approved SRC-01-262-*****


New Member

Online message changed to approved.

PD: Nov 1998
RD: July 17 2001
ND: Sep 7 2001
FP : Jan 2003(myself and my wife); Reached INS on Feb 3rd 2003.
I called for INS to get FP.
Approved: Nov. 25 2003 (Both cases-- mine and my wifes).

I moved to new apt this week. So its obvious my approval notices will be sent to old address. I think i have to fight one more war with INS to get my approval notices.
Originally posted by Antsy02098
regarding your remark: anyone that moves to somewhere else have to inform USPS to forward all consigned letters to the new address.
I am pretty sure you are an smart guy and won't need to fight another year with BCIS...
Am I right????:D

What a Christmas gift huh?
Usually USCIS mails are not forwarded.
your wifes?

gcseek, looks like you have more than one of them?

Just kidding -- enjoy your freedom
Re: your wifes?


In that case, what's there to "LOOK" at ?

huh !

Originally posted by dfkj45
gcseek, looks like you have more than one of them?

Just kidding -- enjoy your freedom

Congratulations! I had exact the same FP date as and my RD is even older than you (6/22/01). Did you contact any congressman or do anything else to expedite your case? Thanks.
Originally posted by Antsy02098
Usually USCIS mails are not forwarded.
Hey Tammy: Is that true? Did it happen to someone you know? Share your experiences with us.

There are lots of people on this forum who have experienced this. Some people are not getting EAD because forwarding service is not provided for CIS documents. There are one or two cases where it was forwarded. If you search this forum you can get lot of info and read grief of the people because of this
GCSeek - Can you please post

last 2 digits of you SRC number please if you don't mind. I have the same ND date as you - Sept 7th 2001 and SRC01262. Also can you please let me know if you contacted a Senator or Congressman ? Thanks!!
I never contacted any one. Infact i lost hope and was waiting for my 3rd EAD And travel documents which i applied couple of months ago.

Guys i have few questions regarding the returned/lost mails.

If mail is lost in the process of returning(My lawyer also changed his address. ).

Is there any way we can request duplicate approval notice from INS ?

Is there any way we can go to Local INS office and get it stamped with out having original approval notice(May be they have a way to access main data base) ?
changing address

I moved and changed my address last month. I completed the AR-11 form and called the 1-800 number to update my address. The latter is the one that will ensure that your notices, etc. will be mailed to the correct address. I am happy to say that I just received my new EAD at my new address, so TSC got this one right. The time from when I revised my address until the notice arrived was less than 30 days. However, I still haven't received the address change confirmation that they said they would send. For all those that are changing address make sure that you call the 1-800 number as well as filing AR-11.

list of things to do:

1. fill up Form AR-11 and mail it.
2. call 1-800 number and change address
3. send a written letter to INS requesting to
forward it to your new address.

I was in a similar situation as yours with my EAD card about 4 years ago. The USPS returned the card to the INS. Upon receiving my letter they forwarded it to my new address.

One more thing you can try unofficially is to talk to your mail carrier personally and see if he will forward you that mail. It work sometimes.

Congratulations on your approval.

I know its bad these things happens. The only reason i can think of is. Not to get the INS documents in wrong hands who can misuse it. According to post office they cannot forward the mails which says "return address requested" on front of cover.
sg_rg2 ,

I did first two things already. For third point i need to get an address where i can send the information .........
Thanks for the concerns.......

For writing to the INS, write to the address listed at the bottom of your receipt notice.

As I suggested earlier, also try going to the local post office (old address) where your mail carrier is based and ask to talk to him in person and see if he will still give you the approval notice if he hasn't sent it back already. Good luck!


USPS will forward any mail. It dosen't care if that is from INS or President!

USPS will not forward, if the mail clearly says "DO NOT FORWARD".

Rest every thing gets there! Don't worry, be happy.