Approved ND: 8/1/03


Registered Users (C)
OK Guys its my turn now

My case was approved 1 hour back.

My wife got a RFE (we expected that since her medicals were not complete as we were expecting our daughter )

This is an awesome forum and a great community (except for some idiots like Sumanta Mukherjee).

I would like to personally thank ETS-GC, Joyd, nmesis and MD-Rockville and other people who post very valuable information. I hope I knew you guys personally. We would have gone out for a round of beer tonight...

Keep up the good job!!

Details are as follows

I485 ND 8/1/03 AD 12/8/03
FP1: 9/11/03 Re-FP1: 10/19/03.
LUD 8/1/03 then 10/21/04 and now 12/8/04
Congrats. Ya I would not mind beer after checking USCIS site every now and then :) No LUD change in our case after FP1 !
Last edited by a moderator: nice to see at last some approval this week....cograts and all the best in your future endeavours...
Bye the way did you know Sumanta's last name was Mukerjee.. :D
Because I have no reason to hide my details in my Profile

orangetreats said: nice to see at last some approval this week....cograts and all the best in your future endeavours...
Bye the way did you know Sumanta's last name was Mukerjee.. :D

Available for problems. Its another matter as they say that when
you send a Scoundrel to the Gates of Heaven, he still foul-mouth's....old
habits die hard.
Congratulation, goodluckgc2003. It is well-timed - just in holiday season. Take some time off and enjoy.