Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

I already mentioned a phone call I got from the SF ACLU rep. who collected my husband's info and said they'll be in touch in about a month about decla-n to court to be included into the class action (-at least that's my take on what she meant).
After sharing thoughts through private e-mails with a couple of CA members I wanted to address all of you:
Has anyone thought of the implications these class actions may bring to the situation?
Both CA law suits state in the Prayer for Relief:

4. Order defendants to properly adjudicate, in a time period not to exceed 90 days, the currently pending applications for naturalization of all members of the proposed class, other than the named Plaintiffs;

5. Order Defendants to adjudicate, within 120 days of the date of the naturalization examination, all applications for naturalization that shall be submitted in the future by members of the proposed class, as required by governing law;

6. Order Defendants to conduct all "name checks" within 90 days of the submission of naturalization applications by members of the proposed class, in the event that Defendants have implemented or shall implement a new practice or policy of conducting "name checks" prior to the naturalization examination;
(-excerpts from LA class action filed Aug./06)

The request to speed up is really impossible to implement given the current state of affairs in FBI and CIS. Together with the recent SF Class action prayer to implement a procedure for "identifying unreasonably delayed applications" (while the existing name checks stockpiled) they may backfire, causing Congress to implement an amendment to lift ANY time limits on "security-warranted" clearances of applicants. In alternative, the government can issue an order allowing CIS & FBI to take much longer, or indefinite time on all pending name checks while enforcing the newer policy of not conducting exams without completed name checks (which again, without total reorganization of the process, would take years to wait).

That's what I think may happen. Paz and other seniors, have you seen any outcome from the earlier Class actions, (I remember there was one in Chicago), or do you have any thoughts on this issue?

The other, seemingly illogical thing is, the ACLU lady mentioned declaration to court as a next step for us while according to their prayer, we should be automatically included in the proposed class (-after I voiced the hope to be included, instead of asking the right question: "how they expect their action to progress?")

The other question I didn't see addresed here is: how legal or permitted is it to plagiarize other's petitions/motions, has anyone asked any attorney a permission to use his/er texts?

Meanwhile I am going to prepare my petionion, heavily "relying" on the available 1447-s filed :) and at the same time waiting for the answer from ACLU. But I will try to file in a month, before April.

Good luck to everyone,


I certainly share your concerns and would like to join you in your hope to see some comments from the seniors.

My understanding is that judicial system is meant to be public by definition and therefore all the court documents are automatically in the “public domain” (meant to be fully disclosed and open to public for reading and using). I do not see any issues “plagiarizing” other people texts as the law should be universally applicable to all and all lawsuits should look alike. Also if one cites other people’s cases – proper reference to the case is always given.

What is worrisome is that there are documents floating in this forum that contain plaintiffs’ SSNs, addresses and dates of birth. That makes those plaintiffs very susceptible to identity theft, so if one posts other people documents please erase or mask this sensitive info. We all should be careful what we put into our documents when we file papers with the court. This info becomes immediately accessible to anybody and everybody through PACER.

All the best to you all!
Hello guys,

I'm preparing a case based on 1447. Like I wrote before, my husband filed N400 once before and withdrew the case. that's when USCIS innitiated first name check. then he filed again a year later. No news from FBI even from the first name check. Do you think I should include that in my case? Or should I just go with the recent case and that he didn't get an answer in 120 days.
Hello guys,

I'm preparing a case based on 1447. Like I wrote before, my husband filed N400 once before and withdrew the case. that's when USCIS innitiated first name check. then he filed again a year later. No news from FBI even from the first name check. Do you think I should include that in my case? Or should I just go with the recent case and that he didn't get an answer in 120 days.

Go with the current case. Use congressional inquiry with FBi they will let you know when they recieved request from fbi. I am sure that will include the first request they they received. Use that as your exhibit and tell court that USCIS requested name check in regards to old N-400 application and that one is still pending too. Use that time as date of name check with FBI.

Good luck.
Got a file? FBI file?

Making FOIPA request with FBI has any one got response other then “no record”?

Am I the only one who got a file at FBI?
I certainly share your concerns and would like to join you in your hope to see some comments from the seniors.

My understanding is that judicial system is meant to be public by definition and therefore all the court documents are automatically in the “public domain” (meant to be fully disclosed and open to public for reading and using). I do not see any issues “plagiarizing” other people texts as the law should be universally applicable to all and all lawsuits should look alike. Also if one cites other people’s cases – proper reference to the case is always given.

What is worrisome is that there are documents floating in this forum that contain plaintiffs’ SSNs, addresses and dates of birth. That makes those plaintiffs very susceptible to identity theft, so if one posts other people documents please erase or mask this sensitive info. We all should be careful what we put into our documents when we file papers with the court. This info becomes immediately accessible to anybody and everybody through PACER.

All the best to you all!

I agree with snorlax about the vulnerability of the personal informations posted in court documents. As a first measure, it is good idea to follow his/her recommendation to mask/delete the sensitive personal info from documents we post here. In my court's local rules it is specified to mask even in your own filings the day and month of birth, the first 5 digits of your SSN and the first n digits of any financial account (n=?, I forgot) as well as the name of any minors.
Hello All

First all let me take this opportunity to thank:

1. Allah (god) for guided me to this web page to fight for my right.
2. The persons who is keeping this website running, Thank you
3. Publicus,JohnnyCash,paz1960, bashar82 and all others who helped directly or indirectly for answering questions to me or others.

5/22/06 filed my lawsuit 1447b (132 days after the interview)
2/13/07 the USCIS want to settle the case if i dismiss the case and the they will adjudicate my application within 30 days
2/16/07 got my oath letter.

I wish all the best to all of us.........

Congratulations Mr LA! I'm sorry that you deleted the last part of your original post. I really agreed with the "be prepared or prepare to fail" or something like this. I can't agree more with this.
Congratulations Mr LA! I'm sorry that you deleted the last part of your original post. I really agreed with the "be prepared or prepare to fail" or something like this. I can't agree more with this.

I thank you so much Paz1960 for every advice, i did deleted last part because i thought no one cares, i left it for 2 days ….

Again thank you so much
I already mentioned a phone call I got from the SF ACLU rep. who collected my husband's info and said they'll be in touch in about a month about decla-n to court to be included into the class action (-at least that's my take on what she meant).
After sharing thoughts through private e-mails with a couple of CA members I wanted to address all of you:
Has anyone thought of the implications these class actions may bring to the situation?
Both CA law suits state in the Prayer for Relief:

4. Order defendants to properly adjudicate, in a time period not to exceed 90 days, the currently pending applications for naturalization of all members of the proposed class, other than the named Plaintiffs;

5. Order Defendants to adjudicate, within 120 days of the date of the naturalization examination, all applications for naturalization that shall be submitted in the future by members of the proposed class, as required by governing law;

6. Order Defendants to conduct all "name checks" within 90 days of the submission of naturalization applications by members of the proposed class, in the event that Defendants have implemented or shall implement a new practice or policy of conducting "name checks" prior to the naturalization examination;
(-excerpts from LA class action filed Aug./06)

The request to speed up is really impossible to implement given the current state of affairs in FBI and CIS. Together with the recent SF Class action prayer to implement a procedure for "identifying unreasonably delayed applications" (while the existing name checks stockpiled) they may backfire, causing Congress to implement an amendment to lift ANY time limits on "security-warranted" clearances of applicants. In alternative, the government can issue an order allowing CIS & FBI to take much longer, or indefinite time on all pending name checks while enforcing the newer policy of not conducting exams without completed name checks (which again, without total reorganization of the process, would take years to wait).

That's what I think may happen. Paz and other seniors, have you seen any outcome from the earlier Class actions, (I remember there was one in Chicago), or do you have any thoughts on this issue?

The other, seemingly illogical thing is, the ACLU lady mentioned declaration to court as a next step for us while according to their prayer, we should be automatically included in the proposed class (-after I voiced the hope to be included, instead of asking the right question: "how they expect their action to progress?")

The other question I didn't see addresed here is: how legal or permitted is it to plagiarize other's petitions/motions, has anyone asked any attorney a permission to use his/er texts?

Meanwhile I am going to prepare my petionion, heavily "relying" on the available 1447-s filed :) and at the same time waiting for the answer from ACLU. But I will try to file in a month, before April.

Good luck to everyone,


I never considered to join any class actions so I can't comment too much on these issues (I didn't even study such cases). But I agree with wenlock, I don't believe that there will be a judge who will rule something like what is in the Prayer. I think that this class action will drag for very long time, with zillions of filings, motions, countermotions and later appeals etc. Most of the Plaintiffs' cases will be solved during this period of time and they will drop out one by one. One thing is sure: a class action won by the Plaintiffs is a real bingo for the lawyers because they can collect a huge attorney's fee.

I like to do things myself and I believe that nobody could follow so closely my case than I did. However, I don't claim that what worked for me, should work for everybody.
My wife and mine I-485 were approved two days ago. I want to thank every posters in the forum, especially Paz, Wenlock, and other active members for their time and valuable experience. I have two lawyers working for me on my WoM, but I feel I trust this forum better.

I want to share with everyone my experience during the WoM, the following is my timeline:

NC Request Submitted by USCIS: Jan, 2004
WoM Filed in Central CA: Oct 3, 2006
AUSA Filed 30-day Extension: Dec. 8, 2006
AUSA Filed Answer: Jan. 8, 2007
AUSA Filed Amended Answer: Feb. 7, 2007
I-485 Approved via Email: Feb. 22, 2007

In Central District of CA, there are a lot of immigration-related lawsuits and AUSAs are generally very busy and not nice. They are very unaccessible, even for my lawyers. I was totally in dark until a month ago that I was told the NC expediate was sent before Dec. 21. Having a nice AUSA is more important than having a good lawyer, but this is pure luck that we cann't control.

Looking back, what happened was that the government did not intend to fight me because my I-485 application is a very straight forward case. But there is a line even for NC expediate, so when my NC was still pending, they had to keep filing something to buy more time. At same time, AUSAs really do not care this kind of lawsuits so they want to spend as little time as possible. My strong advise is that, if you are Pro Se, you should communication with your AUSA and establish good relationship with him as early as appropriate.

Good luck everyone.

Congratulations to aaron13 and his wife! It is really good to see some success after not too may lately. I agree with your recommendation to maintain a good working relationship with AUSA.
Tough to be an AUSA these days

Hi Team,
I was looking on the pacer to see how many cases assigned to my AUSA. I found that from Jan 06 till now there are 81 cases assigned to her. 33 are closed mean she still has 48 cases, these are only 1447b and WoM cases. I do not know how many still open cases she have from previous years and how many other cases she is handling.
Looks to me to be an AUSA is really a tough job these days.
Good lawyer in NY city

Any one knows a good lawyer in NYcity who would take 1447b cases? Thanks and good luck for every one.
Congratulations. Your result encouraged me. I filed my 1447b case back in September 2006. I already had three extensions so far and my AUSA kept saying she already sent the expedite request but there's even backlog for the expedite ones.

In the latest email, she comfirmed again that FBI did received the expedite request, which was good news, for as of 12/21, CIS don't sent routinely expedite request to FBI.

From your case, it seems that if the request sent before 12/21, it should exist in their system and won't expire. What we should do is pray and wait!

My wife and mine I-485 were approved two days ago. I want to thank every posters in the forum, especially Paz, Wenlock, and other active members for their time and valuable experience. I have two lawyers working for me on my WoM, but I feel I trust this forum better.

I want to share with everyone my experience during the WoM, the following is my timeline:

NC Request Submitted by USCIS: Jan, 2004
WoM Filed in Central CA: Oct 3, 2006
AUSA Filed 30-day Extension: Dec. 8, 2006
AUSA Filed Answer: Jan. 8, 2007
AUSA Filed Amended Answer: Feb. 7, 2007
I-485 Approved via Email: Feb. 22, 2007

In Central District of CA, there are a lot of immigration-related lawsuits and AUSAs are generally very busy and not nice. They are very unaccessible, even for my lawyers. I was totally in dark until a month ago that I was told the NC expediate was sent before Dec. 21. Having a nice AUSA is more important than having a good lawyer, but this is pure luck that we cann't control.

Looking back, what happened was that the government did not intend to fight me because my I-485 application is a very straight forward case. But there is a line even for NC expediate, so when my NC was still pending, they had to keep filing something to buy more time. At same time, AUSAs really do not care this kind of lawsuits so they want to spend as little time as possible. My strong advise is that, if you are Pro Se, you should communication with your AUSA and establish good relationship with him as early as appropriate.

Good luck everyone.
Question for Kefira

I do not want to discourage you, but I would question everything what AUSA says. Mine also was telling me that my second NC was expedited, but in reality they just did REGULAR name check request. And based on another document that they send me, now I am again at the end of the long tunnel with my name check. It is funny and ridiculous: they wrote in their motion, that they did second NC request at the begin of Nov, also they wrote that expedite name checks were stopped after Dec 21, 2006 and that is why my NC was not expedited. May be I do not understand something, but I believe they could not apply rules from the end of december to the request from November.
Why r u asking for the extensions? I did not know that you (Plaintiff) can do this. In my case, AUSA answered on 60th day, then we had ADR conf, initial hearing, they filed motion to dismiss my case and today I filed oposition to their motion.

Kefira, can you share some details about ADR conf., initial hearing? Did you handle by yourself, or you used a lawyer? What was discussed, and anything critical to handle the conference and hearing? I like to be aware of anything I need to start to read and prepare myself for going to next steps. Thanks.
Please go back to all my posts. I was explaining everything very descriptive at the same day when things were happening to me.
Good luck
Hello All

First all let me take this opportunity to thank:

1. Allah (god) for guided me to this web page to fight for my right.
2. The persons who is keeping this website running, Thank you
3. Publicus,JohnnyCash,paz1960, bashar82 and all others who helped directly or indirectly for answering questions to me or others.

5/22/06 filed my lawsuit 1447b (132 days after the interview)
2/13/07 the USCIS want to settle the case if i dismiss the case and the they will adjudicate my application within 30 days
2/16/07 got my oath letter.

I wish all the best to all of us.........

Congrats Mr. LA, well deserved victory after this long fight. Enjoy your citizenship now that you don't have to deal with USCIS anymore.

Update on my case:
I got my summons stamped and signed from court on Friday along with 2 copies of my complaint stamped. and one copy of the cover sheet.
I made copies of the summons and send it along with a copy of the complaint to each of the defendants and one to the NJ AUSA on Saturday.
I sent the packages thru usps with tracking confirmation but with no signature confirmation (I read some ppl were doing this here, was this a mistake?)

I also got the summons return service sheets with no stamps, I guess I have to fill them up and submit them to court with usps green paper and printouts from the internet once I get them.
Thank you

Congrats Mr. LA, well deserved victory after this long fight. Enjoy your citizenship now that you don't have to deal with USCIS anymore.

Hello akram88 and all :)

Thank you so much, what I have learned from this journey you must be ready for your fight with this people, you must know that USCIS are people like you and me, and the make mistake all the times….you must know very well how to deal with this kind of people by using the LAW, trust me everything is easy as long you go by the law, if they don’t listen the court will listen, know that you may go through hard time, like stress, confused, and feeling down but remember that in the end you will win, know that the court will be in your side too as long you are fighting for your right.

I wish all the best to you and everyone here
This morning I received several emails from USCIS to notify my husband and mine I485 have been approved. I am more shocking than happy to receive these emails after all these nightmares. I hope this is not another "joke" or mistake they made to my applications.

Maybe some members in this thread still remember me. After judge denied the defendant's motion to dismiss to my case during the hearing, my case entered the discovery stage. During the discovery stage, I was notified by the AUSA accidently during a phone conversation that FBI might mixed my file with another person with the same name and same birthday as mine. That might be the reason that they held up my name check. My case was just like cursed by someone! I was really outragous about this. I kept on emailing and calling on AUSA and tried to get some reports from FBI about my name check since it is in discovery stage. However, FBI avoided to give any reports about my case (once give me a CNN website to read, another time just say confidential or backlog....). Later AUSA told me the mixed file was still from USCIS. I know it was a lie that he just tried to cover the message he accidently leaked to me. I was really depressed in last 30 days. The AUSA filed a status report about USCIS on Jan. 30th, just claimed 1) USCIS already corrected their mistakes about my case and expedited my name check, That is all they can do. 2)neither CIS nor US attorney has authorities can order FBI to complete its report. AUSA worked so hard to try to get my name check finished from FBI (He knew there might have troubles if my case really went to trial in April) but FBI just arrogantly ignored him. Last week, we had another phone conversation. AUSA was so angry about the arrogance of the FBI and told me he gave a deadline to FBI (March 13th) to give some report or time table about my name check, otherwise he will not write any thing about Pretrial Order. He told me (maybe purposely) that I need to prove to the court that FBI either had mistakes or did not acting on my case. If FBI is acting on my case, court can not do anything about my case. Then last Friday, he filed a answer to my amended complain. In his answer, he basically claimed 1) defendants reserve the right to contest the Court's decision that it has subject matter jurisdiction on US attorney general 2)Plaintiff fails to state a claim upon which relief can be granted with respect to FBI. I have not really find good opposition to this. although I don't need to opposite these, I still want to get some suggestions from some experts in this thread. It may help other members in this thread. I know there are many oppositions posted here addressing these, but not specifically for US Attorney or FBI.

After so many mistakes in my case (My background is really simple, they still have so many mistakes in my case. I don't think I am the only unlucky one). One of my question is who really has the authorities to look over FBI's work. If they made mistakes, is it possible that they covered it and we were just sacrified by their mistakes? I was really frustrated to try to find out what was really happened to my name check from FBI during discovery stage. Even now I don't know anything, maybe never.

I really need to thank the members in this thread to post all useful information to help me fight for my tough battle, especially Wenlock and PAZ who help me draft my opposition to motion to dismiss which is really a turn point of my case. If I didn't file WOM or visit this website, I am 100% sure that my application will never be adjudicated because of these numerous mistakes.

I already emailed AUSA and let him confirm these information. I will make an info pass appointment to confirm all these by myself and hope we can get stamp on our visa. I heard rumors that USCIS stopped to stamp the visa after I485 approved. You must wait for your card. Is it true? If this is true, I will wait untill my husband and I get the correct cards in our hand, otherwise I will finish the pretrail order (due on April 6th) and go to the pretrial meeting (April 13th).

I also want to mention that I tried to find an attorney during this period. I just met a bunch of sharks, either trying to scare me to charge more money or basically knowing less than this website. Maybe I am really unlucky to meet a good one.

I485 filed on Nov, 2003
I485 administrative closed without adjudication on May, 2006 (USCIS mistake)
WOM Nov 8,2006
I485 reopen Nov 13th, 2006 (corrected mistakes)
Defendants filed motion to dismiss on Dec 18, 2006
USCIS notified that assigned a wrong A # three years ago on Dec 21st (another USCIS mistakes)
filed Opposite to motion to dismiss on Jan. 3rd, 2007
judge denied motion to dismiss on hearing on Jan. 19th,, 2007, ordered discover until march 19th, pretrail order due on april 6th and pretrial meeting on april 13
I485 approved via email on Feb 26th, 2007