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AOS not approved yet since July9th,2004


Registered Users (C)
Can anybody please let me know how the NBC in MO works? My wife won the DV lottery ( her number is below 20000 EU) we send our I-485 in July2004 and we have been waiting for the NBC in MO to schedule our interview since that time. Fingerprints taken in Sep.04 and no action since then. Does anybody have the number for National Benefits Center in MO that I could call to find out sth. Time is runing out and we are afraid that they really care if we meet the deadline. We already had an InfoPass appointment about it and they were not helpful at all. Her DV number is current as of May,2005...
Please, help....
if the number is just getting current now, in May, what did you expect? You couldn't have the interview scheduled till now. Wait till May 15, call KCC and see if is scheduled for the upcoming months. They weren't even supposed to let you file I-485 until your number becomes current.
Does it mean that you can find out in advance when your interview is going to be scheduled? If so, since I filled my I-485 to Chicago, should I call them then or still KCC? The whole thing is a kind of confusing. How is it possible that some people get to be fingerprinted even before their number is current and somme not. I guess you don't have to answer this question, it's more a constatation. :)
You were not supposed to send I-485 before Oct. 1, 2004.
If they realize it, they will reject it.
If I were you, I would contact KCC.
If you can still do CP, go for it.
Otherwise you may retry AOS, but there is a chance
that you may waste the application fee. Time is short.