thank you for your reply SLOW_CISAs you already know, Eastern district of Michigan is one of the worst ones and your case is the 12th case dismissed for lack of subject matter jurisdiction.
What you can do is to go to the next step and file the notice of appeal with the district court. You have 60 days starting from the date of judgment (Oct 31st in your case) to file the notice of appeal with the clerk of the court in E.D. Michigan. In about two week, your case will be docketed and be assigned a case number. In about a month, the clerk of the court of appeals sends you the schedule to file your briefs, and you go from there.
My advice to you is to file for appeal only if you are serious about fighting all the way, not just to file it so that they work on your case faster. My impression is that our AUSA is someone who is committed to the fight all the way to the end. He does not request to expedite unless ordered by the court, or he feels threatened that he might loose in the appeal.
After all if you are determined to fight all the way, you can count on me. But remember, I am not nearly as knowledgeable as lazycis.
I am getting "Electronic access to this document is restricted to registered CM/ECF participants. "
I've read about it in AILF newsletter
On December 1, 2007, amended federal rules of procedure went into effect that limit public access to electronic court documents. Amended Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 5.2(c) limits remote access to electronic files in immigration and social security cases. The rule states that only "the parties and their attorneys may have remote electronic access to any part of the case file, including the administrative record."
Still, you should be able to access your own case, but it makes Pro Se life much harder.
Can you tell me what is the main difference between MSJ and Opp to MTD? I know that Judge has to rule on MSJ, but don't have to rule on Opp. to MTD. Other than that, there might be difference in the format and content?
My Judge had been a US attorney in his earlier career, and he likes to postpone these cases. So maybe MSJ is the way to go?
I searched on Pacer and found that the AUSA who handles my case doesn't have much experience either. She only dealt with 2 WOM cases (one of them is mine) and she will write the first MTD for WOM for me. So we are at the same starting point, probably. But I cannot access her previous MTD, that is a down side.
That's kinda dumb change. I can't access my own case. One has to register to ECF which is restricted to registered attorneys....
Lazycis and other members,
My US attorney filed a MTD to my I-485 WOM complaint. Response to MTD is due by 12/31. The pretrial conference was set on 1/30/08. My I-485 application has been delayed for 3 years and 5 months due to the name check. My wife’s name check was cleared in 7 months after the FBI received the request from USCIS, but her derivative application was not adjudicated due to my pending name check. My wife was listed as a co-plaintiff in the complaint according to your suggestions. Now the US attorney argued the defendants have been acting on plaintiffs’ applications and my wife’s claim against FBI director Mueller should be dismissed as moot under Fed R. Civ. Pro. 12(b) (1) because the FBI has completed my wife’s name check. Can you advise how to response to this?
Thank you in advance for your help.
MSJ and opp to MTD are different. MSJ is requesting that the court declare you as the prevailing party. Opp to MTD is countering the AUSA's argument to dismiss your case. In your MSJ you have to state the facts and show that based on those facts you are the prevailing party. In your Opp to MTD you have to argue why the Court should not dismiss the petition. Typically here you have to prove that the court has jurisdiction, that you have stated a claim and so on.
Having said that there are many arguments that could be common between the two. For example my AUSA in his Reply to MSJ had all the MTD arguments so my reply was similar to Opp to MTD.
Lazycis and other members,
My US attorney filed a MTD to my I-485 WOM complaint. Response to MTD is due by 12/31. The pretrial conference was set on 1/30/08. My I-485 application has been delayed for 3 years and 5 months due to the name check. My wife’s name check was cleared in 7 months after the FBI received the request from USCIS, but her derivative application was not adjudicated due to my pending name check. My wife was listed as a co-plaintiff in the complaint according to your suggestions. Now the US attorney argued the defendants have been acting on plaintiffs’ applications and my wife’s claim against FBI director Mueller should be dismissed as moot under Fed R. Civ. Pro. 12(b) (1) because the FBI has completed my wife’s name check. Can you advise how to response to this?
Thank you in advance for your help.
I applied for citizenship in September 2005. they scheduled interview on April 2006 but before that time they descheduled my interview. I filed WOM on November 9,2007 in Eastern District of New York. I have some question:
- what do you think about my case and how is my chance to get my citizenship in this way?
Do you have any info or feedback about the Eastern District of New York?
- What are the processes from now and how much does it take each one?
Thanks a lot for any information
These are the list of people I am planning to put as defendants. Please tell me if all the addresses are correct or not. I have a hesitation about the district director's address since all the USCIS stuff is now with DHS and noone picks up the phone if i call the local number. what a way of great service from USCIS.
M. Francis Holmes ---- does this work?
USCIS District Director
130 Delaware Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14202
Thank you