Atlanta PERM Processing Center Tracking

Awaiting PERM approval

Hello everybody.

I've been following this web site for the last couple of days and it seems really helpful. I just regret I haven't new about it before. I'm almost a year in USA and a company filed for PERM last month. I have a lawyer who is helping me.

I'm waiting for a PERM approval filed by a small business with very few employees. I'm almost desperate because my legal status in USA is almost over and I'm here with my family. Though everybody says that it's going to be tough, I'm a positive person and have a lot of hope. My case sumarizing is as follows:

Logistics Manager
BA + 4 yeras of experience.
Filed ETA, 01/30/2006
status: in process

I would like to have any input from anyone who had been through the whole process, specially for small companies and in case I get an audit or a denial. What to do in those cases? Although I would like to have a follow up to the Atlanta Processing Center.
nuculer said:
I thought the whole point of PERM was that it was streamlined & automated. Why is it taking 3+ months to go through PERM? Anyone have any insight from their lawyers, moles, gurus and palm readers? I mean, do PERM applications have to be looked at by many people? If so, how's it different than the regular process? I thought the whole idea was to make it a rubber-stamp process with selective audits to ensure honesty.

Also, looking at the slick PERM Tracker here:
Why are some applications submitted in 12/05 and 01/06 already approved, while several applications submitted in 11/05 and 12/05 are stuck? I thought this was supposed to be a FIFO system? What accounts for applications being processed out of order?



My case was filed in 09/2005, 5 month past :(, heard of nothing yet. Is this the trend that case filed in September and October 2005 seemed stucked?
Same Here...almost 5 moths

Same with me. Filed 10/7/05, Atlanta, EB3, Statistical Analyst....In Process. Lawyer says "have to wait" :mad:
Delay in getting prevailing wages. URGENT NEED HELP

It has been seven weeks, and my attorney has not been able to get the prevailibg wages from NY DOL. I do not know if there is actual delay from DOL, or is it just usual delaing trick.

Kindly, let me know how long is it taking to obtain prevailing wages from NY DOL. I am already on my seventh year extension, and nearly a nervous wreck because of green card delays.

Please help.

Warm regards

desperation is driving me crazy

i have been following this thread and all perm discussion from the moment i applied for perm. i am in very strange situation. here are some deatils

1st time
Perm filed . june 2005, went through audit, replied to audit..since then its showimg inprocess.

2nd time.
lawyer decided to file for perm again
perm filed Jan, 3rd 2006, its inprocess from very first day.
its important to note that second time perm was filed in december 2005 which got denied in 4 days ..reason wrong wage determination date.

now i have 2 application..both are in for approximately 9 months and other for 2 months.

is there any way i can contact anybody to get update as to what is happening. my lawyer only says one thing ..wait..

thoughts please
PLEASE enter your PERM application in Tracker

Please enter your PERM application -- whether you are waiting, are denied, or have been approved (especially if you have been approved!!!) -- in the online tracker:

This helps everyone understand what the HECK is going on over in Atlanta. Right now there seems to be no pattern at all.


Atlanta Tracker

Hello Nuculer.

I don't know how to introduce the data to the tracker though, my info is as follows:

Priority Date: JAN 30, 2006
Category: EB3 (Company is seeking for EB3 though I have EB2)
Audit: NO
Status: In process
Notes: Logistics Manager - BA +4 (My experience is BA + 6)

I hope you can help me adding this info.

Atlanta PERM Tracker

Alnark said:
I don't know how to introduce the data to the tracker

Just click on the orange button on the top left that says "Add a new entry" and follow instructions.

Here's the link again:

I hope you can help me adding this info.

You have to do it yourself with your own login, so that you can update it later (hopefully when it is approved).

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PERM Approval

I am silent reader of this thread, Yeaterday I got my PERM approval.

I have filed on 14th Jan,2006. It approved on 7th March,2006.
It is EB2. Add is specifed for MS+2 or BS+5. for Computer Software Engineer application (15-1031.00).
SEP03NY said:
I am silent reader of this thread, Yeaterday I got my PERM approval.

I have filed on 14th Jan,2006. It approved on 7th March,2006.
It is EB2. Add is specifed for MS+2 or BS+5. for Computer Software Engineer application (15-1031.00).

Congrats!!! What was the wage level as determined by your SWA?
Was it Level II?

Also, what was the answer for question H-12 on your Form 9089 (Are these requirements normal to the occupation?)

Perm denied after 5 months

:mad: I can't express my disgust right now. Filed Perm Oct 7, 2005, EB-3 Statistical analyst. NO sponsorship email, no audit, just got the denial letter-INSUFFICIENT EMPLOYER ADDRESS.....FOR GOD'S SAKE........
which was the reason of audit??

Civil Eng. +3years
-Applied 01-12-05
-Refiled 06-28-05 PERM
- status: Audit( respond @Aug 14th,05)> in process
-pretty much locked up now?!!!!!!!!
my lawyer says to wait?![/QUOTE]
PERM Approval

mvinays said:
Congrats!!! What was the wage level as determined by your SWA?
Was it Level II?

Also, what was the answer for question H-12 on your Form 9089 (Are these requirements normal to the occupation?)


It is Level II.
H-12 : YES

which was the reason of audit??

pvite said:
which was the reason of audit??

>>Civil Eng. +3years
-Applied 01-12-05
-Refiled 06-28-05 PERM
- status: Audit( respond @Aug 14th,05)> in process
-pretty much locked up now?!!!!!!!!
my lawyer says to wait?!
they called my employer and asked him some q's.this all happened in first two weeks of Jul 05.after that status chaged form Sponsorship to In Process
Status:Incomplete>Audit>Sponsorship>I P
Got Denied after 9 months. don't know reason yet

applied: june 2005..went through audit and denied.

i also have another application pending which is in process. that was filed on jan .03 2006
Did you get sponsorship email?

If you had received sponsorship email then it is a cause to worry for others like me. If not then software might have rejected the appln for some crazy reason....How did you get in your second app? I think you cannot apply with the same employer right? I mean one employee with a comp cannot have two apps pending at the same time..

go0dfella said:
Got Denied after 9 months. don't know reason yet

applied: june 2005..went through audit and denied.

i also have another application pending which is in process. that was filed on jan .03 2006

i did recieve sponsorship email same day.a month later in july i recieved audit which was replied on time since then it was in process.

my lawyere re-applied in jan 03 2006..same job , same emolpyer. only change in application was..he clicked on no to which had caused audit in previous application.

and yes i have heard that u can't have 2 application from same employer..but i never spoke to my lawyer about it.

now it is possiblity that they denied this application due to duplicate , but i don't kow

also my HR send an email to atlanta center last week asking for update and they denied application today. i think i have to wait for letter to know exact reason of denial.
Refile Perm?

Filed Perm 10/7/05. no sponsorship email, no calls. 5 moths later Perm got denied, march 3, 2006. Reason: A selection was not made for Section K-2, Job 3 employer address and the aplication is incomplete. Therefore, per. 656.17(a), this application is denied.

First I thought it is a PO Box number problem, but not the case. In the previous experiense section, when I was not working, attorney put dashes, or NA, or something, not now???????

Attorney recommends refiling, I have to do the recruitment and everything again. Employer does not mind, very supportive. What do you think are my chances the 2nd time?
Sent a PM go0dfella

go0dfella I have sent you a pm...can you pls reply?


go0dfella said:

i did recieve sponsorship email same day.a month later in july i recieved audit which was replied on time since then it was in process.

my lawyere re-applied in jan 03 2006..same job , same emolpyer. only change in application was..he clicked on no to which had caused audit in previous application.

and yes i have heard that u can't have 2 application from same employer..but i never spoke to my lawyer about it.

now it is possiblity that they denied this application due to duplicate , but i don't kow

also my HR send an email to atlanta center last week asking for update and they denied application today. i think i have to wait for letter to know exact reason of denial.
There is nothing like you will not get PERM upon refiling

First fire that lawyer and choose a different one...since you are doing everything from scratch...he is not worth it.

If you do it right you should get it if you have experienced lawyer then you are ok.

gkis said:
Filed Perm 10/7/05. no sponsorship email, no calls. 5 moths later Perm got denied, march 3, 2006. Reason: A selection was not made for Section K-2, Job 3 employer address and the aplication is incomplete. Therefore, per. 656.17(a), this application is denied.

First I thought it is a PO Box number problem, but not the case. In the previous experiense section, when I was not working, attorney put dashes, or NA, or something, not now???????

Attorney recommends refiling, I have to do the recruitment and everything again. Employer does not mind, very supportive. What do you think are my chances the 2nd time?