Lexis and Westlaw
Hello Mr.LA,
Thank you very much for your information about how to use PACER. The old cases, maybe before 2003, are not available in PACER. I am thinking about Lexis and Westlaw, I found the below information about the charge of these two online libraries.
Is there anyone has experience on using Lexis and Westlaw?
Pricing for Lexis and Westlaw varies depending on the size and nature of the organization, the volume of research performed, and the pricing plan. There are three basic options for pricing Lexis and Westlaw -- transactional, hourly, and fixed rate. Each has implications for searching. Some organizations have a combination of plans.
With transactional pricing, you incur a charge every time a new search is entered. You can view your search results for as long as you want with no additional communications or database charges. Under these plans, start with very broad searches and then narrow them using locate or focus rather than starting new searches.
The price per search depends on the file selected. As of Spring 2000, Lexis prices range from $0-$145 per search. Westlaw search charges also vary from database to database; for example: as of Spring 2001, individual state case files are $35 per search, the Wall Street Journal is $14 and ALLFEDS is $70.
Hourly pricing is based on the size and perceived value of the file or database. Larger, "mega" type files and public record files are more expensive. When searching under an hourly contract, select the smallest file possible (e.g., use US instead of COURTS to search Supreme Court cases). Get offline as soon as possible. If you need to view search results online, use KWIC or focus/locate to identify relevant documents. Better yet, print a cite list and read the cases or articles in hard copy.
Before volume discounts are applied, Lexis rates for private firms are $175- $885 per hour. Westlaw charges $48 per hour for communications and connect charges plus a fee to search each database. For example, individual state case files are $259.80 per hour. Hourly rates for government agencies are significantly discounted.
For both pricing options there are additional charges for printing and downloading ($5.00 per document for both services); charges for LEXSEE/LEXSTAT or FIND ($5 per cite); and charges for using the citator services, such as KeyCite, and Shepherd’s ($3.75 per cite).
More and more organizations are opting for fixed rate plans which are based on anticipated or past use. These contracts are customized and sometimes restrict access to parts of the service. The terms are confidential and vary with each client; Lexis has indicated that the pricing can range from $500.00 to $50,000.00 per month. Check with the library for searching guidelines and restrictions.
Hello Mercury,
1- Go here to register with pacer:
2- Go here
http://pacer.psc.uscourts.gov/ and click on U.S party Case Index, Click on Login.
3- After you login and you put your password, it will take you to PACER SERVICE CENTER.
4- You will be clicking on Search then Civil.
5- You will be in Civil Search window now.
6- In the of the window you will see Region, under that Case Filed date [ you can go back to 1980]
7- In party name you should put (Chertoff), leave the case Number empty
8- In Nature of Suit (NOS) put (890).
I wish this is can help, my advice to you to be careful with the search, or your bill it will be high, I have learned my listen. I have not register on LEXIS, so forgive me please.
I wish you the best to you and everyone here.