AS6 back from COP, duration of trip 20 days!

It is so fun to have you guys look angry this way!
my point has made, you guys do it on your own risk! or dont do it at all!
use your common sense to face the "FACT SHEET" if you are not someone very famous in your COP, who cares about you?
I'll be posting my experience back to COP in JUNE! Thank you for making this so much fun!
I agree with DoubleV,heh.
If you really need to go forget about ifs or buts and just do it.
Ofcourse you can play it safe all your life but hey have some fun and remember you are just a little a# amoung millions of others,so chill.
GC is a GC.
Well.. I'm not famous at all, but USCIS certainly cares about me. That's why they granted me political asylum, and then gave me a green card...
and if you dont behave they will take away your GC and deport you, how scary is that! and let me tell you another truth, they will also put you into the jail, make sure you have a good relationship with your jail mates, like T-bag did in "Prison Breaks" :eek:
Double_V said:
It is so fun to have you guys look angry this way!
my point has made, you guys do it on your own risk! or dont do it at all!
use your common sense to face the "FACT SHEET" if you are not someone very famous in your COP, who cares about you?
I'll be posting my experience back to COP in JUNE! Thank you for making this so much fun!

You are welcome!!!
We have to let this guy have his 15 minutes of fame... His mother went back to cop, and he thinks he has the most solid evidence against USCIS, and feels the most popular person in the world..

Oh Double V... it must feel great having to reply 10 posts in one day....
jubilee said:
visiting COP and renewing GC remain two separate and different deal.

The same as visiting COP and applying for US citizenship. But you never know... The bottom line of this endless discussions is that you can go back to COP if you have a good reason for that. If it's just for fun I wouldn't recommend anyone to do that. Just doesn't worth it...
Double_V deserves credit for posting his experience and thought. What was more beneficial, he had actions ( fact ) while others discussed ideas.
What about prosecution in COP?

Reading these posts... What is the problem here? So many of you get asylum status claiming severe prosecution from the home country and then as soon as green card comes in - go back home and enjoy it! And dont tell me about the "change of circumstances"! The majority of those who advocate for going to COP after green card just worry about USCIS finding out or asking about it at the citizen interview! Not the fear of death/damage in home country! Was the claimed prosecution even real? Or just the way to get the status in US? This does not concern everyone on this forum, but some posts just make me ashamed. I have not been in my country for 9 years. And my child is still there! Wouldn't you say it is serious enough reason to go there now, when I am LPR? But the prosecution that drove me to this country is real enough - if I go, I may never come back alive. Please respect this country and the refuge that it gave you when you needed it, not just try to take advantage of it and trick the immigration system.
doctorn said:
Reading these posts... What is the problem here? So many of you get asylum status claiming severe prosecution from the home country and then as soon as green card comes in - go back home and enjoy it! And dont tell me about the "change of circumstances"! The majority of those who advocate for going to COP after green card just worry about USCIS finding out or asking about it at the citizen interview! Not the fear of death/damage in home country! Was the claimed prosecution even real? Or just the way to get the status in US? This does not concern everyone on this forum, but some posts just make me ashamed. I have not been in my country for 9 years. And my child is still there! Wouldn't you say it is serious enough reason to go there now, when I am LPR? But the prosecution that drove me to this country is real enough - if I go, I may never come back alive. Please respect this country and the refuge that it gave you when you needed it, not just try to take advantage of it and trick the immigration system.

Well said, however you need to know many of these people who go back to COP have been here for more than 10 years. You should remember that many of us applied asylum in early 1990's and got approval 8,9,10 years later..and then waited in the asylee cap...

So yes you are right..however I think the USCIS has judged them already, we cannot take the liberty of judging without knowing the extent of their situations.
doctorn said:
Reading these posts... What is the problem here? So many of you get asylum status claiming severe prosecution from the home country and then as soon as green card comes in - go back home and enjoy it! And dont tell me about the "change of circumstances"! The majority of those who advocate for going to COP after green card just worry about USCIS finding out or asking about it at the citizen interview! Not the fear of death/damage in home country! Was the claimed prosecution even real? Or just the way to get the status in US? This does not concern everyone on this forum, but some posts just make me ashamed. I have not been in my country for 9 years. And my child is still there! Wouldn't you say it is serious enough reason to go there now, when I am LPR? But the prosecution that drove me to this country is real enough - if I go, I may never come back alive. Please respect this country and the refuge that it gave you when you needed it, not just try to take advantage of it and trick the immigration system.

You have brought up a very good point.
wantmygcnow said:
Well said, however you need to know many of these people who go back to COP have been here for more than 10 years. You should remember that many of us applied asylum in early 1990's and got approval 8,9,10 years later..and then waited in the asylee cap...

So yes you are right..however I think the USCIS has judged them already, we cannot take the liberty of judging without knowing the extent of their situations.

I am not judging - thats why I said that my post does not concern to everyone on this section of the forum. It is strange, though, that most of those posts talk about the convenience/inconvenience at the US immigration border upon return from the COP. It is like everyone understands that going to the home country and being there is not a problem... Almost silly - what kind of problem could that be, right? I have yet to see a post that says: "Help needed: did anyone return safely from the COP? (meaning was there any problem in the COP for the asylee from that country)" I think that my biggest problem is with the posts of those who talk about going back to the COP with such bravado, as if the point for them is to dare the immigration officer at the POE and then declare to the rest of the forum - see, I know how to deal with them, you can learn, too!
doctorn said:
I am not judging - thats why I said that my post does not concern to everyone on this section of the forum. It is strange, though, that most of those posts talk about the convenience/inconvenience at the US immigration border upon return from the COP. It is like everyone understands that going to the home country and being there is not a problem... Almost silly - what kind of problem could that be, right? I have yet to see a post that says: "Help needed: did anyone return safely from the COP? (meaning was there any problem in the COP for the asylee from that country)" I think that my biggest problem is with the posts of those who talk about going back to the COP with such bravado, as if the point for them is to dare the immigration officer at the POE and then declare to the rest of the forum - see, I know how to deal with them, you can learn, too!

I totally agree with you. Your point of people thinking "Will i be able to return rather than will I be safe in COP?"" is a very good one.

I wouldn't dare to go back to my COP even if I had family members there. I would ask them to visit me...