• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Are there Visa Lottery Scams/Frauds?

I am wondering whether if there are visa lottery scams or frauds?

There are TONS of scams of every kind, especially DV or Visa Lottery SCAMS! USCIS has an "AvoidSCAMS" section on its website and the State Department issues releases warning about such scams continually.
Tons of it!

I get email, once a week informing me to pay someone in UK $800 who will then "secure" me green card. Each email has almost identical content; the only thing that changes is the "deadline" by which I am supposed to pay $800.

green card visa lottery is scam by itself-they said you can live,work and study in the US when you win GC lottery but its NOT true ..THERE IS NO JOBS NOR YOU CAN LIVE BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO JOB NOR MONEY ...AND STUDYING IS OUT OF QUESTION SINCE IT COSTS CRAZY MONEY TO STUDY
green card visa lottery is scam by itself-they said you can live,work and study in the US when you win GC lottery but its NOT true ..THERE IS NO JOBS NOR YOU CAN LIVE BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO JOB NOR MONEY ...AND STUDYING IS OUT OF QUESTION SINCE IT COSTS CRAZY MONEY TO STUDY

You can take student loan.