ap middle name different


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My wife's AP document has an extra "a" at end of the middle name. All other information on the AP is correct. Is it safe to travel to India with this small difference. Is there a way to correct this mistake faster by calling the 800 number or going to the local office. I would not like to go thru the 131 process again. Please advice.
Legally you have to correct the mistake before going . It might take more than a few weeks to get a response though.
Thanks for the reply jaxen. Could you tell me the procedure for applying for the change of middle name. Do I need to apply for a new 131. Can I just call the bcis 800 number and ask them to send me a change document or something. Or can i go the the local office and get the change document.
Please advice.
Our experience so far.
My wife called the 800 number and explained to the the bcis person about her 131 middle name problem. First time when she had called, the person had said that we need to apply for a new 131. I asked my wife to give it another shot and she called again. This time it was a different person and she took all the details/phone no. and told us that she is sending a correction request to vsc. She said that we will hear by postal mail or phone from vsc in 30 days but was not sure what vsc would send us...whether a correction document or ask us to apply again. Keeping our finger crossed and hoping that they just send a correction document. I had seen in one of the thread about someone getting some correction document but not sure whether it was for AP.
Anyway, if I can wait 12 months for our AP(thats how much it took!!!), then maybe 13 is my lucky number afterall :rolleyes: