Asylee applying for citizenship


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A friend of mine is soon eligible for citizenship.He has green card on base of asylum.
When he filed asylum he was married in his native country,but he had not sufficient knowledge/documents to prove his marriage at that time.
Now he is filing for citizenship,so whether
*He should show him as married now(his son is 16 years old,back in home country)
*File as single,after citizenship go back to home country & show marriage.

If someone has same experience or knowledge,please guide him.

It depends upon what did he show his status in the asylum application. If he showed himself as unmarried, i am not sure if can claim now that he was married and lied in the initial application.
Also, uscis doesn't ask for any proof of marriage when you file asylum. They just ask for name of dependents. You need proof of marriage only when you file I-730. Any proof will work. Including Affidavit from 2 elderly people from your native country who attended you marriage.

So, back to basic question. Did he show himself as married or unmarried on initial application for asylum. Also, does he have birth certificate of his son with his name as Father. If he goes back and shows marriage then how he is going to prove that he now has a 12 year old son. That will become more complicated. My suggestion would be to consult an attorney and look for the most honest way to proving that you have a family and not get into lying thing again.
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