Asylum question


New Member
my family was granted asylum by the judge that was back in 2000. I just finish tooking my physical test (for the second time, dont know why) and in may i have an appointment to go due the finger prints again (did them last year) how much do i have left to get my green card? Thanks in advance for your answers.
no body knows for sure. BUT looks like things are moving fast and i won't be surprised if you get it in 3-4 months.
Did you got letters for medical and biometrics yet??? You'll be hearing from them pretty soon as some people from Oct have received those letters. You can tell that things are changing at INS as I sent out my response to their request for medical on Friday. My status was changed on next tuesday saying that they had received my response :rolleyes:
What is going on?

I am new to this site, but can anyone help me understand this. I Just did fingure printing this past July, 2004, Now they sent me a letter to do another fingure prints with biometrics scheduled for april 2005, what is going on?

I Filed for I-485 on August 2000
I recieved my second medical on March 18
I mailed all my response 3-23-2005
First fingure printing on 7-2004
Second notice for FP & Biometrics 3-28-2005

Is this mean they are moving faster or they lost my FP? please help :confused:
I already got the letter for medical exam. I already took the exams with my family and got the results back, nothing found and biometrics are schedule for May 10 2005. what's next on the process? thank you