Missingpa great opposition
Hi yvesliu,
I am just another rookie on this board like you and I have been getting help from shvili, lazycis, paz, dude and others. Attached is my draft of the OPP that will be submitted in about 10 days. I am also attaching my MTD. Feel free to look through them if it's of any help to you. If you want the source file in Word format, please PM me and I will e-mail it to you.
Lazycis' answers to my questions yesterday were especially enlightening, and I have yet to revise my OPP some more. In the mean time, guys, please give me some comments on how to improve it.
I went back and forth with shvili's "green card lottery" argument and decided not to use it, partly because I am not sure if I have a good grasp of that issue to elaborate it well.
for "just another rookie" you did an outstanding job on your MTD Opposition. Who needs a lawyer when we have people like you!!!
Seriously, I think you did an excellent job on your Opposition. Furthermore, I would suggest (of course if you do not object to it) that other people with a similar case should use it as a very good sample. It is very well written, very conscise and easy to follow. Although my husband's case is different (1447+WOM), I really advise other members with AOS cases to follow your opposition.
I also recognize a great input of Lazycis and his wonderful help for this dociment must be tremendous. I suggest (with few minor changes) even to post your Opposition somewhere in the beginning of this thread together with other Publicus advises so that other people can easily access it (again, only if you do not object to it).
I have a few comments (if I'm not too late to post them) on it.
On page 3, you only listed one precedent which says that statues for visa applicants also apply to AOS applicants. Since my husband's case is not in this category, I did not specifically follow the logic of #1154 and all the applicable argument that Lazycis earlier posted, but I think I remember at least two other cases where judges compared visa statues with AOS and given the fact you spend considerable amt. of space to argue this point, perhaps you might add another example. (Again, I am sorry I can't point you the the exact doc-t, -I'd have to search too many so if you can't find it just disregard it).
On p. 7 when you quote part 245 of CFR you also quote subparagraph ii. I would just limit my quote to the i) part. The ii) shows the obligatory language but it is not relevant to your argument. (but again it's pretty small and you might just keep it).
On p.8 you have a flaw in argument which I think you should correct: after you say that the remaining 10% of unresolved hits are delayed by FBI you jump to the conclusion that these 10% should be resolved prior to the processing name checks submitted a year later. FBI only said it delayed 10% but it did not say anywhere (or at least it's not in your text), how long the delay is or that it is less than a year. So your next sentence that VSC sent to FBI requests submitted a year later "which would suggest the vast majority of even the remaining 10% of the name check requests should have been completed" is illogical. Since I'm afraid I'm the one originally responsible for the "jump in line argument" (which you really developed very nicely later on
), I suggest the following correction: After you say that only the remaining 10% of unresolved cases are delayed longer you can say that:
"assuming that FBI created a separate line for these delayed 10% of the cases (because according to their web site, VSC is currently processing AOS appl-s submitted a year later), it is fair to conclude that many of these 10% of the cases are delayed longer than Plaintiffs' and indeed are waiting for years. In this case Plaintiffs respectfully request FBI to inform them (just like CIS and VSC do), which name checks FBI currently processes so that Plaintiffs would know of their approximate place in this line (for example, FBI now processes name check requests submitted 2 years ago)."
Then you can proceed with your nice argument on "cutting in line": once you don't want to cut in front of people waiting loinger than yourself you plead:
"Defendants should apply criteria of fairness all the way by expediting those 10% of cases delayed longer than the current applicants' cases. In order to avoid the current name checks requests to "cut in front of the line" of these delayed 10% of the cases waitng for years, FBI shall first expedite processing of these delayed cases in the "first in, first out" order, and only then proceed with the currently pending name check requests."
Finally, my last suggestion is, perhaps divide your text into smaller portions for easier reading (like, this "line-cutting arg-t" has a separate chapter, and all other parts, like the next of new type of nc and inefficient processing). Also, there you could also include, it's "illogical to delay nc of potential terrorists for years based on "security concerns"".
I really wish you good luck and after you finish your complaint you should stick to the forum to help others (which number. I'm afraid, will not decrease unless something unexpected and drastic happens in this post-bill political arena