Application sent 3 weeks ago, no response yet


Registered Users (C)
Sent N400 3 weeks ago to Pheonix. Received as well.

But no response from INS, nor is the check cashed.

Is it normal? How long should I wait before call them?

Thank you!!

Wait until 30 days have passed and call USCIS. Explain you have not received your notice.
Certified mail. USPS record shows it was received in Pheonix.
Should I just assume it is lost and send another one again?
Certified mail. USPS record shows it was received in Pheonix.
Should I just assume it is lost and send another one again?

As eltoro said, call them and select the option for "no receipt". Also, you can try and check on the USCIS website if an online status has been established.
How in the world can he check if case was established online if he has not received the NOA with case number yet???

You are correct, my bad :eek:. I put the cart in front of the horse. The OP should call and find out.
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Just found your thread after I post my problem on the other thread.

I am in the same situation. I still didn't hear anything from USCIS after I sent out my application about three weeks ago.

05/29/09 Send by Fedex
06/01/09 Package signed by G. Grave
06/17/09 no notice.. no check cashed.. no nothing..

I send out both my wife an mine in the same package and I am in San Diego.

What City are you located?