Atlanta Brother's journey is finally over !


Registered Users (C)
Hello all,

Just wanted to give you all heads up here. After waiting for 21 months, I am now a US citizen. I had filed for mandamus (WOM) on Nov 11th' 2007 thru my attorney. Well, last Friday, I got a call from the officer in Atlanta asking me to appear for the interview on Tues morning. I showed up on time. Interview went well. Answered all the history questions and was asked to come to attend the oath the same afternoon. I attended the oath ceremony and was given the certificate.

Thanks to all of you for your positive & encouraging feedback.

Here is my timeline:

N-400 sent: April 2006
1st FP: May 2006
1st Interview: Jan 2007
File wasn't in the office so interview was descheduled.
2nd FP: Sep 2007
2nd Interview: Oct 2007
File wasn't in the office so interview was descheduled again.
WOM filed: Nov 2007
3rd Interview: Jan 8th 2008
Oath: same day on Jan 8th 2008
Applied for Passport: Jan 9th 2008.

Love you all. You guys are great :)
Congrats Atlanta_Brother!! That's great news. Glad to see that all you hard work payed off after such a long wait:)
Any Good Economic Lawyer In Atlanta for Filing WOM?

Hi there,
I would like to file WOM In Atlanta for my U.S Citzenship and need some names of goos lawyer. Any help would be appreciated.

Yesssss!! I'm so happy for you! Congrats with your great victory! Enjoy!!

By the way, did they explain why they kept sending you fake interview letters? Did they finally capture your magically dissapearing A-file? ;) ;)

Hi atlanta brother,

congratulations that your ordeal is over. I appreciate that during all this time you have been supporting everyone with your comments/suggestions.

enjoy your citizenship.

Congratulations! I am sure we are all happy for you. Enjoy the beuaty of a regular life at least with out any immigration issues.
Hello all,

Just wanted to give you all heads up here. After waiting for 21 months, I am now a US citizen. I had filed for mandamus (WOM) on Nov 11th' 2007 thru my attorney. Well, last Friday, I got a call from the officer in Atlanta asking me to appear for the interview on Tues morning. I showed up on time. Interview went well. Answered all the history questions and was asked to come to attend the oath the same afternoon. I attended the oath ceremony and was given the certificate.

Thanks to all of you for your positive & encouraging feedback.

Here is my timeline:

N-400 sent: April 2006
1st FP: May 2006
1st Interview: Jan 2007
File wasn't in the office so interview was descheduled.
2nd FP: Sep 2007
2nd Interview: Oct 2007
File wasn't in the office so interview was descheduled again.
WOM filed: Nov 2007
3rd Interview: Jan 8th 2008
Oath: same day on Jan 8th 2008
Applied for Passport: Jan 9th 2008.

Love you all. You guys are great :)

Congrats !!! That is really a good news.

Can you update us with which lawyer you hired for case and how much the cost was and how was your experience with that lawyer? That would be great help as I may have to do same soon. My wife's successful interview was over in April 2007 still no oath :mad: My last option is lawsuit too.
I'm glad I listened to your advice


Yesssss!! I'm so happy for you! Congrats with your great victory! Enjoy!!

By the way, did they explain why they kept sending you fake interview letters? Did they finally capture your magically dissapearing A-file? ;) ;)


Let me start of by saying big thanks to you. You were very encouraging and kept pushing me to file for WOM. There were other folks here who thought that since I was never interviewed WOM is not really for me. Cybex, you were very confident that WOM was the way to go & look at me.....I am done & overwith now. I still can't believe it. It's still hard to digest to tell you the truth. Every morning when I wake up, I think for few mins just to make sure it wasn't a dream. I am glad it's all over.

Thank you and God Bless.:)......Do I sound like George Bush now ? This is the way he ends his speech, isn't it :)
So many responses, unbelievable

I never knew I would get that many responses and congrats messages from so many friends and folks out here, amazing. I am speechless.

I would like to personally thank Bobsmyth, CISGURU, whatsupdoc, vivalasvegas, cybex, waitingforins2, ProudPal, Huracan, Nimche, N400Atl and worried2007 for all your kind words and support. If I have missed anyone, please forgive me, but to tell you the truth, I wouldn't have made it this far without you & that is the fact.

I pray for each one of you to achieve what you want in life. I know citizenship is one of the many things and that could without a doubt open lot of doors for you & your loved ones.

Please feel free to directly e-mail me at

I understand some of you would like to get my attorney's contact info. I will be more than happy to help & advice.

Take care & Regards :)
Atlanta Brother! First, congratulations on your US citizenship. The wait was long, but now it is over for you.

Yes, this forum babysits so many of us - each one supporting and carrying the other!! And, I love the fact that almost all of us in the forum wishes everyone else all the very best, and cheers them along. No one is jealous - only happy for others as they move along the process.

Good luck to you as you put this behind and move on in life.
Congrats / Mabrook !!

Hey Atlanta Brother , this is great news !! , you did it man , I can imagine the toll it takes on one's day to day life just thinking when it will be over , wish you all the very best , pray I get my Oath soon too :) , its been nearly 2 months now ( Had interview on 11/13) got N652 congrats , but nothing after that .......guess they still have another 2 months to get back to me ( 120 days from the interview day ) ! the customer service number told me to give them another 30 days ( total 90 days) from interview day for them to raise a Query !!

So you've been waiting for Oath since November. Are you sure this is not a name check issue? I hope it's not. Im waiting for Oath too. Which state did you file you case?
RE Namecheck!

Hi NameCheck ! ,

I got the letter N652 saying congratulations and that I had passed my interview and will be schedule for Oath in 3-4 weeks

From what I have learnt from this threat that if Namecheck is pending you usually get the N652 saying ''A decision cannot be made at this time'' which was NOT what happened.

In your case what was the outcome of the interview ?
