Did the judge actually say that your claims failed on both grounds: lack of jurisdiction and failure to state a claim? That would be very surprising because most opinions I have seen dismiss cases based on jurisdiction bar and decline to comment on their merits... Giving such unfavorable opinions on both grounds seems a little over the top. Nevertheless, I feel you have a strong case based on the long wait you have suffered, but it might take you a few extra steps to earn the eventual victory.
Meanwhile, have you explored other alternatives, e.g. writing to First Lady Laura Bush, your senators, and congressman? You never know what will work for you so better try everything you can think of. Like the saying goes: knock on every door and one of them will open.
Thank you very much for you concern.
Yes, the judge said in his Order: “Defendants argue that the Court lacks jurisdiction over this action and, even if there were jurisdiction, Plaintiff fails to state a claim upon which relief may be granted. The Court agrees.” ..." further, even if #1252 did not remove jurisdiction, Plaintiff fails to state a claim upon which relief may be granted because Defendants have no 'clear nondiscretionary duty' to process the I-485 application at any particular pace."
And the Attorney has emphasized again and again in the MTD:"Defendants do not owe Plaintiff a clear duty to adjudicate his application within any particular time frame."
Yes, we have tried every possible way, such as these you have mentioned.
I know the possibility to win the lawsuit is very small if the case would be remanded the District Court.
Any other ideas and suggestions is highly appreciated.