Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

See ibrahim vs Chertoff, Eastern Michigan District on Pacer.

Correct me if I am wrong. Ibrahim vs Chertoff was evetually dismissed, because his name check was cleared by the time the AUSA filed reply to opposition. Therefore this is not a case one can cite. (of course, it provides a good template for writting opposition)
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Hi Paz, I just said in the prayer in my 1447(b) lawsuit that as an alternative to granting my citizenship by the court, the court should compel the defendants (USCIS and FBI) to complete the processing of and render a decision on my application IMMEDIATELY. I want to hear what AUSA has to say first. I will use your suggestion (ie., to compel FBI to finish the name check in XX days and after that to compel USCIS to adjudicate the petition in YY days) only as a means to negotiate a settlement. What do you think? Thanks for your advice.

A common problem with all three cases, in my opinion, is that FBI is not listed as defendant on any of these cases and each Plaintiff is asking the court to compel USCIS to adjudicate immediately their petition. USCIS rightfully can argue that they are not allowed to adjudicate an AOS petition till the full criminal background check is complete.

More appropriate would be to name FBI also as a defendant and ask in the Prayer to compel USCIS to expedite the name check with FBI, to compel FBI to finish the name check in XX days and after that to compel USCIS to adjudicate the petition in YY days.

In addition here are a few comments to the individual cases:

In Chaudry, Plaintiff made several mistakes.

1. He didn't mention in his original complaint 5 U.S.C. 555(b) as a basis for jurisdiction and the court was reluctant to re-write the complaitn to create proper subject matter jurisdiction. A complaint must specifically identify the basis for subject matter jurisdiction
2. The judge considered that 17 months waiting can not be considered unreasonable.
3. Plaintiff showed lack of knowledge of immigration law when he listed 1447(b) as a basis for jurisdiction. This statue has nothing to do with AOS petitions, it is clearly about stalled N-400 aplications.
4. The judge dismissed the case without prejudice, hinting that Plaintiff's claims if properly pled, may have merit if the FBI and USCIS persist in delaying adjudication.

With other words, the judge just conveyed to the Plaintiff that Pro Se is not an excuse to be not well prepared.

In Attias Plaintiff didn't bother to oppose defendants' motion to dismiss.

However, what bothers me the most is the judge's remark: "The fact that a delay has been lengthy does not necessarily mean that action has been unlawfully withheld or unreasonably delayed". I don't know how to counteract this statement. And unfortunately, what is unreasonable (and granting a mandamus relief) is completely at the discretion of the court. This is the main reason why a WOM is more difficult than a 1447(b) case.

Thank you Paz. You analyses are very helpful. I agree the Attias case is difficult to argue. I think my best shot is to say since FBI was not listed as a defendant, whatever the Court ordered are not applicable to defend FBI in my case.

I did not use 5 U.S.C. 555(b) as a basis for jurisdiction in my original complain. Do you happen to know if I can add that to my basis in my opposition? I certainly will mention 555b in the opposition, but that seems different according to the judge in Chaudry. Thank again.
Thank you Paz. You analyses are very helpful. I agree the Attias case is difficult to argue. I think my best shot is to say since FBI was not listed as a defendant, whatever the Court ordered are not applicable to defend FBI in my case.

I did not use 5 U.S.C. 555(b) as a basis for jurisdiction in my original complain. Do you happen to know if I can add that to my basis in my opposition? I certainly will mention 555b in the opposition, but that seems different according to the judge in Chaudry. Thank again.

Hi Mark Brown,
When your counter motion is due? Do not be panic someone in this good forum will help you in this task. My case is 1447b but here in this forum, several members just filed or preparing their counter motion based on WoM, they will help you in this. As paz mentioned in his posting that the case you attached were weak cases. I know there are a lot of very good WoM cases out there whom you can mention in your motion. I will my stash to see if I have any.
Thank you.

I still have two more weeks. Thank you for your encouragement. After reading the posts in the forum, I am not panic, but still frustrated. I will try my best to prepare the opposition, but it seems the outcome really fall into judge's hands. Nasty judges will simply using cases cited by the AUSA and dimiss my case without further consideration. Most judge now adays proper will start join conference and the journey continues. Despite I filed my WOM early Dec 2006, my AUSA was too lazy and did not expedite my name check before the 12/21 deadline. So my fate is completely left to the court. Thank you again for checking into your collection.
I still have two more weeks. Thank you for your encouragement. After reading the posts in the forum, I am not panic, but still frustrated. I will try my best to prepare the opposition, but it seems the outcome really fall into judge's hands. Nasty judges will simply using cases cited by the AUSA and dimiss my case without further consideration. Most judge now adays proper will start join conference and the journey continues. Despite I filed my WOM early Dec 2006, my AUSA was too lazy and did not expedite my name check before the 12/21 deadline. So my fate is completely left to the court. Thank you again for checking into your collection.

You are not alone in your shoes. But do not blame AUSA, it was not his responsibility to expedite the case. Again to blaim INS. Actually I am also I485and my NC also was not expedited, although was sent for second NC at the beg of November. I just mentioned this in my Opposition and yesterday my AUSA completely killed me, since she told me that I485 cases were never expedited... Whatever... Now I am waiting for AUSA answer to my oposition. I will argue this in the court (if I will be lucky and judge won't dismiss my case).
From my personal experience and readings through tonns of PACER records, all I485 cases represented by attorneys were dismissed in 12-30 days intervals. None of the cases went so far as mine or yours , unless the Plaintiff had questionable history. I saw may be couple cases were I485 were represented PerSe and actually had a good outcome.
Anyway, good luck to you.
Thank you Paz. You analyses are very helpful. I agree the Attias case is difficult to argue. I think my best shot is to say since FBI was not listed as a defendant, whatever the Court ordered are not applicable to defend FBI in my case.

I did not use 5 U.S.C. 555(b) as a basis for jurisdiction in my original complain. Do you happen to know if I can add that to my basis in my opposition? I certainly will mention 555b in the opposition, but that seems different according to the judge in Chaudry. Thank again.

I certainly don't know more about procedural issues than the judge in the Chaudry case. If we believe that the judge was correct, the basis for jurisdiction has to be stated in the original complaint. You still should mention 555b in your opposition, and let the judge to decide if s/he takes this into account.
Recent WoM victory

Magistrate judge order uphold by the district judge.
Thank you to lotech for providing this.
Magistrate judge order uphold by the district judge.
Thank you to lotech for providing this.

It will be interesting to watch how much of the taxpayers' money was wasted as attorney's fee (which will be awarded to Plaintiff) in this case by USCIS not performing their non-discretionary duty to adjudicate in a timely manner a properly filed application.
I-485 approval after WOM!

Thanks to Almighty Allah!

Let me share this good news with this forum members from whom I have learnt a lot! Today I received the CIS e-mails three each for me and my wife. Message states approval of I-485 and approval notice being sent to my address on 3/1/2007. I filed my I-485 in Oct 4,2004 and name check was initiated on Oct 9,2004 (according to the FBI response to senator). It had been pending since then due to name check. I tried everything including FOIPA, e-mails to FBI (which never yielded any response), two senators from state of New Mexico, congressman, numerous calls to USCIS, First Lady (no response), Obundsman.I kept on waiting and waiting and thought it would happen on its own. Then Allah guided me to this forum. Surprisingly I ahd been visiting this forum since early 2006 but did not know about this thread. After receiving the generic letter from FBI (through senator) on 10/28/2006 which basically told me to wait indefenitely, I decided to go ahead with WOM which I filed on 11/22/2006. Members like Gegomon, Mercury 369 , lexis, and specifically PAZ 1960 (who has been a torch bearer on this forum and has spared a lot of his precious time for this forum) helped a lot. The AUSA was served on 11/29/2006 and responded on 1/29/07 with an answer. I am currently at the stage of JSR (joint status report) which is to be filed elctronically tomorrow. My pretrial hearing is set on 3/12/07.
I contacted my AUSA yesterday (as I have done repeatedly since filing WOM) to check the status of my name check from CIS. His response was that there is no update. I am amazed at how much darkness these AUSAs are kept in by CIS. My name check must have cleared at least few weeks before the final I-485. But the AUSA response has been the same-no update, althouh he did mention that new expedited request was sent on 12/20/2006 (which is like 30days after I filed WOM).I have not shared this information with my AUSA. I plan not to dismiss my case till I have the cards or passport stamped.
Does any one know what is the step or time period after I-485 approval and actual green cards? I would be more than happy to answer any questions about my case.
Thanks again. Best of luck to everyone.
Usually, you can get your Green Cards in one week. I got the approval notice in Dec. 21, 2007 and received the actual green cards in Dec. 29, 2007.
Thanks to Almighty Allah!

Let me share this good news with this forum members from whom I have learnt a lot! Today I received the CIS e-mails three each for me and my wife. Message states approval of I-485 and approval notice being sent to my address on 3/1/2007. I filed my I-485 in Oct 4,2004 and name check was initiated on Oct 9,2004 (according to the FBI response to senator). It had been pending since then due to name check. I tried everything including FOIPA, e-mails to FBI (which never yielded any response), two senators from state of New Mexico, congressman, numerous calls to USCIS, First Lady (no response), Obundsman.I kept on waiting and waiting and thought it would happen on its own. Then Allah guided me to this forum. Surprisingly I ahd been visiting this forum since early 2006 but did not know about this thread. After receiving the generic letter from FBI (through senator) on 10/28/2006 which basically told me to wait indefenitely, I decided to go ahead with WOM which I filed on 11/22/2006. Members like Gegomon, Mercury 369 , lexis, and specifically PAZ 1960 (who has been a torch bearer on this forum and has spared a lot of his precious time for this forum) helped a lot. The AUSA was served on 11/29/2006 and responded on 1/29/07 with an answer. I am currently at the stage of JSR (joint status report) which is to be filed elctronically tomorrow. My pretrial hearing is set on 3/12/07.
I contacted my AUSA yesterday (as I have done repeatedly since filing WOM) to check the status of my name check from CIS. His response was that there is no update. I am amazed at how much darkness these AUSAs are kept in by CIS. My name check must have cleared at least few weeks before the final I-485. But the AUSA response has been the same-no update, althouh he did mention that new expedited request was sent on 12/20/2006 (which is like 30days after I filed WOM).I have not shared this information with my AUSA. I plan not to dismiss my case till I have the cards or passport stamped.
Does any one know what is the step or time period after I-485 approval and actual green cards? I would be more than happy to answer any questions about my case.
Thanks again. Best of luck to everyone.


Congratulations!!! I am so glad for you, finally it is your day. Enjoy it!

Thanks to Almighty Allah!

Let me share this good news with this forum members from whom I have learnt a lot! Today I received the CIS e-mails three each for me and my wife. Message states approval of I-485 and approval notice being sent to my address on 3/1/2007. I filed my I-485 in Oct 4,2004 and name check was initiated on Oct 9,2004 (according to the FBI

Congratulations. Great Victory. My timeline about WOM is very close to yours and this give me little encouragement.
Thanks to Almighty Allah!

Let me share this good news with this forum members from whom I have learnt a lot! Today I received the CIS e-mails three each for me and my wife. Message states approval of I-485 and approval notice being sent to my address on 3/1/2007. I filed my I-485 in Oct 4,2004 and name check was initiated on Oct 9,2004 (according to the FBI response to senator). It had been pending since then due to name check. I tried everything including FOIPA, e-mails to FBI (which never yielded any response), two senators from state of New Mexico, congressman, numerous calls to USCIS, First Lady (no response), Obundsman.I kept on waiting and waiting and thought it would happen on its own. Then Allah guided me to this forum. Surprisingly I ahd been visiting this forum since early 2006 but did not know about this thread. After receiving the generic letter from FBI (through senator) on 10/28/2006 which basically told me to wait indefenitely, I decided to go ahead with WOM which I filed on 11/22/2006. Members like Gegomon, Mercury 369 , lexis, and specifically PAZ 1960 (who has been a torch bearer on this forum and has spared a lot of his precious time for this forum) helped a lot. The AUSA was served on 11/29/2006 and responded on 1/29/07 with an answer. I am currently at the stage of JSR (joint status report) which is to be filed elctronically tomorrow. My pretrial hearing is set on 3/12/07.
I contacted my AUSA yesterday (as I have done repeatedly since filing WOM) to check the status of my name check from CIS. His response was that there is no update. I am amazed at how much darkness these AUSAs are kept in by CIS. My name check must have cleared at least few weeks before the final I-485. But the AUSA response has been the same-no update, althouh he did mention that new expedited request was sent on 12/20/2006 (which is like 30days after I filed WOM).I have not shared this information with my AUSA. I plan not to dismiss my case till I have the cards or passport stamped.
Does any one know what is the step or time period after I-485 approval and actual green cards? I would be more than happy to answer any questions about my case.
Thanks again. Best of luck to everyone.

Congrats !!! Sweet...

Can you share your case if you have not done already on this forum? I am also in 485, it will be really helpful to me later on.

Thanks to Almighty Allah!

Let me share this good news with this forum members from whom I have learnt a lot! Today I received the CIS e-mails three each for me and my wife. Message states approval of I-485 and approval notice being sent to my address on 3/1/2007.

Hi sfdurrani

Congratulations, you did it by yourself. I am so happy to hear that. Relax and enjoy the victory.
TeleConf call

I just finished my teleconf call with the Judge and AUSA. The Judge is very nice since I am pro se. AUSA said she wanted to extend the discovery period another 4 months, which ends end of July. And she wanted to do a deposition on me. The Judge said another 4 months of discovery is not necessary since in the past three months they did not do anything. But she granted the extension at the end and she highly recommend me to hire a lawyer. She said the four months will be enough time for me to find a lawyer to represent me and from now on, all the documents submitted to the court should be very formal, it will be very hard to do by myself. And if my "lawyer" wants, we can schedule another teleconf to shorten the discovery period.

At the end, the judge asked me if I have any other questions, since the only thing we talked about are the schedule, I said I don't have anything else.

A side note, this AUSA called me just before the conf, she said CIS did expedite my name check back in Nov.

What should I do? Should I hire a lawyer? I don't have much confidence anymore.
Congratulations! Our time frame are very similar. My I-485 is filed in Aug. 2004, and I filed WOM on Nov. 20th. After this morning's teleconf call with the Judge, AUSA asked for another 4 months of discovery time. My Joint ADR report is set June 6th and pre-trial is set to Oct. 31. Reading your news gives me some hope on my case.

Thanks to Almighty Allah!

Let me share this good news with this forum members from whom I have learnt a lot! Today I received the CIS e-mails three each for me and my wife. Message states approval of I-485 and approval notice being sent to my address on 3/1/2007. I filed my I-485 in Oct 4,2004 and name check was initiated on Oct 9,2004 (according to the FBI response to senator). It had been pending since then due to name check. I tried everything including FOIPA, e-mails to FBI (which never yielded any response), two senators from state of New Mexico, congressman, numerous calls to USCIS, First Lady (no response), Obundsman.I kept on waiting and waiting and thought it would happen on its own. Then Allah guided me to this forum. Surprisingly I ahd been visiting this forum since early 2006 but did not know about this thread. After receiving the generic letter from FBI (through senator) on 10/28/2006 which basically told me to wait indefenitely, I decided to go ahead with WOM which I filed on 11/22/2006. Members like Gegomon, Mercury 369 , lexis, and specifically PAZ 1960 (who has been a torch bearer on this forum and has spared a lot of his precious time for this forum) helped a lot. The AUSA was served on 11/29/2006 and responded on 1/29/07 with an answer. I am currently at the stage of JSR (joint status report) which is to be filed elctronically tomorrow. My pretrial hearing is set on 3/12/07.
I contacted my AUSA yesterday (as I have done repeatedly since filing WOM) to check the status of my name check from CIS. His response was that there is no update. I am amazed at how much darkness these AUSAs are kept in by CIS. My name check must have cleared at least few weeks before the final I-485. But the AUSA response has been the same-no update, althouh he did mention that new expedited request was sent on 12/20/2006 (which is like 30days after I filed WOM).I have not shared this information with my AUSA. I plan not to dismiss my case till I have the cards or passport stamped.
Does any one know what is the step or time period after I-485 approval and actual green cards? I would be more than happy to answer any questions about my case.
Thanks again. Best of luck to everyone.
4 months long extension?

4 months seems to be quite a long time. I thought AUSA usually do 30 days extension. If AUSA has not done much in last 3 months, what would they do in another 4 months? Is there a chance to oppose this during your conference? Mingjing
1447b matter, HELP Needed Central CA DC.

My buddy needs HELP...his case is set for a hearing on 3/19 in Central CA DC This is what is showing in PACER

NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction, or in the alternative, MOTION to Remand Case to US Citizenship and Immigration Services filed by defendants Jane Arellano, Robert Muller, Alberto R Gonzales, Michael Chertoff, Emilio T Gonzalez. Memorandum of points and authorities; declarations of Jordan M Rund and Michael A Cannon. Motion set for hearing on 3/19/2007 at 10:00 AM before Judge Virginia A. Phillips. (mrgo, )
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Get a life!

How long can one dwell on this?
I bet you're in IT (I am myself) and that'd explain a lot (e.g. symptoms of control freak).
A customer, an office, a glitch happens and all of a sudden we have a holy war and crusade.
I sent my paper work mid November 2006, had interview today, March 1st - end of story.
I'm not going to provide detail like:
1. filled out form at 08:00
2. droped it in the mail box @ 14:00.
etc. etc.
I took with me only the what they asked for: green card,
deposition record from court (had a DUI 11 years ago), nobody bother to ask about it, except for:
"traffic ticket? Yes, traffic ticket"
I did not bring with me every parking ticket I paid in my life as some suggest we shoud do.
Stick to the instructions.
If there's an unreasonable delay, contact your U.S. Representative or Senator. Get on with you life.
I can uderstand that people waiting for the GC want to see a progress, they grasp for any indication of it (there's a huge backlog) BUt with N-400? This should be a smooth ride and don't try to make a bigger deal out of it than it is.