AP Approval dates

Looks like karma_yoga filed one day before, and received his approval Oct 15th. Mine has still not been approved.... *waiting with fingers crossed*
scan result by Project Kashmir as of 10/24/2003

scan result by Project Kashmir as of 10/24/2003
WAC03           Mail  Trns         RFE   RFE                   
  scanned Aprv  Drct  Back  Trns  Rcvd  Sent  Rcvd  Othr  Total
165 05/07   25   104     -     4     5    19    13     -    170
    10/03  (15%) (61%)        (2%)  (3%) (11%)  (8%)      
170 05/14   24    66     -     -     2     6    31     -    129
    10/03  (19%) (51%)              (2%)  (5%) (24%)      
180 05/29    6    29     -     -     -     -    88     -    123
    10/03   (5%) (24%)                         (72%)      
181 05/30    1    15     -     1     -     -   103     -    120
    10/03   (1%) (13%)        (1%)             (86%)      
subtotal    56   214     -     5     7    25   235     -    542
  05/2003  (10%) (39%)        (1%)  (1%)  (5%) (43%)
My AP Approved.....

RD: 06/11/03

Online message says...

This case has been approved. On October 24, 2003, an approval notice was mailed. If 14 days have passed and you have not received this notice, you may wish to verify or update your address. To update your address, please call the National Customer Service Center at (800) 375-5283.
Updated List

Congratulations Spyder
id                 WAC           RD          Status

hussamk            03-154-51xxx  04/22/03    Approved 3rd Sep(RFE) 
badobo             03-163-5xxxx  05/05/03    Approved 8th Sept 
i140wait73         03-163-5xxxx  05/05/03    Approved (8th Sept?) 
hopedieslast       03-165-51xxx  05/07/03    Approved 15th Sept 
apeedinirs         03-166-5xxxx  05/08/03    pending 
waitn2long         03-168-xxxx   05/12/03    Approved 29th Sept 
gutterboy          03-168-xxxx   xx/xx/xx    Approved 1st Oct ??
granitestone       03-170-xxxxx  05/14/03    Approved 22nd Sept? 
arz                03-171-5xxxx  05/15/03    Approved 15th Oct 
gc0402_cal         03-171-5xxxx  05/15/03    Received AP on 6th Oct
nkapur             03-172-53xxx  05/16/03    Approved 25th Sep 
nimatramatra01     03-173-5xxxx  05/19/03    Approved 27th Sept (Rcvd on 3rd Oct)
prashanthk         03-173-5xxxx  05/19/03    Approved 25th Sept 
7714               03-173-xxxxx  05/19/03    Approved 26th Sept (Rcvd on 3rd Oct)
gopher97           03-173-5xxxx  05/19/03    Approved 19th Sept 
kaulst             03-174-xxxxx  05/20/03    Approved 14th Oct
xxxxxx             03-175-xxxxx  05/21/03    Approved 3rd Oct
karma_yoga         03-176-5xxxx  05/22/03    Approved 16th Oct 
scu123             03-179-5xxxx  05/23/03    pending 
ganshm             03-181-5xxxx  05/30/03    Pending 
canucks            03-185-5xxxx  06/05/03    pending 
spyder             03-189-5xxxx  06/11/03    Approved 24th Oct 
mani_paul          03-196-5xxxx  06/20/03    pending 
rcen               03-204-xxxxx  07/01/03    pending 
Who cares          03-206-5xxxx  07/07/03    pending 
ngadhia            03-210-5xxxx  mm/dd/yy    Approved Emergency AP
ramakriya          03-211-xxxxx  07/14/03    pending 
kashmir            03-223-5xxxx  07/30/03    pending 
rk4gc              03-227-5xxxx  08/04/03    pending 
tiklebit           03-234-50xxx  08/13/03    pending 
niladri30          03-235-5xxxx  08/14/03    pending 
jingbong           03-xxx-xxxxx  08/26/03    pending
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Guys keep updating your approvals. Suddenly every body is gone from the forum, I guess Holiday season already started :D
Last time I paid $110 for I131 in June'03. you can find in Application itself or call them to find out.
Please add me in the list

AP WAC-03-225-5xxxx RD 8/1/2003

Get finger crossed for receiving AP by year end.
AP approved.

WAC 03-181, ND: 5/30

Approved 10/30 (today)

My wife's AP with the same ND is still not approved yet.

AP Approved for WAC03181XXXXX
ND 05/30 AD 10/30

Called NCSC 3 weeks ago for an enquiry and received a letter from INS 2 days ago that says "Ur case was assigned to an officer, Dont BUG (simliar words) us for 30-60 days.
But luckily it was approved now.
Re: Updated List

Congratulations ganshm,485Victim and matrixdeleted
id                 WAC           RD          Status

hussamk            03-154-51xxx  04/22/03    Approved 3rd Sep(RFE) 
badobo             03-163-5xxxx  05/05/03    Approved 8th Sept 
i140wait73         03-163-5xxxx  05/05/03    Approved (8th Sept?) 
hopedieslast       03-165-51xxx  05/07/03    Approved 15th Sept 
apeedinirs         03-166-5xxxx  05/08/03    Approved 30th Sept 
waitn2long         03-168-xxxx   05/12/03    Approved 29th Sept 
gutterboy          03-168-xxxx   xx/xx/xx    Approved 1st Oct ??
granitestone       03-170-xxxxx  05/14/03    Approved 22nd Sept? 
arz                03-171-5xxxx  05/15/03    Approved 15th Oct 
gc0402_cal         03-171-5xxxx  05/15/03    Received AP on 6th Oct
nkapur             03-172-53xxx  05/16/03    Approved 25th Sep 
nimatramatra01     03-173-5xxxx  05/19/03    Approved 27th Sept (Rcvd on 3rd Oct)
prashanthk         03-173-5xxxx  05/19/03    Approved 25th Sept 
7714               03-173-xxxxx  05/19/03    Approved 26th Sept (Rcvd on 3rd Oct)
gopher97           03-173-5xxxx  05/19/03    Approved 19th Sept 
kaulst             03-174-xxxxx  05/20/03    Approved 14th Oct
xxxxxx             03-175-xxxxx  05/21/03    Approved 3rd Oct
karma_yoga         03-176-5xxxx  05/22/03    Approved 16th Oct 
scu123             03-179-5xxxx  05/23/03    pending 
toeic              03-180-5xxxx  xx/xx/xx    pending
ganshm             03-181-5xxxx  05/30/03    Approved 30th Oct
485Victim          03-181-5xxxx  05/30/03    Approved 30th Oct
matrixdeleted      03-187-5xxxx  06/05/03    Approved 31st Oct 
canucks            03-185-5xxxx  06/05/03    pending 
spyder             03-189-5xxxx  06/11/03    Approved 24th Oct 
mani_paul          03-196-5xxxx  06/20/03    pending 
rcen               03-204-xxxxx  07/01/03    pending 
Who cares          03-206-5xxxx  07/07/03    pending 
ngadhia            03-210-5xxxx  mm/dd/yy    Approved Emergency AP
ramakriya          03-211-xxxxx  07/14/03    pending 
kashmir            03-223-5xxxx  07/30/03    pending 
rk4gc              03-227-5xxxx  08/04/03    pending 
tiklebit           03-234-50xxx  08/13/03    pending 
niladri30          03-235-5xxxx  08/14/03    pending 
jingbong           03-xxx-xxxxx  08/26/03    pending
honeybee           03-xxx-xxxxx  09/05/03    pending
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Hi guys,

Sorry for such a late update but I had to leave the country before I got my AP and hence saw the approval only after I came back. I see that approval dates have entered June. Please keep up the thread, its quite informative.

Appedinirs (wac 03 166 5****)
approval date: sept 30

id WAC RD Status

hussamk 03-154-51xxx 04/22/03 Approved 3rd Sep(RFE)
badobo 03-163-5xxxx 05/05/03 Approved 8th Sept
i140wait73 03-163-5xxxx 05/05/03 Approved (8th Sept?)
hopedieslast 03-165-51xxx 05/07/03 Approved 15th Sept
apeedinirs 03-166-5xxxx 05/08/03 Approved 30th sept
waitn2long 03-168-xxxx 05/12/03 Approved 29th Sept
gutterboy 03-168-xxxx xx/xx/xx Approved 1st Oct ??
granitestone 03-170-xxxxx 05/14/03 Approved 22nd Sept?
arz 03-171-5xxxx 05/15/03 Approved 15th Oct
gc0402_cal 03-171-5xxxx 05/15/03 Received AP on 6th Oct
nkapur 03-172-53xxx 05/16/03 Approved 25th Sep
nimatramatra01 03-173-5xxxx 05/19/03 Approved 27th Sept (Rcvd on 3rd Oct)
prashanthk 03-173-5xxxx 05/19/03 Approved 25th Sept
7714 03-173-xxxxx 05/19/03 Approved 26th Sept (Rcvd on 3rd Oct)
gopher97 03-173-5xxxx 05/19/03 Approved 19th Sept
kaulst 03-174-xxxxx 05/20/03 Approved 14th Oct
xxxxxx 03-175-xxxxx 05/21/03 Approved 3rd Oct
karma_yoga 03-176-5xxxx 05/22/03 Approved 16th Oct
scu123 03-179-5xxxx 05/23/03 pending
ganshm 03-181-5xxxx 05/30/03 Approved 30th Oct
485Victim 03-181-5xxxx 05/30/03 Approved 30th Oct
matrixdeleted 03-187-5xxxx 06/05/03 Approved 31st Oct
canucks 03-185-5xxxx 06/05/03 pending
spyder 03-189-5xxxx 06/11/03 Approved 24th Oct
mani_paul 03-196-5xxxx 06/20/03 pending
rcen 03-204-xxxxx 07/01/03 pending
Who cares 03-206-5xxxx 07/07/03 pending
ngadhia 03-210-5xxxx mm/dd/yy Approved Emergency AP
ramakriya 03-211-xxxxx 07/14/03 pending
kashmir 03-223-5xxxx 07/30/03 pending
rk4gc 03-227-5xxxx 08/04/03 pending
tiklebit 03-234-50xxx 08/13/03 pending
niladri30 03-235-5xxxx 08/14/03 pending
jingbong 03-xxx-xxxxx 08/26/03 pending
Updated List

id                 WAC           RD          Status

hussamk            03-154-51xxx  04/22/03    Approved 3rd Sep(RFE) 
badobo             03-163-5xxxx  05/05/03    Approved 8th Sept 
i140wait73         03-163-5xxxx  05/05/03    Approved (8th Sept?) 
hopedieslast       03-165-51xxx  05/07/03    Approved 15th Sept 
apeedinirs         03-166-5xxxx  05/08/03    Approved 30th Sept 
waitn2long         03-168-xxxx   05/12/03    Approved 29th Sept 
gutterboy          03-168-xxxx   xx/xx/xx    Approved 1st Oct ??
granitestone       03-170-xxxxx  05/14/03    Approved 22nd Sept? 
arz                03-171-5xxxx  05/15/03    Approved 15th Oct 
gc0402_cal         03-171-5xxxx  05/15/03    Received AP on 6th Oct
nkapur             03-172-53xxx  05/16/03    Approved 25th Sep 
nimatramatra01     03-173-5xxxx  05/19/03    Approved 27th Sept (Rcvd on 3rd Oct)
prashanthk         03-173-5xxxx  05/19/03    Approved 25th Sept 
7714               03-173-xxxxx  05/19/03    Approved 26th Sept (Rcvd on 3rd Oct)
gopher97           03-173-5xxxx  05/19/03    Approved 19th Sept 
kaulst             03-174-xxxxx  05/20/03    Approved 14th Oct
xxxxxx             03-175-xxxxx  05/21/03    Approved 3rd Oct
karma_yoga         03-176-5xxxx  05/22/03    Approved 16th Oct 
scu123             03-179-5xxxx  05/23/03    pending 
toeic              03-180-5xxxx  05/29/03    pending
ganshm             03-181-5xxxx  05/30/03    Approved 30th Oct
485Victim          03-181-5xxxx  05/30/03    Approved 30th Oct
matrixdeleted      03-187-5xxxx  06/05/03    Approved 31st Oct 
canucks            03-185-5xxxx  06/05/03    pending 
spyder             03-189-5xxxx  06/11/03    Approved 24th Oct 
ramavataar         03-191-5xxxx  mm/dd/yy    Approved 28th Oct 
mani_paul          03-196-5xxxx  06/20/03    pending 
rcen               03-204-xxxxx  07/01/03    pending 
Who cares          03-206-5xxxx  07/07/03    pending 
ngadhia            03-210-5xxxx  mm/dd/yy    Approved Emergency AP
ramakriya          03-211-xxxxx  07/14/03    pending 
kashmir            03-223-5xxxx  07/30/03    pending 
rk4gc              03-227-5xxxx  08/04/03    pending 
tiklebit           03-234-50xxx  08/13/03    pending 
niladri30          03-235-5xxxx  08/14/03    pending 
jingbong           03-xxx-xxxxx  08/26/03    pending
honeybee           03-xxx-xxxxx  09/05/03    pending
gotta_get_a_gc     03-239-xxxxx  mm/dd/yy    pending
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