Anyone with a name check pengind for 1.5 year?

no it was not that I couldn't enter US on the way back, but because wouldn't be able to leave my country. I can safely do it only having US citizenship
I just found out that my have a pending name check on my 485. Too bad.

My question is has anyone done any FOIPC check ? how did you do it? how long does it take to receive the result?

dima66a said:
my father died during my 485 processing and i couldn't go even for funeral
sorry to hear about all you guys but I had a similar experience. My mother passed away and was not able to go. My sister is seriously ill on and off but could hardly visit her. My 485 is pending since 2001 and decided not have AP on hand as I was under the impression that my case could get approved any day. It is the life we chose....
It is easy and fast to get FOIPA report. Look in Rahul Kumar' thread. I got an answer in one week. It is absolutely useless for name check.
dima66a said:
It is easy and fast to get FOIPA report. Look in Rahul Kumar' thread. I got an answer in one week. It is absolutely useless for name check.
Does it help in any way or just soothing and comforting... why waiste yours wand their time in FOIPA? JUST WONDERING
It does not help in any way. I agree that not asking for it would save time for them so they can play golf, drink coffee and do other things they usually do on work.

would you advise me to contact senator/congressman..? My PD is Nov,2001- EB3. RD for 485 is jan-2004. Initiated an enquiry thru emergency no and got a mail saying that mine is pending security checks.

Wondering whether to contact senator/congressman as both(PD and RD) of my dates have been passed. I live in bay area, santa clara.

Sent a mail to FBI and waiting for the reply. It is very difficult for FBI to find my name in the database as my last name is very unique. I was wondering whether really my case is with FBI...!. Ofcource, I will get to know when I get the reply from FBI.

Please suggest to expediate my case process

very nice venkatram: Wellcome to the club. I have my name check pending as well and my 485 is pending since March 2001. cheers
Johar Ali said:
very nice venkatram: Wellcome to the club. I have my name check pending as well and my 485 is pending since March 2001. cheers

Thanks for welcomming me. Happy to join the club...! :( Cant believe that waiting from 2001. You seem to be the most experienced and patient guy in CSC. Also most of the peole in FBI must be your friends by now

I never understood CSC intension. why should we wait till name check is cleared. CSC can give us the green card and parallelly they can do whatever checks they want. I am sure 99% nothing will be found. Why should 99% of the people suffer just for checks which anyways going to be nothing. It makes sence if we have to stay out of the country, they do the cheks and allow us in if there isn't any problem. This is total stupidity. They can always revoke the green card if they find us security risk. I think we need to raise this with some congressman/senator....

You can find my posts and thoughts on tis issue, they are any different than you or some others on this forum. All I can say, there is more time for the bad guy and that is what the bad guy wants not the good guy. The good would want to be legalised as soon as possible. I say they give us interim GC valid till name name check pending and should function the same way as normal GC...