
To frantic and dengdeng

Hi frantic:

I don't think it matters if you contact democrat or republican
as long as they are willing to help. A senator or congressman's
office has a direct phone line to connect to their internal contact
at the BCIS. It all depends on if they want to help you.

Hi dengdeng:

I would like to think our last petition has helped. However, why
does it only help me but leaves others behind? There were 61
Oct cases on that petition.

I think the congressman's office has helped my case. They
seemed more accessible and willing then the senator's office.
If you live in a district with a good congressman, you're lucky.

The important thing was to follow up. After the congressman's
office told me my case would be assigned to an officer the next
week and I needed to wait for 60 days, I stopped by his office
again and had a friendly conversation.

They promised me to help me follow up with the BCIS to make
certain they really assign my case to an officer. According to
what they told me, if you don't follow up with the BCIS,
they may forget to assign your case. They give standard answer
to let you wait for 60 days.

Also according to Rajiv's lawyer, the congressman's office has
the authority to pressure the BCIS to approve a case if they fail
to keep their word to the congressman. For instance, if I wait
for 60 days and don't get approval, the congressman's staff
can call the BCIS and say, "Last time as we spoke, you said you
would process this case within 60 days. This applicant told us
you asked him to wait for 60 days several times. Now we got
this ourselves."

I'm grateful for Rep. William Delahunt, aso for Kerry's office.
Without Kerry's help, I wouldn't even know I didn't pass the
security check, and wouldn't get my 2nd FP notice.

well, clueless, you should be grateful to me too, since I told you to try congressman instead of stucking with senators.

Yes, my congressman's office said if I don't hear anything in 30 days, they can ask for expedite, that's maybe what you're referring too, pressue the BCIS. I will call my congressman's office again.

When did you revisit their office, during that 60 days time? I think probabloy I should visit the office instead of calling. meeting in person probably has more effect?

congrats again! on the other land, I feel loss of a good friend.
To dengdeng

Hi dengdeng:

You are right. You suggested me to go to the congressman's
office. I'm grateful for all of your advice! Each time I posted
a question, you give an encouraging answer. You definitely
deserve your green card.

I would suggest not waiting for 60 days and stopping by the
congressman's office. Bring a box of a dozen Dunkin donuts.
It only costs about $4-5 so it's not a bribery. Prepare a nice
Thank-you card that acknowledges your appreciation for their
willingness to help. They'll all like this.

When you talk, don't pressure them to help you, but express
your unfortunate situation, make it clear ONLY you're left
behind while others who filed at about the same time all
got their approvals. If possible, bring a rough survey from
this forum showing only about a certain number of applicants
within the range of 10 states are left behind to make it more

Then they'll volunteer to help you.

dengdeng / clueless123,

I feel it's better to go for Krispy Creme Donut rather than Dunkin Donut, Krispy Creme donuts tastes much better.

I'm really happy that congressman and senators helped you. You know why congressman helps you, usually they have less issues than senators. Also congressman has long way to go as far as political life is concerned rather than these experienced senators, So congressman like to help the future citizens more than these senators who are towards the end of their political life.
clueless, my congressman office mentioned 30 days not 60 days.

did you call first to set an appointment or your just go?
clueless123, who is mj123, his oct case approved too on rupnet.
you haven't changed rupnet yet, right?
To dengdeng

No need to call to set up appointment. If you do that,
they'll tell you that you don't need to show up in person.
However, there are advantages of showing up in person
if you present yourself well.

Also prepare of list of references with contact info, in
case the congressman asks you if you have trouble
with the law. The list will come in handy. You can say,
"These are the people who know me well. You can call
them to ask what kind of person I am". They'll then
have the confidence to help you, because after Sept 11,
they don't want to risk anything to bringing a terrorist
or a trouble-maker.

I don't know anything about either mj123 or Rupnet.
Clueless, don't tell me you never visit!

Your congressman call VSC for you directly, my congressman said VSC gets back to them at least in 2 days, I think they use different ways to contact VSC. Your congressman is definitely powerful.

Clueless, so after you visit congressman's office second time, they call for you again? and they make sure the assignment happened? so from the office call them to your approval only 3 weeks right?

Now you're not Clueless anymore. I am still clueless as before. :(
if your district congressman is not influential person then try to contact neighboring district congressman. You can tell him that you plan to buy a house in that district when you get GC.

To dengdeng

Hi dengdeng:

I don't know if they really followed up for me with the BCIS,
because I never contacted them after that visit. I don't want
to annoy them.

But because of the mood of my last visit and their offer of
following up for me, I think they probably did follow up, otherwise
how can I get my approval?

It was 3 or 4 weeks after they contacted the BCIS for me
when I got the approval.

I really don't know about Rupnet. But I saw this word all the
time on this forum. I imagine it's an web site similar to this.



Clueless, don't tell me you never visit!

Your congressman call VSC for you directly, my congressman said VSC gets back to them at least in 2 days, I think they use different ways to contact VSC. Your congressman is definitely powerful.

Clueless, so after you visit congressman's office second time, they call for you again? and they make sure the assignment happened? so from the office call them to your approval only 3 weeks right?

Now you're not Clueless anymore. I am still clueless as before.
My congressman too has said 30 days. It is already 20 days and I am still waiting.
Deng Deng, as said before all congressmen has direct number to BCIS. I think if you visit them personally, they will call them in front of you.
Real Reason for My Approval - Just a Guess

I checked the status about my EAD application online, and found
that my EAD was approved on the SAME day as my green card.
Here is what I got about my EAD status:

"On August 20, 2003, after approving your application, we
ordered a new card. Your card will be mailed to you as soon
as it is ready."

See, if they approved my GC first on August 20, they should
have denied my EAD application.

However, since I got both GC and EAD on the same day,
my guess is my EAD application triggered my GC approval.

Imagine this: They approved my EAD, then took a look at
my GC application and found it was long over-due and
everything was in good standing, so they simply approved it.

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To ddaa2

Hi ddaa2:

FYI, My lawyer sent out my EAD application at the beginning
of July. My EAD receipt date is July 10.
