Approved... now what?


New Member
Hi guys!

I can't believe my eyes either. After 30 months, I received my approval notice. I was expecting it in 33 to 36 months, so this is great unexpected news.

Now what? What happens after you receive your notice? I know I have to go to the local office with two pictures. Is this the famous interview?

Different from what I've heard before, we weren't called for an interview before approval and there was no RFE either. Is this common?

How long does it take to get the green card after visiting the INS office?

How long before I can travel (my AP expired recently).

I know I have way too many questions, and I'm counting on the patience and expertise of the members of this forum!

Thank you!
the silenet guy 101

can you provide more info like rd/nd etc other than being silent and opening mouth for more questions:eek:
Originally posted by FelixC
Hi guys!

Now what? What happens after you receive your notice? I know I have to go to the local office with two pictures. Is this the famous interview?

--> Now wait for your approval letter to come to you or your attorney. Take that, 2 photographs and currently valid EAD/AP and go to the office listed in your approval letter. There is no interview. Its a simple matter of stamping your passport and taking your index fingerprint for physical card processing.

Different from what I've heard before, we weren't called for an interview before approval and there was no RFE either. Is this common?

--> Not everybody gets called for interview. Count your blessings.

How long does it take to get the green card after visiting the INS office?

--> Right now, around 1-2 months, maybe even less.

How long before I can travel (my AP expired recently).

--> You can travel after you get the stamp in your passport.

I know I have way too many questions, and I'm counting on the patience and expertise of the members of this forum!

Thank you!
Some dates


Thanks for all your answers.

I don't remember my dates exactly and I don't have my records here, but I know I started the whole process back in late 1999, the Labor Certification took some six months, then the I-140 took well over six months, finally I applied for my I-485 in October 2001, received notice in November 2001 and I've been waiting ever since.

(I know the times don't add up, but there's some dead time in between processes due to the time it takes the lawyers to put together all of the paperwork)

My first notice said that the whole process would be concluded in 300 days, then I received a second notice saying something like 600 days and the last notice I received mentioned 999 days. It turned out to be something like 900 days.

I don't know my Priority Date, I guess it should be something like October 99 or so, but I believe it's irrelevant in my case since my home country contributes a low number of immigrants to the US.

I was fingerprinted in June 2003.

The CIS website is not updated yet, I received the notice in the mail and I'm ready to go to the local INS office as soon as possible!

I hope this helps you gauge the status of your processes.

Again, thanks for your advice.

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Wow! Another person gets approval notice by regular mail and not by on-line update! What a thrill it must be to get a letter in the regular mail after a long day of working and fighting traffic, and getting home to see a large stack of bills and a little approval letter!
I would not be surprised if ppl. start getting their cards in the mail even before

.. receiving their approval notices !! .. on second thoughts, this is really a remote possibility as one needs to sign (ink and finger!) on the I-551 form. Well, for folks who were interviewed, this is a definite possibility .. I got mine !!