Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

1st Nov - 30 Nov cases

Here are all the cases between Nov 1st and Nov 30th

you can clearly see that a lot less cases are closed compared to Month of Oct in my last post. This indicates that they are working on name expediate requests presented to them.

Of course every name check is different and requires different level of complexity so timing is not always correct. It shows trend that things are moving forward but they are little slow from before.

I guess best course of action is to work with your AUSA and extend some time if needed instead of motions.

Name Court Case No. Filed NOS Closed

CHERTOFF, MICHAEL flmdce 8:2006cv02033 11/01/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ohndce 1:2006cv02646 11/01/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL mddce 8:2006cv02879 11/01/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL caedce 2:2006cv02428 11/01/2006 890 01/08/2007
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ilndce 1:2006cv05935 11/01/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ilndce 1:2006cv05937 11/01/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL madce 1:2006cv12000 11/01/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL casdce 3:2006cv02413 11/01/2006 890 12/15/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL casdce 3:2006cv02418 11/01/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ordce 3:2006cv01556 11/01/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 4:2006cv06802 11/01/2006 890 01/03/2007
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv06967 11/01/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv06977 11/01/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv06983 11/01/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ohsdce 2:2006cv00922 11/02/2006 890 12/12/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ohsdce 1:2006cv00752 11/02/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL caedce 1:2006cv01542 11/02/2006 890 12/04/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL caedce 1:2006cv01547 11/02/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL caedce 1:2006cv01548 11/02/2006 890 12/20/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL caedce 1:2006cv01549 11/02/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 5:2006cv06829 11/02/2006 890 01/04/2007
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 3:2006cv06824 11/02/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL casdce 3:2006cv02424 11/02/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL casdce 3:2006cv02423 11/02/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL wawdce 2:2006cv01593 11/02/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv06988 11/02/2006 890 01/09/2007
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07025 11/02/2006 890 12/07/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL vtdce 1:2006cv00219 11/03/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL mtdce 2:2006cv00081 11/03/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL txsdce 4:2006cv03477 11/03/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL flmdce 3:2006cv00964 11/03/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL njdce 2:2006cv05286 11/03/2006 890 12/14/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 5:2006cv06840 11/03/2006 890 12/01/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL hidce 1:2006cv00596 11/03/2006 890 01/04/2007
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ilndce 1:2006cv06009 11/03/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ilndce 1:2006cv06029 11/03/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL flsdce 1:2006cv22693 11/03/2006 890 12/18/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL gandce 1:2006cv02676 11/03/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ilndce 1:2006cv06000 11/03/2006 890 01/03/2007
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07071 11/03/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 4:2006cv06889 11/03/2006 890 12/19/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 5:2006cv06888 11/03/2006 890 12/08/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL wawdce 2:2006cv01595 11/03/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07065 11/03/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07070 11/03/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07072 11/03/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07073 11/03/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07075 11/03/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 5:2006cv06998 11/08/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL vaedce 1:2006cv01261 11/08/2006 890 01/08/2007
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL caedce 1:2006cv01603 11/08/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 3:2006cv06987 11/08/2006 890 01/08/2007
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ilndce 1:2006cv06119 11/08/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ilndce 1:2006cv06118 11/08/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL madce 1:2006cv12045 11/08/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ilndce 1:2006cv06126 11/08/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 4:2006cv07001 11/08/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 5:2006cv06983 11/08/2006 890 01/03/2007
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07164 11/08/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07181 11/08/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ohndce 5:2006cv02701 11/09/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ohndce 1:2006cv02703 11/09/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ohndce 1:2006cv02708 11/09/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL paedce 2:2006cv04966 11/09/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL paedce 2:2006cv04970 11/09/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL caedce 1:2006cv01606 11/09/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL caedce 1:2006cv01607 11/09/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL nvdce 2:2006cv01437 11/09/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL flmdce 3:2006cv00981 11/09/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL madce 1:2006cv12051 11/09/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 3:2006cv07031 11/09/2006 890 12/14/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 5:2006cv07008 11/09/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL mddce 1:2006cv02926 11/06/2006 890 12/05/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ohndce 1:2006cv02679 11/06/2006 890 12/21/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL vaedce 1:2006cv01251 11/06/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 3:2006cv06919 11/06/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 3:2006cv06914 11/06/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL casdce 3:2006cv02448 11/06/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL vaedce 1:2006cv01252 11/06/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ilndce 1:2006cv06059 11/06/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL mddce 8:2006cv02923 11/06/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07125 11/06/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL madce 1:2006cv12043 11/07/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL nysdce 1:2006cv12984 11/07/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 3:2006cv06954 11/07/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ordce 3:2006cv01599 11/07/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL txwdce 5:2006cv00981 11/07/2006 890 12/18/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 3:2006cv06923 11/07/2006 890 01/12/2007
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL madce 1:2006cv12041 11/07/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07142 11/07/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 4:2006cv07053 11/13/2006 890 12/08/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL madce 1:2006cv12057 11/13/2006 890 01/05/2007
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ohndce 1:2006cv02750 11/14/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ohsdce 2:2006cv00957 11/14/2006 890 12/12/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL txsdce 4:2006cv03580 11/14/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ohndce 3:2006cv02741 11/14/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL nysdce 1:2006cv13159 11/14/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 3:2006cv07060 11/14/2006 890 12/18/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 3:2006cv07066 11/14/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL casdce 3:2006cv02496 11/15/2006 890 12/27/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ilndce 1:2006cv06238 11/15/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ordce 3:2006cv01648 11/15/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL nysdce 1:2006cv13238 11/15/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07273 11/15/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07275 11/15/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07293 11/15/2006 890 01/10/2007
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07305 11/15/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07307 11/15/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL dcdce 1:2006cv01921 11/09/2006 890 11/30/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL njdce 2:2006cv05380 11/09/2006 890 12/26/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL casdce 3:2006cv02469 11/09/2006 890 12/07/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07211 11/09/2006 890 12/21/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ohndce 3:2006cv02718 11/10/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL paedce 2:2006cv04982 11/13/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL paedce 2:2006cv04997 11/13/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL paedce 2:2006cv04996 11/13/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL kywdce 1:2006cv00177 11/13/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL miedce 2:2006cv15067 11/13/2006 890 01/11/2007
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ohsdce 2:2006cv00946 11/13/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ohsdce 2:2006cv00947 11/13/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL pawdce 2:2006cv01505 11/13/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 5:2006cv06984 11/13/2006 890 12/27/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 5:2006cv07041 11/13/2006 890 12/27/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL txsdce 4:2006cv03574 11/13/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL txsdce 4:2006cv03575 11/13/2006 890 11/16/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL wiedce 2:2006cv01175 11/13/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL okwdce 5:2006cv01242 11/13/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL flmdce 3:2006cv00987 11/13/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL madce 1:2006cv12058 11/13/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ncedce 5:2006cv00478 11/13/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL casdce 3:2006cv02472 11/13/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ilndce 1:2006cv06177 11/13/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL casdce 3:2006cv02421 11/02/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL casdce 3:2006cv02422 11/02/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL flndce 1:2006cv00229 11/02/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL nyedce 2:2006cv05925 11/02/2006 890 12/01/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ilndce 1:2006cv05989 11/02/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ilndce 1:2006cv06208 11/14/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ilndce 1:2006cv06210 11/14/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL wawdce 2:2006cv01646 11/14/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL mddce 8:2006cv03021 11/14/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL flsdce 1:2006cv22806 11/14/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL vaedce 1:2006cv01289 11/14/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ilndce 1:2006cv06211 11/14/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07247 11/14/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07248 11/14/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ordce 2:2006cv01647 11/14/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL flsdce 1:2006cv22635 11/15/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL paedce 2:2006cv05046 11/15/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 4:2006cv07080 11/15/2006 890 01/11/2007
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 5:2006cv07098 11/15/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 5:2006cv07355 11/30/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 5:2006cv07358 11/30/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 5:2006cv07362 11/30/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 3:2006cv07364 11/30/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 3:2006cv07365 11/30/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ohndce 1:2006cv02828 11/22/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ohsdce 2:2006cv00997 11/22/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ohsdce 2:2006cv00998 11/22/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ohsdce 2:2006cv00999 11/22/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 3:2006cv07227 11/22/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL nvdce 2:2006cv01508 11/22/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL paedce 2:2006cv05169 11/22/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL wawdce 2:2006cv01690 11/22/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL wawdce 2:2006cv01691 11/22/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL wawdce 2:2006cv01692 11/22/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL wawdce 2:2006cv01693 11/22/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 5:2006cv07260 11/22/2006 890 12/28/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL madce 1:2006cv12113 11/22/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL nysdce 1:2006cv13437 11/22/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL nysdce 1:2006cv13452 11/22/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 3:2006cv07262 11/22/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ilndce 1:2006cv06419 11/22/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ilndce 1:2006cv06420 11/22/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL wawdce 2:2006cv01694 11/22/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL wawdce 2:2006cv01695 11/22/2006 890 12/21/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07498 11/22/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL wawdce 2:2006cv01696 11/22/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL wawdce 2:2006cv01697 11/22/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL wawdce 2:2006cv01698 11/22/2006 890 12/14/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL njdce 3:2006cv05735 11/28/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL vaedce 1:2006cv01343 11/28/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ilndce 1:2006cv06488 11/28/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07556 11/28/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07566 11/28/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL njdce 2:2006cv05714 11/28/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL caedce 1:2006cv01722 11/29/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL caedce 1:2006cv01723 11/29/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL caedce 1:2006cv01724 11/29/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL txwdce 1:2006cv00939 11/29/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ohndce 3:2006cv02871 11/29/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 3:2006cv07341 11/29/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL casdce 3:2006cv02627 11/29/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ilndce 1:2006cv06573 11/29/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL casdce 3:2006cv02624 11/29/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL casdce 3:2006cv02625 11/29/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ilndce 1:2006cv06566 11/29/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07573 11/29/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07574 11/29/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07575 11/29/2006 890 12/28/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07577 11/29/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07579 11/29/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07582 11/29/2006 890 12/18/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07581 11/29/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07076 11/03/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL casdce 3:2006cv02513 11/16/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL casdce 3:2006cv02511 11/16/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL njdce 3:2006cv05568 11/16/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07323 11/16/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL paedce 2:2006cv05082 11/17/2006 890 01/09/2007
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL caedce 1:2006cv01669 11/17/2006 890 12/04/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL codce 1:2006cv02310 11/17/2006 890 01/02/2007
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL txwdce 5:2006cv01011 11/17/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL nedce 8:2006cv00708 11/13/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL mndce 0:2006cv04504 11/13/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL nyndce 1:2006cv01367 11/13/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL vaedce 1:2006cv01285 11/13/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 3:2006cv07054 11/13/2006 890 01/12/2007
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ilndce 1:2006cv06180 11/13/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL caedce 1:2006cv01671 11/20/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL okwdce 5:2006cv01283 11/20/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL okwdce 5:2006cv01281 11/20/2006 890 12/26/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL wiedce 2:2006cv01202 11/20/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL nysdce 1:2006cv13317 11/20/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 5:2006cv07187 11/20/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 3:2006cv07177 11/20/2006 890 12/21/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL txedce 4:2006cv00470 11/20/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL madce 3:2006cv30201 11/20/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ordce 3:2006cv01682 11/20/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL vaedce 1:2006cv01307 11/20/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL nysdce 1:2006cv13375 11/20/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 5:2006cv07179 11/20/2006 890 01/12/2007
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ctdce 3:2006cv01881 11/21/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL pawdce 2:2006cv01552 11/21/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 3:2006cv07221 11/21/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 5:2006cv07219 11/21/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL codce 1:2006cv02334 11/21/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL hidce 1:2006cv00627 11/21/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ordce 3:2006cv01696 11/21/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL madce 1:2006cv12111 11/21/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL casdce 3:2006cv02572 11/21/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL casdce 3:2006cv02596 11/21/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 8:2006cv01135 11/21/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL codce 1:2006cv02259 11/09/2006 890 01/12/2007
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 3:2006cv07032 11/09/2006 890 11/20/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 5:2006cv07133 11/17/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 5:2006cv07132 11/17/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL azdce 2:2006cv02777 11/17/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL wawdce 2:2006cv01664 11/17/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL txndce 3:2006cv02135 11/17/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL dcdce 1:2006cv01969 11/17/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 5:2006cv07129 11/17/2006 890 01/04/2007
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 3:2006cv07137 11/17/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 3:2006cv07152 11/17/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL casdce 3:2006cv02532 11/17/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL dcdce 1:2006cv01968 11/17/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 5:2006cv07151 11/17/2006 890 12/12/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL wiwdc 3:2006cv00678 11/17/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL txndce 4:2006cv00181 11/20/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL paedce 2:2006cv05113 11/20/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL caedce 1:2006cv01670 11/20/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 5:2006cv01307 11/21/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL wawdce 2:2006cv01699 11/22/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL wawdce 2:2006cv01700 11/22/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL wawdce 2:2006cv01701 11/22/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL wawdce 2:2006cv01702 11/22/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL wawdce 2:2006cv01703 11/22/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL wawdce 2:2006cv01704 11/22/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ohsdce 2:2006cv01000 11/24/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL flmdce 6:2006cv01795 11/24/2006 890
CHERTOFF, DIRECTOR flmdce 3:2006cv01035 11/24/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL madce 4:2006cv40253 11/24/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL madce 1:2006cv12123 11/24/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL kyedce 5:2006cv00389 11/24/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL wawdce 2:2006cv01708 11/24/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ohsdce 2:2006cv01007 11/27/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL iddce 1:2006cv00474 11/27/2006 890 01/09/2007
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL nvdce 3:2006cv00648 11/27/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL txsdce 3:2006cv00744 11/27/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL miedce 2:2006cv15242 11/27/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL nysdce 1:2006cv13468 11/27/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 3:2006cv07298 11/27/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL codce 1:2006cv02366 11/27/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL txwdce 1:2006cv00933 11/27/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL dcdce 1:2006cv02016 11/27/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL vaedce 1:2006cv01339 11/27/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL vaedce 1:2006cv01342 11/27/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL dcdce 1:2006cv02014 11/27/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL candce 3:2006cv07300 11/27/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07538 11/27/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL casdce 3:2006cv02608 11/27/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL nyedce 2:2006cv06351 11/27/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL wawdce 2:2006cv01716 11/27/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 5:2006cv01328 11/27/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL madce 4:2006cv40254 11/28/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL dcdce 1:2006cv02026 11/28/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL dcdce 1:2006cv02027 11/28/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL gandce 1:2006cv02895 11/28/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL casdce 3:2006cv02619 11/28/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07589 11/29/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07569 11/29/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL wawdce 2:2006cv01721 11/29/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 8:2006cv01156 11/29/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL gamdce 3:2006cv00102 11/30/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ilndce 1:2006cv06475 11/28/2006 890 01/04/2007
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ilndce 1:2006cv06482 11/28/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL ordce 3:2006cv01712 11/28/2006 890 12/28/2006
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL txndce 3:2006cv02197 11/30/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL mddce 8:2006cv03253 11/30/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07607 11/30/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL cacdce 2:2006cv07616 11/30/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL casdce 3:2006cv02634 11/30/2006 890
CHERTOFF, MICHAEL nyndce 1:2006cv01439 11/30/2006 890
kefira said:
I am in the same situation. I filed my WOM on Oct 30, 2006 and my AUSA told me that FBI no longer expedite name checks. This is funny, since other people who filed after me, received their GC in 30 day period. AUSA replyed with the answer to dismiss my case. On Jan 18 I am going to meet with her and with Judge and I will need to say something, that I already said in my WOM. Only one additional detail, that now I am pregnant and all this stress is not favorable to me. I filed ProSe in San Francsico.
I noticed that you will meet with judge and AUSA on the same day as my schedule to meet them. Don't be too stressful! Your baby is the most important thing to you in your life! I am female and have a 20 months old baby. I can understand how stressful it is. Before I had this lawsuit, I have "two jobs"-real job and baby care. Now I have "three jobs" but still 24 hours a day. I don't have ideas what the meeting is. But we will see what is going to happen soon.
Comfused said:
I noticed that you will meet with judge and AUSA on the same day as my schedule to meet them. Don't be too stressful! Your baby is the most important thing to you in your life! I am female and have a 20 months old baby. I can understand how stressful it is. Before I had this lawsuit, I have "two jobs"-real job and baby care. Now I have "three jobs" but still 24 hours a day. I don't have ideas what the meeting is. But we will see what is going to happen soon.

Thank you very much for your warm words. I really need this now.
Good luck to you too and I hope the Judge will be on our side.
Anyting wrong with this address


I served the summon to USCIS director by the address below ( It was listed in previous posts several times). However, the UPS certified mail green card was returned to me without any signature. Anything wrong with this address? Anyone got the same situation? Thank you very much!

Emilio T. Gonzalez, Director of USCIS
Office of Chief Counsel
US Citizenship and Immigration Service
20 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Rm4025
Washington, DC20529
uniqueengine said:

I served the summon to USCIS director by the address below ( It was listed in previous posts several times). However, the UPS certified mail green card was returned to me without any signature. Anything wrong with this address? Anyone got the same situation? Thank you very much!

Emilio T. Gonzalez, Director of USCIS
Office of Chief Counsel
US Citizenship and Immigration Service
20 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Rm4025
Washington, DC20529

Do not worry about it. It is really irrelevant. Just for your own record go to the Post office website and print information about delivery from the internet.
phone # of US attorney I should cal, and address of USCIS

I am working WOM lawsuit. which attorney should I send to? the following guy? Should I call him or other huys to ask about the case in one month after I send the lawsuit? what is the phone number?

Alberto R. Gonzales, United States Attorney General
US Department of Justice
950 Pensylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

In addition, I saw different address of direct of USCIS, which one is correct?

Emilio T. Gonzalez, Director of USCIS
Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Washington, DC 90258

Emilio T. Gonzalez, Director of USCIS
Office of Chief Counsel
US Citizenship and Immigration Service
20 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Rm4025
Washington, DC20529

Emilio T. Gonzales
Director of the US Citizenship and Immigration Service
Office of the General Counsel
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
20 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Suite 4025, 4th Floor
Washington, DC 20528

uniqueengine said:

I served the summon to USCIS director by the address below ( It was listed in previous posts several times). However, the UPS certified mail green card was returned to me without any signature. Anything wrong with this address? Anyone got the same situation? Thank you very much!

Emilio T. Gonzalez, Director of USCIS
Office of Chief Counsel
US Citizenship and Immigration Service
20 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Rm4025
Washington, DC20529
I used a slightly different address and it worked:
Emilio T. Gonzales
Director of the US Citizenship and Immigration Service
Office of the General Counsel
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
20 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Suite 4025, 4th Floor
Washington, DC 20528

But, as kefira said, print out the delivery proof from the USPS web tracking site. If you got back the green card, I believe that the mail was delivered.
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Besides Alberto R. Gonzales, you also need to serve your local US attorney in your area.

I served USCIS director twice by address 2 and 3 separately, but both usps greencard were returned without signature.

Anyway I am going to use printout from usps tracking website ...

wine06 said:
I am working WOM lawsuit. which attorney should I send to? the following guy? Should I call him or other huys to ask about the case in one month after I send the lawsuit? what is the phone number?

Alberto R. Gonzales, United States Attorney General
US Department of Justice
950 Pensylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

In addition, I saw different address of direct of USCIS, which one is correct?

Emilio T. Gonzalez, Director of USCIS
Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Washington, DC 90258

Emilio T. Gonzalez, Director of USCIS
Office of Chief Counsel
US Citizenship and Immigration Service
20 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Rm4025
Washington, DC20529

Emilio T. Gonzales
Director of the US Citizenship and Immigration Service
Office of the General Counsel
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
20 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Suite 4025, 4th Floor
Washington, DC 20528

BTW, my 2 friends used address 3 and all works. And it also works for paz1960. So I assume address 3 should work for most of people. I just don't have that fortune :mad:

uniqueengine said:
Besides Alberto R. Gonzales, you also need to serve your local US attorney in your area.

I served USCIS director twice by address 2 and 3 separately, but both usps greencard were returned without signature.

Anyway I am going to use printout from usps tracking website ...
you mean I also need to mail the whole materials to city Attorney in local area?


uniqueengine said:
Besides Alberto R. Gonzales, you also need to serve your local US attorney in your area.

I served USCIS director twice by address 2 and 3 separately, but both usps greencard were returned without signature.

Anyway I am going to use printout from usps tracking website ...
wenlock said:
Here are all the cases between Nov 1st and Nov 30th

Based on stats posted by wenlock between Oct 1 and Nov 30th (2 months) :
Number 890 code Cases filed: 617
Number of Cases Resolved : 199
So Approx resolution rate for cases
between Oct 1 and Nov 30th = 33%

Based on stats posted by wenlock between Oct 1 and Oct 31st
Total in between Oct 1 and Oct 31 = 290
Total Resolved = 137
Resolution rate = 48%

So Seems like so far of cases filed in Oct it is about 50% resolution rate.
lotechguy said:
Based on stats posted by wenlock between Oct 1 and Nov 30th (2 months) :
Number 890 code Cases filed: 617
Number of Cases Resolved : 199
So Approx resolution rate for cases
between Oct 1 and Nov 30th = 33%

Based on stats posted by wenlock between Oct 1 and Oct 31st
Total in between Oct 1 and Oct 31 = 290
Total Resolved = 137
Resolution rate = 48%

So Seems like so far of cases filed in Oct it is about 50% resolution rate.

I checked the cases. Most of them are for citizenship and for the applications when people are living abroad and cannot reunite with their relatives. One guy could not bring his wife and child from China for 3 years, since she was stuck in name check. I would not be so optimistic, specially that my AUSA told me that there is no more expedite name checks.
Third FP notice

Weird, I came back home today and found another finger printing notice. I just had my finger printing on Jan12th and I have another finger printing notice for 1st Feb. This is so weird any one knows what does this means.

I think I need to check with my US attorney.
Did you check the code of both?
wenlock said:
Weird, I came back home today and found another finger printing notice. I just had my finger printing on Jan12th and I have another finger printing notice for 1st Feb. This is so weird any one knows what does this means.

I think I need to check with my US attorney.
wenlock said:
Weird, I came back home today and found another finger printing notice. I just had my finger printing on Jan12th and I have another finger printing notice for 1st Feb. This is so weird any one knows what does this means.

I think I need to check with my US attorney.
Hello wenlock,
One possible explanation may be that the fingerprints they took on Jan 12 were not good and they have to re-take them. When they took my FP on Dec. 26, the lady at the ASC who took my FP screwed up the order of my left hand fingers, I'm still not sure that ultimately she corrected the mistake so I would not be surprised at all if they would call me for a new FP session. But, of course, this third FP can be a clerical error or who know what. Are you really surprised that apparently "the left hand doesn't know what the right does"?

BTW, it was a really nice job to collect all the 890 category cases in all district courts. I still need to check if my case is listed or not. How did you do this? I assume that must be some global case seach, I almost don't believe that you went to each district court web page and did a manual search...
wine06 said:
you mean I also need to mail the whole materials to city Attorney in local area?

City or state attorney has nothing to do with immigration cases. These are federal issues. The country is divided in federal districts, like the federal court system (I never actually checked, but I believe that the federal district courts and the US Attorney districts coincide. Does anybody know?)

So you need to send your complaint and summons also to the US Attorney's Office, Attn. Civil Process Clerk. You don't need to know the name of the US Attorney, although it would be fairly easy to find out from the US Attorney's web page(that's where you can find the mailing address). As a general rule of thumb, you will need to send a copy of everything you file with the district court to the US Attorney's Office, when the defendants are government agencies or officials sued in their official capacity. The US Attorney from your federal district is not part of the lawsuit, (s)he will be the counsel of the defendants.

And yes, you need to send a complaint and a summons to the US Attorney General, even if you didn't put him on the list of the defendants, because you are sueing the government. But usually, people in immigration cases sue also the Attorney General, so in this case you don't need to send two sets to him.

About the phone call. Wait one or two weeks after serving the documents and call the US Attorney's Office, Civil Section. With your name and case number you should be able to find out your AUSA's name if there is one assigned already to your case.
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paz1960 said:
Hello wenlock,
One possible explanation may be that the fingerprints they took on Jan 12 were not good and they have to re-take them. When they took my FP on Dec. 26, the lady at the ASC who took my FP screwed up the order of my left hand fingers, I'm still not sure that ultimately she corrected the mistake so I would not be surprised at all if they would call me for a new FP session. But, of course, this third FP can be a clerical error or who know what. Are you really surprised that apparently "the left hand doesn't know what the right does"?

BTW, it was a really nice job to collect all the 890 category cases in all district courts. I still need to check if my case is listed or not. How did you do this? I assume that must be some global case seach, I almost don't believe that you went to each district court web page and did a manual search...

I really think that some thing in the system automatically triggered this notice.
Date of this notice is 10 Jan and my FP date was 12 Jan so I do not think that this notification has any thing to do with bad FP or FP not properly taken.

I know one thing that my file got transfered to local DO. That might have done it. Not really sure last week according to my US attorney he was in touch with FBI counsel I am not sure if that is some thing to do with this or not.

I will check with my US Attorney tomorrow. I am not planning to go to another Infopass just for this notice I had enough of infopass for now.

As far as results of Pacer search are concerned yes I do global searches and from historical data I can do statistics how cases are handles and what is average timings. At this point I think Oct cases are getting resolved more quickly then Nov. Every other day I see few cases close from the month of Oct. In my US district I have very few cases those got resolved from month of Nov but interesting thing is that all of those cases were assigned to same US attorney. He seems to know some one good at USCIS coz his cases are getting resolved very quick. He is in Central North Carolina. Infact I called one of plaintiff who recently got his I-485 adjudicated and he was very happy with his US attorney he said that he knew exactly what to do and was able to resolve case in three weeks.

This makes me think that contacts of US attorney at USCIS general counsel also plays some part in regards to how long it takes but this all is speculation I might be wrong but it is my personal observation.

I run these case searches weekly to know what is the progress. I see very few cases from the month of Sep those are not closed yet.
called the ausa

hi, paz, i just called ausa today, they forwarded me to a answer machine. and i didn't get any call back today.
maybe everyone just come back from holiday and vacation. hope they can start work soon. If still no call back tomorrow, should i call them again or call them later? i served us attorney office one month ago.

Dear Guys.
I am new here. Thank you for you very helpful Forum.
Without you I would never make up my mind to start my case.
I filed 1447(b) Pro Se, Eastern District of NY.
After filing my case, District Attorney speeded up my Naturalization Application and now I have already got invitation for the Oath Ceremony.
Now District Attorney is asking me to sign the Stipulation to dismiss the case.
My question: can I ask the District Attorney to include into the Stipulation the refund of my court fee ( $350 ) without Hearing?

N400. PD 03/16/2005, BACKGROUND CHECK

FILED CASE 1447B 09/25/2006


SECOND FP 10/13/2006



