APRIL-revalidation applicants tracking

congrats con_ink. i feel like getting the passport has become like winning the superlotto or the powerball
Any one called DC today

Hi friends,

I called today morning, But the visa officer is very busy. she didn't tell me the DC date processing today. she told me roughly may 1st week. If any one knows the today's DC date, Please share that info.

Folks - I wanted to clarify this

Are they atleast processing one day applications in one day? Or

are they taking 2 days to complete one day applications?

Originally posted by sri_112001

my SL RD was April 25th,
DC RD: Don't know

is any one waiting for the same date?.


the following ppl are in teh same range ..and there are no reports from them .hope it is not the case that they got it but decided not to tell here..:(
SD :04/21/2003
RD: 04/22/2003...

SL SD: April 24
SL Rd: April 25

SL SD April 24th
SL RD April 25th
DC RD May 7th

and mine SL RD is aprl 25th. we called last friday and they told it was processed and waiting for printing ..no fedex activity today too, till now!


thats not the case, there is no news about my case, I will post my info as soon as I hear anything about it, you can count on it. These forums have been of great help and support for me all the while and I will do my part to keep it going.

sreddy227 :)

Originally posted by linuxrox
the following ppl are in teh same range ..and there are no reports from them .hope it is not the case that they got it but decided not to tell here..:(
SD :04/21/2003
RD: 04/22/2003...

SL SD: April 24
SL Rd: April 25

SL SD April 24th
SL RD April 25th
DC RD May 7th

and mine SL RD is aprl 25th. we called last friday and they told it was processed and waiting for printing ..no fedex activity today too, till now!

Still waiting PPL!!

I was told my passport was sent to the mail room on Friday but I havent heard anythign since then. I have enclosed a overnight stamped package and am hoping that they use it
How log does it take for them to mail it out once they send it to the mail room
Got PP

Hi there,

SL RD April29
DC Date - "unknown"
PP Stamp date Aug 2
PP received Aug 5.

Thanks for the forum and good luck to all
got PP

hey linuxrox,

i got my passport an hour ago by Fedex. It was over night delivery. I never called DC.

here are my details ,

SL RD was April 25th,
DC RD: Don't know,
PP stamp date Aug 4
PP received date Aug 5th..

All the best linuxrox, U should be getting soon...

I just called Visa Office. Got connected to a specialist after 25 mins. She was pretty co-operative. Asked for my PP No., Last Name, DOB and told that my Visa has been approved on Aug 1st and I should be receiving within 7 - 10 days. Got my wife's PP info as well which is same. At last....

Here are the details

SL SD - April 25th
SL RD - April 28th
DC RD - May 12th
DC APPRV - Aug 1st

Planning to go India in last week of Aug. Hence eagerly waiting for PP. This forum is supporting in a big way in the wait.

I was told that my passport left DC on Monday hopefully through the overnight USPS self stamped packet I sent them. Its Wednesday and I havent yet recieved anything. Unfortunately I do not have the tracking number : (
How long should I wait before I start to panic??
I hate USPS
Rahul Boy - NO need to panic right now. Usually the PPs leave the DC location in the evening after hours. So it should have reached you by this time. If you dont receive within tonight , check for any note left by the postman. If you dont see any note there, try to contact the local post office to get some information.

Another note , there are some cases the visa official told PPs have left but actually it left 4-5 days after that date.

You will get it(atleast within this week)- Good luck

BTW, what was your SL date and DC Date?
I did expect it today but I called the local post office they said they dont have anything for me. The last delivery has been done.

Lets hope that I get within this week or else the weekend is going to be a night mare

According to USPS here are my dates

SL SD : April 24th
SL RD: April 25th
DC RED: May 9th
DC SD : Aug 4th

Thanks for the info cubiclefun
my credit card number on prepaid fedex package is no nore valid.

what will happen now... whom should i contact
Call the Fedex and inform the change. they will have good answer for you - they have one of the best customer services in this country

Good luck.
mine is one its way!!

picked up by fedex on tuesday, reached the actual address today ..but i moved to a different state in mid-july and so i requested a re-routing from fedex and now it is being re-routed to my place ..they even gave me my the new tracking number ..so i should be getting tommorrow! shall post the details as soon i receive tommorrow!

thanks everyone
Help...I called the Visa Office, they told me my passport was stamped Monday. I had sent a return next day USPS envelope .
I have no news about my passport yet. No tracking number either. What should I do next has anyone else had this issue

I called DC office this morning (08/07/2003), the lady told me that my visa was approved and it has been sent for printing, she said it will be mailed out in the next couple of days, she wasn't willing to give me any further details. Will keep you all posted.


SL SD : Apr 24th
SL RD : Apr 25th
DC RD : May 7th