Asylees joining the military question


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My friend who is a recent asylee is wondering if he will be accepted in the military if he applly. He is thinking instead of waiting for years and years to get his GC, if he could join the military like the permenant residents do and can get the benefit from the new law that grants the citizenship directly after you join the military. Does anyone of you know anything about this?
All I can say is that he is NOT going to wait for years. I would say months REGARDLESS when he filed I-485.
Bri999 said:
My friend who is a recent asylee is wondering if he will be accepted in the military if he applly. He is thinking instead of waiting for years and years to get his GC, if he could join the military like the permenant residents do and can get the benefit from the new law that grants the citizenship directly after you join the military. Does anyone of you know anything about this?

The formal answer would be no. They require at least GC to enter US. Army. However, just today a friend of mine told me that if they really need you, they can accept you even with asylum status, since nowadays americans don't want to serve. At this point higher education, professional skills and knowledge would be helpful. Plus, if INS meets the goal to proceed all types of applications within 6 months, he will get his GC pretty soon.
I read it in some memo that all male asylees have to register for selective service.
They might send him to a real WAR, you know.... Is your friend ready to die for the US citizenship? If he is, this sounds pretty desperate to me... Why can't he wait for a couple of years?
only legal permanent residents can apply for the army/navy. I dont think they will accept ANYONE because they are desperate..

Everyone(including illegals) have to register for Selective Service. Its the law of the land.
wantmygcnow said:
only legal permanent residents can apply for the army/navy. I dont think they will accept ANYONE because they are desperate..

Everyone(including illegals) have to register for Selective Service. Its the law of the land.

what do you mean by selective services?

To answer the others' questions: he wants to speed his citizenship because he only applied for GC this year even with the CIS promised to process 33,000 additional GC in 3 years with the regular 10,000 /year that means they will only process maximum of 63,000 in three years and there are 200,000 asylees waiting for GC...even now with the cap being removed, it wouldn't change the fact that it would take him at least 9 years to get citizenship...he is an asylee and can't go back home. His parents are really old and they only have him in this world, so he wants the citizenship in order to bring them here since they are being harrased by his government because of him. I know it is a big chance that the military will send him to a war zone, but sometimes people are welling to risk their lives when it comes to thier family's safety or to protect thier family
Unless there is a draft they take ONLY citizens and green card holders. No exceptions.

In theory this is possible: Now that the cap is gone they can approve any eligible asylee adjustment file. If a person can somehow impress the USCIS with her eagerness to seve the country in a time of war they might be inclined to expdite the processing of the I-485 application. As soon as the application is approved she is a permanent resident. She can then enlist. As as she enlists she will be covered by bush's executive order making eligible for citizenship immediately. so this is a fast track for citizenship. the hard part is to convince them to speed up your I-485 application.
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Selective Service is a database maintained by the US Government all young men of this country. It is kept just case a involuntary draft is needed to meet a national emergency. Every male citizen, resident, asylees and yes even illegal alien HAS to register (between the age of 18 and 26).

You would run into big problems if they did not comply.

Bri999 said:
what do you mean by selective services?

To answer the others' questions: he wants to speed his citizenship because he only applied for GC this year even with the CIS promised to process 33,000 additional GC in 3 years with the regular 10,000 /year that means they will only process maximum of 63,000 in three years and there are 200,000 asylees waiting for GC...even now with the cap being removed, it wouldn't change the fact that it would take him at least 9 years to get citizenship...he is an asylee and can't go back home. His parents are really old and they only have him in this world, so he wants the citizenship in order to bring them here since they are being harrased by his government because of him. I know it is a big chance that the military will send him to a war zone, but sometimes people are welling to risk their lives when it comes to thier family's safety or to protect thier family
thanks for the advice Hampton. Being in the military isn't bad for him since he is an Engineer and will maybe put in logistic support or something away from being in the fire zone, unlike the poor regular soldiers with no education who are in the front line.

I know for a fact that you can join the Army on asylee basis. They only require you to get your permanent residency in 5 years else they will discharge you. At the moment they need men and women in Armed Forces than ever and believe me they will take you.
Copper1 or anyone in here..

Do you know where this was stated so my friend can have evidence to take with him to show where he is applying that this happens and has been done before???

He just asked today and the requrting officer told him, he has to be an American citizen, he didn't even know that GC holders can join the military and he didn't even know about the new law of granting U.S. citizenship for the ones who is sad that a military reqruter and doesn't know that
Not so fast people. go to and other military webistes and comfirm what the requirements are. I've seen the permanent resident and Citizen requirements always!! please copy and paste excerpts where they say that asylees can join the armed forces without a greencard. BTW even if they can, they can only be enlisted soldiers or grunts. ONLY U.S citizens can be Officers (i.e Lieutenants, Captains etc..)
So even if you are educated you will be a grunt soldier with the rank of Private, fighting in the front lines, fixing trucks and peeling potatoes in the kitchen.
Bri999 said:
My friend who is a recent asylee is wondering if he will be accepted in the military if he applly. He is thinking instead of waiting for years and years to get his GC, if he could join the military like the permenant residents do and can get the benefit from the new law that grants the citizenship directly after you join the military. Does anyone of you know anything about this?


Looks like anyone can join, and will get a citizenship immediately because they are joining during war time.
Let’s assume he can do it, then

He will be sent to Iraq to kill and to be killed.

Life and US citizenship? Which is more important?

How stupid he is!!
They do not accept asylees, refugees or anybody else who is not a permanent resident or a citizen. This is the law of the land, period. This would change only if a draft is in place where everybody is eligible regardless of immigration status.

It is also correct that permanent residents do not become officers in the armed forces. Right now this is a moot point though because people become citizens as soon as they join (actually as soon as the USCIS proceesses the citizenship form.

So to reiterate asylee cannot join before getting his green card.