ASC -- Did you go to Arlington?


Registered Users (C)

Did you go to the Arlington, INS Office? If so, what did they say?

Hope they scheduled an interview for you, and that it\'s sooner than later....

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I did not go yet, but contacted Rep. Tom Davis and his office informed me that they will get back to me by the end of this week. I\'ll keep you guys posted and Srini, is your case transferred to Arlington too?
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Hi there!ASC&NDOCT99!! This is Destiny101. I finally got the call for interview at Arlington. After nearly six months !!! It is tomorrow (4/11/2001). I will post you the details of how it went through. Thanks.
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Hi ASC, case is not transferred to Arlington...

But, I do appreciate your reply...since destiny101 (whose ND is 9/99)
got the interview call now, you are not too far behind...

Also, you approaching the Congressman\'s office will pay off as well, I am sure...

Please keep the faith....don\'t lose hope.

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Hi destiny101,

Congratulations on the interview call!!!

It\'s really wonderful, Arlington is scheduling interview after about 21 months from RD...

I am sure you will get your passport stamped tomorrow...

Please share with us the interview details and the GOOD NEWS....

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Hearty, hearty congratulations! I am so happy for you and wish you the best with the interview (I am sure it is done by now: 11.15). Please post the entire details.
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Thank you so much Srini123. Congressman\'s office just now got back and informed me that it\'s(interview call from INS, Arlington) going to happen (that\'s what INS told them) within 2 months. Destiny101\'s RD is 9/99 and mine is 8/99, so I am expecting it anytime.
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Destiny101: I have been waiting (eagerly/anxiously) to hear from you about the interview!!! Are you back? Could you please post the details? Thanks-a-bunch
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Hi Srini123,ASC and NDOCT99,

First of all let me tell you the happy news! As of 12PM today, I am a permanent resident!!! All passports (Mine/wife/Kids) were stamped for permanent residence. Thanks to the sweet and helpful INS officer!!

I am sorry, I am getting back to you this late. I live almost 125 Miles from INS Arlington. I got home only by 4 PM.

I reached Arlington by 9:30 AM. My attorney was already waiting for me (Please do not go without your attorney !!).My interview was to take place in Room 311. When I reached there, there were about 30 people already waiting. Most of them had their attornies. With an attorney sitting next to you, you probably stand a better chance of taking less questions. My Intervirew was scheduled at 10AM. I dropped my call letters in the drop box and with in 10 Minutes, my attorney took me inside to the INS Officer.

She grilled me for an Hour and fifteen minutes atleast (1:15), can you believe that !!

These are the documents that I took (rather, I was asked to take with me). Some may not be applicable to you depending on your situation:

1. Passport with I-94
2. Immigration Photos
3. Interview letter
4. Letter of Employment
5. House Lease document ( for proof of residence of me/wife living together)
6. Bank Statement ( for proof of residence )
7. All Marks cards, degree certificates, Exp. Letters
8. Birth certificates (my wife had affidavits)
9. Tax returns for the past three years with W2’s (Both Federal and State)
10. Marriage certificate
11. Form I- 134 (Affidavit of support)
12. EAD card
13. Pay slips of past three months
14. Photo Album showing photos for proof of shared life
15. Copy of Driver’s License
16. SSN card
17. Copies of Passports
18. Copies of all the above documents.

Yea, sure, it is a truck load!!! But if it would get my GC, I was willing to carry it. They sure don\'t have any Xeroxing facility at INS! So, better carry all that you need.The interview letter itsef was very clear, all the above documents + any other document relevent for the case.

She started off with the basic question, proof that my company was still interested in keeping me after the GC. I had an updated letter in which my company had clearly stated that after the GC my chances of continuing in the company are excellent. They wanted a letter which clearly indicated my position in the company, my current salary and whether the position was temporory or permanent. Well, there was some discussion about which was the company, what they do and all that. The officer told me that it was not clear to the INS about the intent of my company, whether they would continue with me, so it seems my case went for an interview ( I cound not buy that, b\'coz, two others who applied along with me from the same company, did not have to go to the interview !).

Next were all the personal documents. My tax payments for the last three years was just seen. My marriage certificate was thoroughly scrutinized. I had to answer why I took my marriage certificate after 8 yrs of marriage and not before.When I told her that in India, things were different, she looked at me with utter disbelief!! Added to that, my birth certificate was also recent. She was not able to believe that some one could have existed with out a B\'certificate !!

Next she asked me for an updatd affidavit of support for my wife and family. Fortunately my attorney had asked me to carry the same and I had it.

Subsequent to that B\'certificates of my family was also checked, verified.

A word of caution if you happen to have affidavit in lieu of actual Birth certificate. My wife had it. It has to be from two people (Only one of whom can be the parent). They have to state in the affidavit as to how they got the knowledge of the child\'s birth. In my wife\'s affidavit, this was not stated. She was about to send me back for that, but fortunately, she reconciled.

It was jsut a courtesy interview for the family. She quickly finished with them and asked for our passports. My I-94 was taken off and replaced with the stamp of permanent residence.

Sorry if I bored you with too many details. I just wanted you to be aware of what all took place. Depending on how your situation is, your intervew could either be shorter or longer.

Thanks to each of you for sharing information. This board was all I had, to run for comfort, at the time of distress.I must convey my special thanks to Mr.RK for keeping this chat board.

Srini, I hope your case will go through without the need for an interview. Thanks for all the inspiration that you gave, as you always have done.

ASC, I will get back to this board if you need anything more. I sincerely hope and pray that you get your call sooner. Your RD is earlier than mine, but I waited from October for this call. As I was being over cautious in terms of carrying documents,my boss said, INS is out to help you and they will definetely go to any extent to do that.If they decide to screw you, they will make sure of that too by going to any extent.

All the feelings of hurt and rejection of waiting will vanish when you have your passport stamped. All the best !!!
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Hi destiny101,


Secondly, Enjoy the Freedom...GOD Bless You and Your Family...

Really felt happy to see your post and Thanks very much for your
detailed post.

I am surprised that the INS officer had so many questions related
to the continuity of your employment...but, that\'s a thing in the
past...enjoy, your freedom...and thanks much for your wishes...

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You are next...after reading destiny101\'s experience...I am sure you
will have no problems either...just have to wait for the day of the interview...waiting is very very tough...but, please be patient...

Best Wishes,
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Destiny101: Once again I congratulate you and your family!!! I can imagine how relieved you are!!! Couple of quick questions: When did you reveive the interivew letter (would we have sufficient time to gather all the documents: I already have most of them); I also have an affidavit with the content they are asking for and I do have the non-availability certificate from the Municipality. Does your wife have the non-availability certificate/letter too? Did they ask for it?

Again, enjoy the freedom....... wish you the best....
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ASC: The interview letter came with a very short notice (5 days ).

My wife was not asked the NAC. I didn\'t have it either. It is good that you have it... who may be required.

All the best...
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Congratulations...Thanks for all the details, I am sure they must be very very helpful for other people who are in the line.

By the way could you update the tracker if you haven\'t done already. Thanks.

Here is the link if you want to go directly to rigistration page on
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Another question Destiny101: Did they ask for medical\'s? We did in June 99 and I do not know how long are they valid? Thanks
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I suggest that you get the latest medical report from your doctor...
thing is, if your doctor asked you to take some booster shots (3 injections over a 6 month span...I don\'t exactly remember, what those
injections are for)...the doctor may have asked for a waiver from
INS in the I-693 form (sent along with the I-485 application)

So, you may want to go the doctor and get a new updated version of your medical report...just to be on the safe side...the
doctor will give it to you...with no hassle...

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Destiny please help me out I have some questions in my mind.
First thing I am not working with my AC sponsor company, After AD
I am working with different company, Which they already gave me Employment Letter,but INS wants original AC sponsor company Letter?
If they want that what can I do. I have all other related documents
ready including tax returns,W2 and other certificates.
So please help me out.

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They sure did. I think medicals are valid for a period of three years. I did mine in July 99. However, it probably helps to take what Srini is suggesting....

In my case, the INS officer just mentioned to me during the interview that they already have my medical report.

On second thoughts...If an updated medical is requird by INS, they will inform you of that in the interview letter. In my interview letter, the medical document requirement box was not checked.
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Hi destiny101,
   I read you experience and thanks for you detailed information. My case is transfered to INS NY. Any idea how long it takes to get an interview call or if any of your friends from NY has this kind of problem. Any kind of information will be appriciated.
