Aprox Time to become Law According to 'Senate judiciary committee'


New Member
It was shared that someone called to senate judiciary committee directly and learned

They said the immigration reform bill was passed 13/3 today.
THe next step is that it'll be voted on in the Senate, it'll be a few
weeks before they even schedule it. Typically it would take about 2
months to be heard before the Senate.. And then if it gets passed it'll
right away either be or not to be the LAW :)

But this is great news!!!! TEMPORARILY!!


Wish you Good Luck
BTW, you should be called "Raja of Immigration Jungle"

Hats off to you and your 'friend' for sharing Breaking news of the Retrogression fiasco.

Cheers !
Whose Bill? has been passed in Judiciary committe.
What about Senate? that is where it usually gets caught.
PrinceofJungle said:
And then if it gets passed it'll right away either be or not to be the LAW :)

The correct answer is, it'll NOT be the law.

It still needs to pass the House, survive a conference committee, and then be signed by the President.
How can you be so sure that it WILL NOT be the law.

Yes, it has to survive 3 more stages, but optimistically, it MAY or
MAY NOT be the law. Just a small grammatical correction to your statement.
sb_gc said:
How can you be so sure that it WILL NOT be the law. Yes, it has to survive 3 more stages, but optimistically, it MAY or MAY NOT be the law. Just a small grammatical correction to your statement.

I was making no observations on its likelihood of final passage; merely that being reported out of a Senate committee is a trivial step that conveys no legal force. Many potential immigrants here see something get voted out of committee (or even approved by the entire House or Senate) and assume something has become law or gone into effect, when there are more steps involved.
Still some ways to go

I agree with RealCanadian that it is too early to celebrate.
We have made progress by having this passed by the committee.
But as stated above, this can get derailed at any stage.
I think the likelihoid of this passing is pretty good as it is attached to the budget bill and this was done to get more for the country. This gives it more hope.