Anyone waiting in DETROIT ?


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My 485 was transfered to Detroit 14thFeb and have not yet rec'd interview notice.. Does anyone have info on what time it takes for scheduling interview ? 485 RD: Nov 2002, PD : May 2001, 140 Approved Dec 2002.

My I-485 has been transferred on Feb 28, 2005

Hi My I-485 has been transferred on Feb 28th to local Detroit office.
Last week i received a notice from local office asking me to appear for interview on June 2nd, 2005. Hope this helps.
My PD is Nov 2001, I-140 approved on May 8th 2003.
RD for I-485 is March 19th , 2003
Waiting for interview from Detroit office

My 485 was transferred to Detroit local office on 1st April, still waiting for any communication from them regarding interview.

My 485 RD is Mar 2003.

hope, good luck with your June 2nd interview, I would like to know what the questions were in your interview..

our cases were transferred in Jan 05, received interview for march 05; approval was granted and plastic cards received.
hope this helps
My interview was over yesterday

Finally my interview was over yesterday.
I was not asked any questions.
My interview is scheduled at 8:30AM.
I was at the office promptly by 8:00AM along with my wife and two kids.
My attorney arrived at 8:05 AM.
My attorney put the interview call letter around 8:10AM after making sure we are ready for the interview.
I was called in at 8:15AM.
My family and attorney followed the officer to his cube.
We were asked to take the oath saying we will tell truth nothing but truth.

Then the officer asked for my passport and asked me to verify the address details and spellings of my name and other details.

Then he asked for my employment letter.

After that he did not ask for anything. He did not even look at my original certificates or anything.
Just stamped my passport and took my finger print and signature.

Then he followed the same procedure for my wife and two kids.
We all thanked the officer and walked out.
The officer did not even talk to the attorney except saying hi in the begining.
Over all it was a pleasant experience as we were not asked any questions.

The officer said because my case is old one (Labor Nov 2001, I-485 MArch 2003) i might receive the plastic cards little bit late than the usual process.

We were in our casual dress. My wife came in a traditional Indian dress.
So that's all for now.
Hope this helps.
My I-485 case transfered to Detroit office on june 13th'05


My I-140 was approved on may 18th'05, and after a few weeks my I-485 file is transferred to detroit. I don't how long will it take for them to send me letter for the next step. Your experiences and suggestions are appreciated.

I-140/485- ND JULY'04
I-140 AD MAY'05
I-485 LUD JUNE'05- file transfered to detroit
EB-3, Schedule A occupation - PT, INDIA
EAD- Renewal in July'05
Same boat! Does Senator office help?

Senator office inquiry triggered case transfer to Detroit. Got an E-mail indicating that NSC transferred the case to Detroit office right after Senator office inquiry.

Two questions for gurus:

Detroit office I-485 case processing time is at Jan., 2005, does this processing time applicable to transferred case?

Does Senator office can also help for local office processing? I mean speed it up?

Hope we on the same boat can share informations.
Waiting time after case transfer

Just heard it may take three months to get an interview at USCIS Detroit office after case transfer (recent case). Any one have different information about the waiting time at Detroit office?
Still waiting for Interview date


I am still waiting for interview date, as I stated earlier, my case was transferred to Detroit on April 1st 2005. My 485 RD was Mar 2003.

hope2005 - congrats and thanx for sharing your interview experience.

Lets hope to get the date soon.

Take care
nkat: Will Senator office help?


You case has been over 3 months. Have you ever tried to contact Senator office for help?

Senator inquiry seems speed up my sone's case tranfer from NSC to Detroit (case tranfer notice received on June 30). I heard it may take a while for Detroit to received the file.
Interview Scheduled

I just got in mail notice to appear for interview on 8/23/05, I will let you guys know how it goes...stay tuned.

Waiting for interview in Detroit?

Hi nkat,

I just saw your post, and you might have seen my post also. I am also waiting for my interview to be scheduled. Can I ask you since I am eager to know what kind of documents they have asked you to bring in general. What is your priority date? Kindly reply me whenever you can
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Every one on the same boat

Just heard the files transfered to USCIS Detroit office are manually handled by individual officers. That explains why the interview schedule waiting time variation for us.
8/23 interview


My PD is Nov 2001. I talked with my attorney and she was saying even if they approve my case, they cannot stamp in my passport as the quota for Greencard for this year is over and only from October they will start issuing new ones.

I thought I will get stamping on 8/23...:(

Take care
interview on September 12, 2005

Hi, my husband I-485 has been transferred to local Detroit office on April 1st 2005. Two days ago we received a letter from local office for interview on September 12, 2005,for both of us.

I-140/I-485 – ND 6/24/03
I-140 AD 10/7/03
I-485 LUD 4/1/05 – file transferred to Detroit
same boat

hi fantast05
mine and my spouse interv is also scheudled in sep at detroit. they have asked for empl verification docs and marriage proving docs.
Please see my other posts for more details.
Finished interview this morning

I just had my interview this morning at the Detroit office with officer Bestek, everything went well. She said all the review is done, now I just have to wait till Oct 1st, when the visa numbers become available and I will get a notice in mail, then I should go to the Detroit office to get the stamping. My attorney said, after Oct 1st, based on PD (mine is Nov 2001) they will send notices, so she said I might get in Oct or Nov.

Here is the interview details:

My interview was at 10.30, I was there in downtown at 9.45 with my wife and 11 months old baby.
We went in the building only at 10.25, my attorney was already there.
Surprisingly, we were called exactly at 10.30 am.
Officer Bestek was nice, we took the oath.
She looked at her file for few mins and then asked for our picture ids, we gave our driver licenses.
She asked us to verify our names, birthdates etc.
She asked the questions in 485 - whether we were arrested, did drugs etc.. She asked if I am registered with the Social service draft, I said I didn't know what that is, my attorney said you can do that only before age 26 and I said I am 28, the officer asked me to check, if I am eligible, I should register. She also said she has noted that in her file that she asked me to do that, I need to find more about this.
Then she took our finger prints.
She asked for my Employment letter (original)
Then she asked if I am doing the simliar job as the one, when my original petition was made (I swithced companies last year), I said yes.
She looked at the stack of docs I had and asked what did I bring. I said I got paystubs, w2s, proof of our marraige/that we live togther, she just wanted the proof of us living togther, so I gave bank statement, health/car insurance, my daughter's birth certificate. (only copies). She kept all the copies in her file.
Then she said she is done with the review and started explaining about quota/visa numbers etc...
She was talking to my wife about our baby..

Overall it went smooth, its a BIG RELIEF to put this in the shelf and start looking at better things in life...:)

I will post again when there is any update from my side...until then, good luck to you all!!
Thanks nkat. Your experience details help a lot.

I am still trying to understand the "Social, age < 26" thing. Guess, I need to chk with my attorney on this.

Was your attorney allowed to speak when the officer was asking you questions? Did the attorney play a major role in the interv process? Asking because, my attorney said its not required for him to come.

Please reply if you read this. Thanks again.
Attorney's role

GC -

My Attorney intervened whenever necessary and I also looked at my attorney when I needed some info, the officer didn't have any problem with that.

But honestly, I think I could have handled the interview just by myself, its just the attorney presence gives psychological satisfaction..

Good Luck.
Thanks nkat!


Thanks for the response. I am sending u a private msg with my contacts. If its ok for you, I'd like to do a brief chat with u on the interv process. Let me know. Thanks.