Appeal for Help


Registered Users (C)
Hi guys

On Friday I called IIO. I guess I was quite tired to see other people getting approved
whose wac number was greater than mine. My wac number is wac-01-270-5xxxxx
Also I have done fp on November 29th and I was wondering what was wrong with my case.

So The IIO told me that I and my daughter got an RFE. She would not give me details for
my wife because my wife was not present next to me when I called. I had called from
my office.

She also told me that the notices were not printed and mailed but they would be in a
few days. My AVM message still says \'Pending review dt Dec 6th\'

I guess now that my status has moved from \'pending person or waiter or case in limbo or
you could call it status unknown to status - rfe victim\'

No She would not give me details of my rfe.

I guess I will know in 7-10 days from my attorney.

So what is my appeal for help ?

Well - my purpose in maintaining the recent approvals thread was three fold

One - to help myself in knowing what is CSC upto and when will I get approval and

second - to help PCee in his collection of data.

third - to help CSC waiters in their wait for approval in knowing where they stood in the

Another factor to be considered is that the time consumed in gathering all information is
quite large and also my work has increased in the office.

Also now I have moved from \'waiter\' to \'rfe_victim\'

Hence I guess now I shall be cease to maintain the recent approvals thread.

I apologise to all waiters that I shall not be continuing my work.

But yes I shall be around and shall finish this week\'s thread and analysis.

My appeal for help is that I request other waiters to continue this effort and in case
people require my data I shall post the excel spreadsheet which I use to create the
list of approved and pending numbers.

In case someone requires he could contact me by private message and I shall help him
understand the techniques I used to generate these numbers

Hopefully someone will carry the torch further.

Adios Amigos to the Recent approvals thread.

Hope I have not hurt anyone .....

Regards to all waiters.....

Hope everyone gets approved soon...........
I am sorry to hear this..

I am extremely grateful to you and Pcee for the excellent job you guys have done unselfishly. Don\'t lose hope our prayers will be with you..


Cheer up...

Hi rsrgc...

Very sorry to hear about you getting an RFE. I am as thankful to you as anybody for the contributions you have made to this site. But, looking on the brighter side of things, two of my colleagues here at work that were issued an RFE got their approvals within 1 week of mailing the "evidence". So, rest assured that you will get approved very soon. All the very best to you.

Sorry to hear you go rsrgc

Hope you get your approval soon. This again proves that it pays to talk to an IIO if you feel that your case is unduly delayed.
My WAC 01-262 is before your WAC of 01-270 and I had done my FP in Dec 2nd week. I think my application is delayed and am planning to call the IIO in a couple of weeks (I will give these blokes a couple of weeks to adjudicate my application).
If not, I will talk to an IIO and if they do not help, I will write to my congressman. enough of lying low and not doing anything.

No Title

Sorry to hear about the rfe, but think this way,
instead of lying your file in a corner, they are looking at your case, what could be the rfe, the most is paystubs, W2s etc.. right!
you have all these documents with you. be prepare with all the documents, when they send u the rfe, respond immediately. don\'t you see the cases which are approved in less than 10 days after sending rfe like scorpianraj etc..
We are far better than people who are not having job, and got rfe, and who has interviews, and cases that are stil pending even after interview.
When i read your message, you said "you are getting busy in your work" that means you still have work to do, your job is safe, then why worry, may be the case is delayed for 2 more weeks than what u expected, right! Cheer Up, We all want to hear your answer for 64 Million dollors question.
rsrgc : you should be fine

this is what i think :
just because u got RFE it it not as bad it it sounds . Since you and ur depends have got rfe it should be regarding some basic documents like birth certificate or medical exams.
If it was regarding some employment related stuff then they would not have raised RFE for ur dependents, (AVM for them would still say processing has resumed)
secondly in the recent past when RFE case has been about non employment related stuff the approvals have been very quick ( 3-4 days ) after they receive the response.
my RFE case was approved in 6 days after they received the response.

ur laywer should get the RFE in 4-5 days

good luck
No Title


Very sorry to hear about the rfe. As some people posted out here, I think you will get you approval once you submit the documents they are asking for. I have seen for couple of cases it took about a week. And I am sure, all the hard work that you put in all these months collecting data and posting them here along with PCee, won\'t go wasted... You will get it soon... Hang in there.

Good Luck,

You have been a wonderful person, doing all this incredible analysis on this site, I will wish and pray that the cause of RFE is something too minor to be cause of delay.
So good luck and take care!!
Good luck, rsrgc

Thanks for the great work you have been doing , which helped
so many of us. Hope you will get thru rfe quickly and get your
approval soon.
rsgc!! thanks for the great service you provided for us so far

Hope you get your approval soon.....

Guys, I\'m planning to take over from rsgc but not sure if I can match rsgc\'s dedication and service but I\'ll try my best....

rsgc, could you please send me a private message about the procedure you followed in maintaining your approval threads....

rsgc don\'t worry, you are almost there

Although getting an RFE is not pleasant, but the good thing is that they have opened up your case and it is ready for adjuducation as soon as you respond to RFE. Cases typically get approved within 2-3 weeks from the RFE receipt. You are probably looking at a month\'s delay.
An RFE isn\'t the end of the world

It means some delay but unless the requested material is a real problem, the case is normally approved when the requested material is submitted. It could just be something that was forgotten or even something that INS has misplaced, misunderstood or overlooked. The RFE is an opportunity to clear the matter up. Just be sure the lawyer responds completely and as quickly as possible.


James D. Mills
Attorney at Law

Thanks for taking over the recent approvals thread

I shall send u a private message latest by end of day explaining
my methods. Also shall add my excel spreadsheet which I used to do my computations.

Feel free to add any questions to this thread. I shall be reading this thread regularly. Also if you post a private message to me please post a message here asking me to read my private messages.

I shall do the same.

Thanks once again

Getting an RFE at this time is probably a good thing. At least it takes the anxiety of waiting and not knowing out of the scheme of things. You know now that your case did not fall thru the cracks. As you have noticed, RFE\'s are being processed very fast these days. The RFE is probably for a very simple reason. As somebody else pointed out, since both you and your daughter got an RFE it may have to do with something common to the family. It could be something as simple as photographs. Usually they RFE you earlier when they notice photographs missing but they could have lost it later.
It could be the birth certificate if you got the same for your daughter at the same time as you and your wife. The stumbling block there could be the date of registration on the birth certificate. They usually like to see a date that is a few days after the actual date of birth. In such a case they may ask for an "original" certificate. If you do not have a certificate with an acceptable date of registration(not date of issue) you may need to provide affidavits and non-availability cert with an explanation of the circumstances. I think Tamizhan(?) went thru the same.
On the other hand it could be something simple for your daughter(If I remember correctly she is 12, so she won\'t need FP) and standard W2, Paystub, employment letter stuff for you. The good thing is I have not heard anybody getting an RFE that they could not satisfy. But, recently somebody got an RFE, replied to it but still got transferred for an interview. We don\'t have the complete facts of that case though. Knowing you rsrgc, you will send them so much evidence that they will be begging you to stop.
So, bottomline, a small wait for you before Rum & Coke, Tangdi Kabab and Chicken 65:)
Wish you luck, my friend and Thanks for all the help to the board with your analysis and help.
Thanks guys for all ur kind words

And a special thanks to milli for carrying the torch further