Does any body know if we should take two pasport style pictures to the Citizenship interview?
It’s over 6 weeks and I am still waiting for their decision to be made. I had my interview on Sep 14th and was promised that I will receive a letter within a week. My Wife applied one month after me, she already got her US passport. I will wait for another 6 weeks before sending an e-mail to my representative/Senator.
Good Luck to everyone
If N 400 denied, Green Card will be Revoked?
I had precisely the same experience. Interview at 2:45. Went through all questions of the file again. Was asked to write a sentence. Asked Six questions. After the interview I was given N-652 indicating "passed" and "recommended/approved". I was also told that I will be notified about the oath ceremony after another review within 4-6 weaks.
I will go through the forum pages to see if other people have had similar experiences.
I had my interview today, late in the afternoon in Atlanta. After the interview I was given N-652 indicating "passed" and "recommended/approved". I was also told that I will be notified about the oath ceremony. Thought that in Atlanta, they let you know the oath data after the interview. Is this unusual? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.