April CPers Plastic Card Tracker

Plastic card question

My wife and I successfully completed our CP processing on April 19 at Chennai and POE on April 21 at Newark. As I noticed that most other CPers that completed POE around this timeframe had already started receiving their cards, I called the Texas Service Center this morning to check on the status of the plastic cards. The officer asked for my A# and said that the TSC did not have my file and asked to check with Newark. I called the INS at Newark and the officer told me "it takes 6 - 9 months for the cards to come, so just wait". I suspect that if I make a trip to the local INS office I am likely to receive a similar explanation. If there is anybody with a similar situation or if you know of someone that was faced with a similar situation and how they handled it, I would appreciate learning about it.

2 cents!!!

Is there any specific timeframe in which we are supposed to recieve the cards? I mean it looks like they are quick but since I came on May 3rd I did not had any chance to call anybody for the plastic card. rr_rr can you suggest any telephone numbers or information I should look at.

I feel you can wait some time before you can start doing something. I heard of cases delayed more than 9 months on the 485 board but for CP it should be fast.

I spoke to my lawyer and was advised that the quick turnaround for the cards many people are getting these days is a recent trend, and that there is nothing unusual in a several month timeframe between POE and plastic card reception. For the moment, I am going to give that explanation the benefit of the doubt and wait. Based on my read, it seems that as long as the packet gets to the TSC, the turnaround from there is pretty quick. FYI, the TSC numbers is 214-381-1423 and the number is always busy --- the only way I could get in was to get into the automated system early before the center opens and hang on to the line till the operators arrive (8 AM Central time), and then hit 0 for operator assistance.
delayed arrival of plastic cards


My wife and I entered US at New York (JFK) two weeks back. I received 3 welcome letters in a span of 2 days (yesterday and day before) and recvd my plastic card today. My wife has neither recvd a welcome letter nor the card itself.
It\'s pretty weird. She called up an 800 number (800-375-5283) and they said it can take upto 6 months for her to get the card. I am thinking I will wait for few more days before thinking of any further actions.

No Title

Appreciate your info. In your earlier post you mentioned that it is based on POE. In your case it was Newyork, JFK and my POE was at Washington DC IAD. So is there a specific number for Washington DC or the process is centralized at TSC?

My understanding is that plastic cards for all CP cases get processed out of the TSC -- so the number to call is the same number. My lawyer was mentioning that the airport at which POE is done is just one of several factors that could impact timing.

I called the number at 5 PM EST and it gave a busy tone. May be it works 8 to 4 PM CST. Any way I will try later.
Today me and my spouse got the SSN cards by mail and that is one positive news.

Received welcome letter!!

for my spouse. It is like a visa document. it also mentioned that green card will be mailed in three weeks.
I did not get any letter yet. today is exactly 2 weeks from my arrival date.
Interview Apr 23 at Mumbai

POE JFK on May 17th
Svc Center: TSC

I also had to get a correction of one character done in my first name. Keeping my fingers crossed, waiting for the card.
No Title

POE Champlain, NY
DOE, 5-6-02
Received Welcome letters (four person family), 5-17-02
Waiting for the Plastic
Received cards in two weeks.

Interview Date: May 3, 2002
POE: Champlain, NY
DOE: May 3, 2002
Welcome Letter: May 16, 2002
Cards Received: May 17, 2002

Note: CP cards are done by the TSC, and I live in Texas, so that might cut a day or two off of transport time.
At last!!!

Received Welcome letter and Green card today!! No mistakes.
Still awaiting my spouses card.

Thanks vsc_01_gc!!!

Today I got another welcome letter. Did not get my spouse card yet.
seems to be very fast as two weeks is pretty good.
CP-April 19, DOE-May 9


We completed CP on April 19th at Chennai
(Thanks for all for posting helpful info in this site)
POE- SanFrancisco,CA on May 9th

Haven\'t yet received Welcome letter or Plasic card (exactly 2 weeks over after POE). Does anybody know if the welcome letter/plastic card will be processed by CSC since we live in CA or is it being centrally processed by TSC?

The only other person who has posted as the same POE is SAM_GC. Did you receive your welcome letter/card yet?

As far as the new SS card is concerned, do we have to apply for it or do they they send it automatically?


srp100 ...

My POE was SFO too on May 7th and I have not yet received any welcome letter. Looks like our card will be processed by CSC and not TSC.
sollu ...


Do you know if the processing of the card will be based on POE or place of residence in US? Anyway, if our cards are being processed by CSC, I guess it could take longer. Have you tried enquiring with them about your card?
