from a long time....

Like your DOT code and profession etc...

I believe your profession is not IT related..
no trash or wrong info
i have 2 labors , one i filed from GA state on june 2001
went into federal on jan272003 stillwaiting, future employee from my friends company

i applied other labor from employer from NC, it got cleared from atlanta in 3 weeks,

folks, i will post the lin and dot code today evening, i have approval notice at home,

i work in IT as project lead
i will post the lin and if you want send your fax no i can fax the approval notice from atlanta federal from the current employer
i rarely use this forum, i browse it everyday but i dont post
why would i use to make false or wrong info
dude u r not harsh but i guess you might have confused from 2 postings
anyway if you want post your no or email here i can give more info
tonite once i go home i will post the lin no and if you want i can post whatever the info u want
Hey Buddy, Be cool dude...

Here we are just requesting you.
Can you post the DOT code etc. and as much information
as you can b'cos you know we guys are waiting from years
and there is no outcome....

Thanks for your help..
OK OK Yada007...kool it.
if you can post the DOT code,Case# and other info that would really help us. we r all waiting here for years and hope you can understand the frustration.
Any GC sponcerers??

I am in US from past 5 years working in SAP.
Any GC sponcerers. from below states:

New Hampshire
West Virginia


Well its been really confusing the way Atlanta DOL works. The other day I was speaking to my attorney and he told me that there are some cases which are eligible for faster processing. For example if you are in 6th/7th year of H1B, speciality occupation like cook, priest etc or you come under EB1. But all other cases are treated as first come first served basis. But based on people's messages here it seems either thats not true or there is something which we guys dont know. Anyone .......I repeat anyone who has more knowledge on Atlanta DOL working please share your views.

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