Asylee N-400 Interview Experiences and 2009 Tracker

Hi All,

I happened to find this website so that I walked through all posts/replys, and I learned tons. Now I passed the interview, took the oath, got passport.

My case is very unique: during the past five years being PR, I used to live and work in COP for almost 600 days (am sure nobody here would even believe it). So guys you can image how my feeling was before the interview. The interview went very smooth: it only took 10 minutes, and IO even didn't look at my passport. I prepared 16 pounds of supporting materials/documents but he only asked for my marriage certificate and made a copy. But he did ask me if I obtained GC on employment basis and I said no it was through asylum. That is it.

So I think, for those who will have interview soon also went back to COP before, my suggestion is that, prepare as much as you can, and be ready to expalin why you had to be there, and what the back-up plan you had prepared once you were back.

God bless you all!
Isn't this something else?
Hi All,

I happened to find this website so that I walked through all posts/replys, and I learned tons. Now I passed the interview, took the oath, got passport.

My case is very unique: during the past five years being PR, I used to live and work in COP for almost 600 days (am sure nobody here would even believe it). So guys you can image how my feeling was before the interview. The interview went very smooth: it only took 10 minutes, and IO even didn't look at my passport. I prepared 16 pounds of supporting materials/documents but he only asked for my marriage certificate and made a copy. But he did ask me if I obtained GC on employment basis and I said no it was through asylum. That is it.

So I think, for those who will have interview soon also went back to COP before, my suggestion is that, prepare as much as you can, and be ready to expalin why you had to be there, and what the back-up plan you had prepared once you were back.

God bless you all!

WOW. Amazing story. Congratulations!
Hi All,

I happened to find this website so that I walked through all posts/replys, and I learned tons. Now I passed the interview, took the oath, got passport.

My case is very unique: during the past five years being PR, I used to live and work in COP for almost 600 days (am sure nobody here would even believe it). So guys you can image how my feeling was before the interview. The interview went very smooth: it only took 10 minutes, and IO even didn't look at my passport. I prepared 16 pounds of supporting materials/documents but he only asked for my marriage certificate and made a copy. But he did ask me if I obtained GC on employment basis and I said no it was through asylum. That is it.

So I think, for those who will have interview soon also went back to COP before, my suggestion is that, prepare as much as you can, and be ready to expalin why you had to be there, and what the back-up plan you had prepared once you were back.

God bless you all!

It is kind of hard to belive.

That's bull...t !!!! Can't believe a word.

Uncle Joe,

Please don't elide any character as everybody knows what you mean. Yes, you are right, as I mentioned in my previous note, it is unbelievable but what I can tell you is that this is not just my case.

I don't need to lie here by telling false story to everybody as is there any reason I need to do so? The reason Why I am willing to post my experience here is simply because I benefited from this forum a lot, specially some positve experiences from others and followed by tremendous encourage. Sharing and encouraging is all this forum about, isn't it? By paying back, I think it would be good to post my experience with all of you here and hopefully someone can benefit as I did.

Nothing is impossible as far as you believe the Gos is with you.
Uncle Joe,

Please don't elide any character as everybody knows what you mean. Yes, you are right, as I mentioned in my previous note, it is unbelievable but what I can tell you is that this is not just my case.

I don't need to lie here by telling false story to everybody as is there any reason I need to do so? The reason Why I am willing to post my experience here is simply because I benefited from this forum a lot, specially some positve experiences from others and followed by tremendous encourage. Sharing and encouraging is all this forum about, isn't it? By paying back, I think it would be good to post my experience with all of you here and hopefully someone can benefit as I did.

Nothing is impossible as far as you believe the Gos is with you.

So you wanna tell that you were granted asylum, came back to your COP worked there came back to US spend some time here went to COP again. What was the reason for Asyum? Did you lie when you applied?

So you wanna tell that you were granted asylum, came back to your COP worked there came back to US spend some time here went to COP again. What was the reason for Asyum? Did you lie when you applied?

I think because you lied that is why you think everybody else did the same thing. You even don't know my case, and I don't even wanna tell you I have been here for more than 15 years and company (big company) sent me back on oversea assignment but with confirmed protection from company lawyer.

15-year is not a short period of time which lots of things may change. The situation in today's COP is also quite different with before. Don't get me wrong, I fully agree one previous posting, saying "Does going back to COP automatically prove the absent of fear", "People do lots of thing in fear but they still have to do, like soldier".

In summary, going back doesn't mean you lied when you applied (I was in lockup for 15 days), agree? going back and coming back doesn't mean you are not afraid of fear anymore (back-up plan), agree? situation changes in your COP doesn't mean you don't qualify for Naturalisation (don't look down upon on ourselves simply because you are supposed to get citizenship once you meet all criteria being a lawful PR), agree? I suggest you first to look at all postings here to know others' experience, and read again from the book about one of the spirit of immigration: freedom of religion.

Again, am here just to share and encourage. If majority of this forum doesn't believe my experience, I then will shup up my mouth. Thanks everyone.
I believe you Americandeam.
There is no reason to lie in this forum.

Asylum is unique to individual cases. My country for instance has done a grate job against guerrilla. We have a wonderful president that has been able to give some peace to our region.

Uncle Joe, keep in mind that even though it's call "Political asylum" asylum is also granted on other basis like religion, sex orientation, domestic violence and other basis that maybe you and I don't even know.

You are free to post, since this is an open forum, but please criticize with respect.
I believe you Americandeam.
There is no reason to lie in this forum.

Asylum is unique to individual cases. My country for instance has done a grate job against guerrilla. We have a wonderful president that has been able to give some peace to our region.

Uncle Joe, keep in mind that even though it's call "Political asylum" asylum is also granted on other basis like religion, sex orientation, domestic violence and other basis that maybe you and I don't even know.

You are free to post, since this is an open forum, but please criticize with respect.

Any ex-asylees in Washington D.c(Fairfax DO) got their citizenship recently?
I think because you lied that is why you think everybody else did the same thing. You even don't know my case, and I don't even wanna tell you I have been here for more than 15 years and company (big company) sent me back on oversea assignment but with confirmed protection from company lawyer.

15-year is not a short period of time which lots of things may change. The situation in today's COP is also quite different with before. Don't get me wrong, I fully agree one previous posting, saying "Does going back to COP automatically prove the absent of fear", "People do lots of thing in fear but they still have to do, like soldier".

In summary, going back doesn't mean you lied when you applied (I was in lockup for 15 days), agree? going back and coming back doesn't mean you are not afraid of fear anymore (back-up plan), agree? situation changes in your COP doesn't mean you don't qualify for Naturalisation (don't look down upon on ourselves simply because you are supposed to get citizenship once you meet all criteria being a lawful PR), agree? I suggest you first to look at all postings here to know others' experience, and read again from the book about one of the spirit of immigration: freedom of religion.

Again, am here just to share and encourage. If majority of this forum doesn't believe my experience, I then will shup up my mouth. Thanks everyone.

You'd better start your original post with "15 years living here". Yes I agree 15 years could change everything in COP.
I believe you Americandeam.
There is no reason to lie in this forum.

Asylum is unique to individual cases. My country for instance has done a grate job against guerrilla. We have a wonderful president that has been able to give some peace to our region.

Uncle Joe, keep in mind that even though it's call "Political asylum" asylum is also granted on other basis like religion, sex orientation, domestic violence and other basis that maybe you and I don't even know.

You are free to post, since this is an open forum, but please criticize with respect.

Ms Lopez, It doesn't matter, when you asking for Asylum you asking for protection from COP where were you lived and feel fear to coming back, not moving inside the country. Next thing you going back over there and staying there for long period of time. So it means that you are not feeling fear to live overthere.
I believe you Americandeam.
There is no reason to lie in this forum.

Asylum is unique to individual cases. My country for instance has done a grate job against guerrilla. We have a wonderful president that has been able to give some peace to our region.

Uncle Joe, keep in mind that even though it's call "Political asylum" asylum is also granted on other basis like religion, sex orientation, domestic violence and other basis that maybe you and I don't even know.

You are free to post, since this is an open forum, but please criticize with respect.

Yes it's a free forum, you can express yourself as you want as long as it goes according with the Law and regulations. You can't advice people to do things which are clearly bypassing the INA, such as going back to COP.
Yes people have a right to choose whatever is best for them.
But advocating and pushing people to go to COP and telling them you'll be alright it's not right. yes case by case scenario like funeral, severe illness of one of the close relatives, off course you will go no matter what. But going for 2 weeks vacation? Correct me if am wrong
But advocating and pushing people to go to COP and telling them you'll be alright it's not right. yes case by case scenario like funeral, severe illness of one of the close relatives, off course you will go no matter what. But going for 2 weeks vacation? Correct me if am wrong

Where and when did I say that?
Uncle Joe..How about we let USCIS determine who has a valid claim for asylum & who doesnt. Whats the point in you or I or someone else judging without knowing the details?

Knowing details?
Please explain me, I just didn't get it. Principal asylum asking protection from
his/her country saying that he can't go back because of this taht, etc. Then he/she travels to this country over and over again. So is that normal? Im paying taxes to support those "asylees"?

I'm not judging her. I don't like when people giving bad advices, encouraging other people to do things which can affect their status. I don't like when people getting asylum they didn't deserve, faking facts of persecution, then after granting asylum, going to COP for vacation. I don't like when other people who really can't go back getting deported because a lot of fakers around. I don't like when people trying to the Government to get benefits out of it.

I'm worrying about people who suffering and for those who's getting asylum or refugee status and that status is only one chance for them.
Knowing details?
Please explain me, I just didn't get it. Principal asylum asking protection from
his/her country saying that he can't go back because of this taht, etc. Then he/she travels to this country over and over again. So is that normal? Im paying taxes to support those "asylees"?

I'm not judging her. I don't like when people giving bad advices, encouraging other people to do things which can affect their status. I don't like when people getting asylum they didn't deserve, faking facts of persecution, then after granting asylum, going to COP for vacation. I don't like when other people who really can't go back getting deported because a lot of fakers around. I don't like when people trying to the Government to get benefits out of it.

I'm worrying about people who suffering and for those who's getting asylum or refugee status and that status is only one chance for them.

I had the same outlook as you few years back but I did change my outlook on things. Look I havent gone to COP and will never go even when i become a USC...but for some people its different. Yes they were persecuted but things may have changed as for country conditions..etc! ...I claimed asylum in 1992 and I can tell you for sure that things have changed in my COP in the 18 or so years...Others are in the same boat.

I learned in the past that we can't call this a black & white issue..because even USCIS is not sure how to handle it. I never used by NP but time after time when I traveled(with GC), the officers said where is your NP...well they didnt care if I was an ex-asylee and that I couldnt' use NP...but they kept on asking..sending me to secondary..finally I got it written from them that they want me to use a NP and not a RP...

Point is USCIS is not clear about this issue. Whenever somoene goes for their interview for will be judged by the officer as to whta is fake and what is real..dont you think?
I had the same outlook as you few years back but I did change my outlook on things. Look I havent gone to COP and will never go even when i become a USC...but for some people its different. Yes they were persecuted but things may have changed as for country conditions..etc! ...I claimed asylum in 1992 and I can tell you for sure that things have changed in my COP in the 18 or so years...Others are in the same boat.

I learned in the past that we can't call this a black & white issue..because even USCIS is not sure how to handle it. I never used by NP but time after time when I traveled(with GC), the officers said where is your NP...well they didnt care if I was an ex-asylee and that I couldnt' use NP...but they kept on asking..sending me to secondary..finally I got it written from them that they want me to use a NP and not a RP...

Point is USCIS is not clear about this issue. Whenever somoene goes for their interview for will be judged by the officer as to whta is fake and what is real..dont you think?


Don't waste you time. He will come back with another argument. Your story is like mine. At first I thought no one could go back to their COP. Over the years, I have learn the story is different.

My advise..., don't advise. Everyone will end up doing what they want.

Good luck with your process.
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