Arrested while on F1 -poongunranar pl advise


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I was arrested for selling beer to a minor while I was working in a gas station during my collge days (F1 visa)
In my 485, I did put all the details.
Since I was not allowed to work during that time, would this affect my GC process in any way.

Please let me know of any options I may have.

Appreciate your help
Originally posted by pip

I was arrested for selling beer to a minor while I was working in a gas station during my collge days (F1 visa)
In my 485, I did put all the details.
Since I was not allowed to work during that time, would this affect my GC process in any way.

Please let me know of any options I may have.

Appreciate your help

I have the most respect for poongunrar's knowledge on legal experience and learn a lot from his posts.

However, I would suggest that your scenario is more than a 485 issue. Your attorney must have asked a lot of questions and told possibility of approval/denial when filing.

Selling alcohol to a minor is considered a serious offense. This could have a serious effect on your prospects rather than working during F1.

I assume you might not have been 'legally' paid during your work at gas station, as they can't employ you. You could have been deported during that time itself. you dont have to worry about 'working' during F1 since you did not receive W2 ( I assume).

If you are serious about your Green card, get a high profile attorney, give him all the details.

Definitely your arrest is going to show up in FBI background check, particularly if you did time.

Did you ever got your EAD/AP approved ?

Good Luck.

What ihack1 commented w.r.t the seriousness of the violation is 100% true. Anyway, please provide more details so that I can share whatever little I know:
  1. Please provide the timeline ( at least month/year ) of the offense, any other immigration petition filed subsequently and if so when, etc. Also, rough timeline(keeping in mind your privacy) of the arrest, arraignment, and disposal of the case.
  2. State you committed the offense.
  3. Did you plead nolo contendre(no-contest) or were adjudged guilty?
  4. What was the sentence imposed and sentence served?
  5. Did you knowingly distribute the controlled substance to a minor without verifying the State ID?
  6. Were you convicted on one count of the offense, or you had multiple counts and possibly even sold the substance to multiple minors?
  7. Did you enter into any kind of plea-bargain after admitting to the guilt? Say, expunging of the criminal records after satisfying a mutated sentence at the convincement of the Judge?
    A closer look at my questions would suggest to you that I am seeing a silver-lining in your case, that, despite the gravity of your offense, you were not touched by INS. This should offer some real hopes to you.

    Unfortunately, controlled substance abuse is the leading charge under which most aliens are removed. Possession seems to be slightly benign than selling the controlled substance to others, especially to minors, which is very serious. So, kindly see if you can provide some insight to those questions, of course, keeping your privacy intact.

    Good luck. There is always a reason for hope. You are not doomed, as the situation may suggest to you. Such thoughts are merely attesting that we are human-beings with stellar intellectual imaginary powers :)
More info

Ihack1 and poonggunranar,

Appreciate your quick responses.
Here are more details on the case: -
1. This was in June of 1992 and it was arraigned in July
2. Texas
3. The attorney I had at that time asked me to plead guilty so the fine would be a minimum and it was reduced to a class C misdemeanor.
4. There was no jail time. It was a fine of $100 +court costs. ( I was arrested though and taken to jail)
5. The guy looked over 21, so I didn’t bother to ask for an ID. Later the officer said that it was a setup and that they were doing it for all the stations in the neighborhood.
6. I was convicted for 2 counts. First was, “selling beer to a minor” which was reduced to a class C misdemeanor and “permitting consumption of alcohol on premises” which was dismissed. (Apparently there were some customers who were drinking in the parking lot, which I did not know of)
7. No. I was never given that option

Some more details on the case:
It was my uncle’s store and I was just helping him out sometimes. I was not an employee worker and was not on payroll.
While filing for 485, I mentioned this to my lawyer who has put all the details in my application. He says that I will be called for an interview and asked about it, when it is time for my file to be adjudicated. He said that selling beer to a minor (Class C) is not a big issue. He was skeptical if the INS officer would catch the fact that I was on an F1, (not allowed to work) when this happened, which would be the bigger problem.
Ihack1, I had applied for my Canadian immigration also as a backup and when I got the FBI clearance, it did not show the arrest record. I think because it was a class C misdemeanor and it would have gone away from my record in 3 years.
Also, I have been approved for EAD/AP all along. I am on my 3rd EAD and 3rd AP.

Do you guys think I would be able to file the 245(i) to rectify my “out-of-status” status.

I really appreciate the time you took to answer. You guys are great
More info

Ihack1 and poonggunranar,

Appreciate your quick responses.
Here are more details on the case: -
1. This was in June of 1992 and it was arraigned in July
2. Texas
3. The attorney I had at that time asked me to plead guilty so the fine would be a minimum and it was reduced to a class C misdemeanor.
4. There was no jail time. It was a fine of $100 +court costs. ( I was arrested though and taken to jail)
5. The guy looked over 21, so I didn’t bother to ask for an ID. Later the officer said that it was a setup and that they were doing it for all the stations in the neighborhood.
6. I was convicted for 2 counts. First was, “selling beer to a minor” which was reduced to a class C misdemeanor and “permitting consumption of alcohol on premises” which was dismissed. (Apparently there were some customers who were drinking in the parking lot, which I did not know of)
7. No. I was never given that option

Some more details on the case:
It was my uncle’s store and I was just helping him out sometimes. I was not an employee worker and was not on payroll.
While filing for 485, I mentioned this to my lawyer who has put all the details in my application. He says that I will be called for an interview and asked about it, when it is time for my file to be adjudicated. He said that selling beer to a minor (Class C) is not a big issue. He was skeptical if the INS officer would catch the fact that I was on an F1, (not allowed to work) when this happened, which would be the bigger problem.
Ihack1, I had applied for my Canadian immigration also as a backup and when I got the FBI clearance, it did not show the arrest record. I think because it was a class C misdemeanor and it would have gone away from my record in 3 years.
Also, I have been approved for EAD/AP all along. I am on my 3rd EAD and 3rd AP.

Do you guys think I would be able to file the 245(i) to rectify my “out-of-status” status.

I really appreciate the time you took to answer. You guys are great
I run a beer station and , one of the student(UTA) who works in my store got arrested for the same reason AND HE GOT APPROVED LAST MONTH. More over you can work in gas station or some where else, saying that you are helping your friend or relative(OWNER) . It is not illegal or some thing else, But Any how It is always varies CASE BY CASE. Good luck

do you know if your friend got an interview call and did he disclose that fact in the 485 application. Also was your friend's initials JL. (Becoz I know someone who was in the same boat)

PIP as long as you filed your GC petition before April 30, 2001 and you were physically present here in the US on Dec 21, 2000 you will be protected under 245(i) for out of status issues. If it comes down to that I guess you need to file a 485(a) amendment form and pay a fine of $1000.
8 U.S.C. § 1227(a)(2)(B) does provide means for INS to remove an alien by construing a drug related offense as "aggravated felony," or "crime involving moral turpitude(CIMT)," or both, so long as the substance involved is classified as a "controlled substance" as defined in 21 U.S.C § 802. A casual perusal of 21 U.S.C § 802 shows that "wines" or "malted spirits" and other alcoholic substances are NOT classified as "controlled substances" under this section of the law. This means, you are substantially safer. However, please note that Immigration law is highly interpretive in nature and the very liberal wording of the statutes can be suited to one's whims and fancies. While the law explicitly doesn't define what a CIMT is, case-law has interpreted it many ways. By those interpretations, any crime is by itself morally offensive ( malum in se or/as well as malum prohibitum). Is there a good-crime? (What an oxymoron, it would be!!!) A few times, crimes against the authority of the Government have also been construed as constituting CIMT. In my personal opinion, INS takes into account a number of other related factors, before jumping on denial or removal, including the sentence imposed, the definition of the crime as per State and Federal Statutes, presence or absence of determinative mens rea(criminal intent), presence/absence of violence as a factor, whether the offense is malum in se or malum prohibitum ("inherent evil and despicable in by itself" or "evil as statutorily denounced by law"). This is important, else, the alien will invoke his right to appeal before the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) and if that fails then approaches the Circuit Court on appeal. It is here that INS has to clearly prove why an alien has to be removed. By not having a proper case, it will cost enormous pain and aggravation to the Service to pursue tenuous cases.

Enough of irritating gobbledygook, which I had to trudge for the sake of completion. Now, yours is not a "controlled substance," even though you had distributed a contraband substance. You had no mens rea (criminal intent) to the crime. Yours is not a felony as per your State Law, rather it was a "Class C Misdemeanor," and a misdemeanor can be considered to be a "Felony" for immigration purposes, if and only if it satisfies 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(43). In the aforementioned para, this is what I systematically addressed and eliminated by showing how "beer" and "wine" was not included in 21 U.S.C § 802, which is a precondition to warrant the invocation of 8 U.S.C. § 1227(a)(2)(B) under 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(43). I will stand corrected, if any of the criminal/immigration attorney reading this wishes to differ. Your sentence was less than 365 days. Your CIMT is the only offense (I assume it is the case) and you have no other criminal offenses in your record.

Thanks to t485 for providing a similar-case that was adjudicated, which gives a visible imprimatur to my opinions on this subject. :) At least, please do pass the advice to other F1 cases, so that they may be more cautious when they work at STOPs, KWIKs or PATs.

Applying the aforementioned legalese to your case, I am very confident, my friend, that you are safe of all hassles. Your attorney's presumption is very reasonable, I would think. I am also 100% sure that your case will be transferred to a local-office for interview. One of the first communique you will receive, will be in re to the facts and dispository details of your case. After that, you may get a call for interview. Keep us posted, as others, similar to your own case may heave a sigh of relief. Good luck and God bless.

As always great detailed analysis. Iam learning a lot. You have been of great help to the forum.

Thanks a lot, friend. I am also learning a lot from this forum and many have been of great help to each other. Great guns!!

poongunranar and ihack1

Appreciate your responses.
poongunranar, thank you for taking the time and researching the issue. Man, I have been following the forum for quite sometime and the way you help people is amazing ! I am sure God is noticing every effort you make to help people and hope HE will reward you for it.

I have just one last question to both of you.
In my interview, what should I say/admit.
What I was thinking was telling them that I used to help my uncle sometimes in his business and was not paid for it.
(here's a better one:)
that I was picking up my uncle from his station and while he was in the restroom, the customer who was in a hurry and did not want to wait for my uncle, kept the money on the counter and left. I did not know the rules and the officer merely asked who was at the counter..and it was me.So he caught me.:)

Please give some ideas that might fly

Thanks and appreciate all your help


Thanks for your kind words. Let us talk about consummate-lies, later. Take a look at the Police Report and see what you would have deposed before the Officer. If you would have taken shelter under Miranda Rights and stayed quiet, you can come up with convincing replies. Else, whatever you have to come up should be corroborated against your own earler deposition. So that is the key.
met with my attorney


I met with my attorney and he has a difeerent twist in the story. He says that the beer charge is minor and we might be able to get away by filing a 245(i) and paying the $1000.

What he is concerned about is that "did I disclose this fact at any other visa application" like the one we submit when applying for a H1B visa at Mexico/Canada. On those visa forms, it seems they ask if u have been arrested and If you had said NO there, then there is big trouble. Since according to him (he brought up Section 212 of 8 USC 1182, Under Class C - any alien who by fraud or willfully misrepresenrted a material fact can be denied AOS. I dont know if the INS officer would ask about such a detailed enquiry. I have a feeling my attorney is trying to scare me so I hire his services. He belongs to one of the biggest firsm in Dallas and charges an exorbitant fee for the consulation I had and also for accompanying me to the interview.

Please let me know your thoughts.

Also, he and I have agreed that I would just tell he truth about working in my uncle's store...

Pip ...

.. just be honest. I think you are safe.

Be brave enough to admit your mistake.

