applying for citizenship


Registered Users (C)
Hello everyone,

I have a question about the fingerprinting part in the whole process of applying for citizenship. I'm sure this question has been asked before, but there are so many different sections in this forum that I would have to look through. Anyway, here goes: My parents and I have recently applied for US citizenship. We heard back from them within only about three weeks and had an appointment set up for fingerprinting at the end of January. Unfortunately, when we showed up at the Baltimore office, they were closed due to the weather conditions. We received no notice, and had even called that morning to verify that they would be open. Since then, we have not heard anything from them. We were told to wait for them to send another notice. My father called them recently to find out how long we would be waiting for, and was basically told that there was no time frame. We could send them a letter to remind them, but it wouldn't make a difference. Has anyone else gone through this, and how long did you end up waiting for another appointment? I'm just hoping that it doesn't end up being several months. Thanks everyone for your replies!
If you have the time, just show up with the appointment notices from when you were prevented from getting it done by the storms and hope for the best.
Unfortunately, when we showed up at the Baltimore office, they were closed due to the weather conditions.

Your FP letter should have instructions on how to proceed if you miss you the appointment. Typically it means showing up at the ASC on Wednesdays or Saturdays with your original letter.