important - 815 day delay for name check is unreasonable by any standard
ATTISHA v. JENIFER, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 65761 (E.D. Mich., Sep 6, 2007)
"[N]ame check request has been pending now, by the court's calculation, for 815 days. While the court understands that defendants and the FBI have an enormous and difficult case load, the extreme delay that has occurred in this case is intolerable by any standard.
Remanding the case "for completion of the examination" would do nothing to ensure that defendants will, in fact, complete the examination and make a decision. Defendants offer no guarantee that they will not delay the
matter for additional months or years, if not indefinitely."
ATTISHA v. JENIFER, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 65761 (E.D. Mich., Sep 6, 2007)
"[N]ame check request has been pending now, by the court's calculation, for 815 days. While the court understands that defendants and the FBI have an enormous and difficult case load, the extreme delay that has occurred in this case is intolerable by any standard.
Remanding the case "for completion of the examination" would do nothing to ensure that defendants will, in fact, complete the examination and make a decision. Defendants offer no guarantee that they will not delay the
matter for additional months or years, if not indefinitely."