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Anyone heard about “FBI ROUTINE CHECK” for Iranians


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Be alerted, there is nothing called "FBI routine check" for no one

Dear friends,
I need your advices and help or if any one is in the same situation as mine.
I am a winner of DV-2008 (Diversity lottery winner) and applied to do the AOS (Adjustment of Status in U.S.A.). Every thing was all right till now. I received the notice of action and my biometric is taken by my local office around 2 weeks back.
Now, I received a call from an FBI agent asking me for a meeting within this week!!! The agent said, there is nothing to worry about and it is a routine check. I got very worried and asked what the purpose is? The agent said, generally, it is based on where you come from!! And I said I never heard about it. The agent said I know!
Firstly, I thought it may be a scam and asked for the agent’s identity. The person gave me cell phone number, their office number, name and other information for me to confirm.
I found those information on FBI site. So, the agent should be real not a scam. I also asked the agent if they can send me a letter by mail for this purpose. The agent did not answer this question and repeated that I should call their FBI office and confirm the identity. Again, the agent insisted that there is nothing to worry otherwise they would never give me a week to arrange a time to meet each other. And, I said I am not worried because I even did not get a traffic ticket in U.S.!! And, the agent said I know!

By the way I am a student from Iran and, never been involved in any problems in all my entire life. Also, I am shocked how come I ‘ve never been asked for this “routine check” during my few years stay in U.S. and how it pops-up after I applied for AOS.

Anyway, I am going to consult my lawyer. And, I thought you guys may have some opinion that may help the situation.


Please go to the following link for the rest of story.
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I am also a Iranian graduate student in US. Don't worry about this FBI check. I had this interview last year. Lots of my friends are also interviewed by FBI. They will just ask you some general questions.

I have been selected for DV2009. My case number is 8XXX. I am also planning to do AOS. I have a couple of questions I appreciate if you can answer:
1. Did you send either of forms DS230 or DSP122 to KCC?
2. When did you exactly submit your AOS, after your case number became current or after October first?
3. Are you pursuing your case with a lawyer? Do you have any specific recommendations or suggestions?

Let me know if you need more clarification on the FBI check.
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Be alerted there is nothing called "FBI Routine check"

Dear friends,
I need your advices and help or if any one is in the same situation as mine.
I am a winner of DV-2008 (Diversity lottery winner) and applied to do the AOS (Adjustment of Status in U.S.A.). Every thing was all right till now. I received the notice of action and my biometric is taken by my local office around 2 weeks back.
Now, I received a call from an FBI agent asking me for a meeting within this week!!! The agent said, there is nothing to worry about and it is a routine check. I got very worried and asked what the purpose is? The agent said, generally, it is based on where you come from!! And I said I never heard about it. The agent said I know!
Firstly, I thought it may be a scam and asked for the agent’s identity. The person gave me cell phone number, their office number, name and other information for me to confirm.
I found those information on FBI site. So, the agent should be real not a scam. I also asked the agent if they can send me a letter by mail for this purpose. The agent did not answer this question and repeated that I should call their FBI office and confirm the identity. Again, the agent insisted that there is nothing to worry otherwise they would never give me a week to arrange a time to meet each other. And, I said I am not worried because I even did not get a traffic ticket in U.S.!! And, the agent said I know!

By the way I am a student from Iran and, never been involved in any problems in all my entire life. Also, I am shocked how come I ‘ve never been asked for this “routine check” during my few years stay in U.S. and how it pops-up after I applied for AOS.

Anyway, I am going to consult my lawyer. And, I thought you guys may have some opinion that may help the situation.


Dear friends,
Thanks for sharing your experiences and opinion regarding “FBI routine check” that was my initial message. I also quote my first message here for you to read the story again.
Now, the important part!
I am sharing this with you because it may happen to every one of you, not only iranians. I was lucky and my lawyer helped me to avoid such a trouble.
Read the rest of story now.
My lawyer was so shocked by hearing the story about the FBI agent call and said this is the first time that she hear that. She start confirming the agent identity and calling him to get more information on my behalf and in the meantime got more information from other lawyers nationwide. We all know that lawyers have certain resources. It ended-up that there is no program or procedure called “Routine check” in FBI for nobody. Then my lawyer called the agent and asked straight forward that 1- “ Is this meeting connected with my client’s application pending with USCIS?” and the agent answered “NO” (it looks that he had to answer). 2-“ Are you connected with any type of case that is related to my client in any way?” and the agent answered ” NO” again. And then she said to him that “my client doesn’t have to attent this meeting , isnt it?” and the agent confirmed that I do not have to attend this meeting. And, she cancelled the metting finally. I realized now why the agent refused to send me an official letter asking for such a meeting.
Then my lawyer called and asked me that “ did the agent used the word ,”Routin check”, or ,”check”, when he called me and I said “Yes”. I asked “ what is the wrong now and what should I do?” then she explained what she asked the agent and she said that I should not attend such a meeting because the FBI agent may get some information (even may look general or very normal information to us) and use against me because we do not know what type of criteria and categorization the FBI is looking for. I said, I did noting wrong in my entire life to be afraid of. But, she insisted that I must not attend the meeting.
She gurantee that there is no harm for me or my background by cancelling this meeting and I trust her .
So guys please be aware and do not simply trust anybody just because they work for a government organizaion becauses some people try to walk on the edge of the LAW.
I am not a good translator but we have a proverb that says “somebody got an instruction (or order) to go and get a hat. The person returned and he got a human head with a hat on top of it”.
And, remember that every one has a certain right in U.S.A. regardless of their immigration status and the LAW is supporting that. So, find out your rights and how to claim your rights before you do anything.
By the way I think I should change my ID to goodluck2 instead of badluck2 and thank GOD every day
Good luck
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I am also a Iranian graduate student in US. Don't worry about this FBI check. I had this interview last year. Lots of my friends are also interviewed by FBI. They will just ask you some general questions.

I have been selected for DV2009. My case number is 8XXX. I am also planning to do AOS. I have a couple of questions I appreciate if you can answer:
1. Did you send either of forms DS230 or DSP122 to KCC?
2. When did you exactly submit your AOS, after your case number became current or after October first?
3. Are you pursuing your case with a lawyer? Do you have any specific recommendations or suggestions?

Let me know if you need more clarification on the FBI check.

Dear Garemani,
Congradulations. And thanks for your reply. Please read the rest of my story about “FBI routine check” and alert everyone.
My case was different because I chose CP (Consular Processing) first. So I completed and sent all the documents and forms back to KCC when I received the NL (not after october 1). Then after sometime I changed my mind and switched to AOS. They asked me to send form DSP122 and a letter stating my intention to change to AOS.
Keep in your mind that every thing change time to time. So, always call and ask. This is my experience. So, call KCC and ask them. They have to answer and they do it nicely. Do not trust one person’s answer. Call many times in different days because whenever I called KCC or USCIS I heared different answer to my questions. And, I always claimed that I called before and some other agent answered me differently so they go and ask their supervisior or transfer the call to their supervisor who has more experience. Sometimes they do not bother themselves to go and do research for you or even ask their supervisor but it is their duty.
Be very carefull about what you write on the forms especilly any information that may be used for your background check. There are some of the things that look normal or very common to us but it is not the same for FBI or USCIS. The AOS process is very complex. I do not want to scare you. But, you should take this matter very seriously.
Generaly, you do not need a lawyer if you know what exactly you are doing. Download and read instructions carefully for completing the forms. A simple mistake can cause you months delay in USCIS. Start from now gathering the documents this job is very time consuming more than you think. It took me months to do that.
And do not think that every immigration lawyer is familiar with diversity lottery case because DV is a very small portion of AOS. So , if you consider the probability there are lot of USCIS officers that they never been involved with such a case or they may encounter one of DV applicant every 10 years or so.
Please note that I am a normal person. I only share my experience. Every case and every person may be different even if they come from the same country.
For your second question I called KCC and USCIS for my case many times and all of the time they insist that I have to send my AOS application to USCIS in the month that my number is current. Means , if your number is current in march 2009 your application should be in 1 march 2009 to USCIS. And they said USCIS do not consider the advance notification even. But, it was not right. Read the link below and findout by yourself. Refer to question #11. It states that all DV applicant may file their application october 1 and after of the fiscal year that they are selected. Notice that in your case fiscal year starts october 1 2008.


It is an official question/answer from USCIS. But, as I said there are still some people in USCIS that do not aware of this. And, you can read many story on this forum that their application retured or even got denied. I advise you that you keep a copy of this question/answer and a letter explaining the situation if you decide to apply october 1. Again, do some research before you apply because this type of question/answer may change.
I hope I could share my experience and I wish you good luck with your AOS.
Dear Garemani,
Congradulations. And thanks for your reply. Please read the rest of my story about “FBI routine check” and alert everyone.
My case was different because I chose CP (Consular Processing) first. So I completed and sent all the documents and forms back to KCC when I received the NL (not after october 1). Then after sometime I changed my mind and switched to AOS. They asked me to send form DSP122 and a letter stating my intention to change to AOS.
Keep in your mind that every thing change time to time. So, always call and ask. This is my experience. So, call KCC and ask them. They have to answer and they do it nicely. Do not trust one person’s answer. Call many times in different days because whenever I called KCC or USCIS I heared different answer to my questions. And, I always claimed that I called before and some other agent answered me differently so they go and ask their supervisior or transfer the call to their supervisor who has more experience. Sometimes they do not bother themselves to go and do research for you or even ask their supervisor but it is their duty.
Be very carefull about what you write on the forms especilly any information that may be used for your background check. There are some of the things that look normal or very common to us but it is not the same for FBI or USCIS. The AOS process is very complex. I do not want to scare you. But, you should take this matter very seriously.
Generaly, you do not need a lawyer if you know what exactly you are doing. Download and read instructions carefully for completing the forms. A simple mistake can cause you months delay in USCIS. Start from now gathering the documents this job is very time consuming more than you think. It took me months to do that.
And do not think that every immigration lawyer is familiar with diversity lottery case because DV is a very small portion of AOS. So , if you consider the probability there are lot of USCIS officers that they never been involved with such a case or they may encounter one of DV applicant every 10 years or so.
Please note that I am a normal person. I only share my experience. Every case and every person may be different even if they come from the same country.
For your second question I called KCC and USCIS for my case many times and all of the time they insist that I have to send my AOS application to USCIS in the month that my number is current. Means , if your number is current in march 2009 your application should be in 1 march 2009 to USCIS. And they said USCIS do not consider the advance notification even. But, it was not right. Read the link below and findout by yourself. Refer to question #11. It states that all DV applicant may file their application october 1 and after of the fiscal year that they are selected. Notice that in your case fiscal year starts october 1 2008.


It is an official question/answer from USCIS. But, as I said there are still some people in USCIS that do not aware of this. And, you can read many story on this forum that their application retured or even got denied. I advise you that you keep a copy of this question/answer and a letter explaining the situation if you decide to apply october 1. Again, do some research before you apply because this type of question/answer may change.
I hope I could share my experience and I wish you good luck with your AOS.

Thanks a lot goodluck2!! for your time and detailed explanation. It was a great suggestion to send a copy of this question/answer along with my AOS application. It seems that you had spent lots of time digging in the available materials. I consulted with some immigration attorneys, but as you said they are not very up-to-date on the DC lottery process.

From your suggestions and what I read in the previous years forums, I think I will send DSP122 to KCC and submit my AOS after October 1st.

Thank you so much again and good luck for your green card.