Anyone file PERM today?

sponsorship to Audit Review

Zoid, Maggie_LC, Clx-Dude,

We got the sponsorship e-mail and after replying, the status changed to audit review....

please share your status.


zoid said:
Filed PERM application on July 1st. The status changed to "Sponsorship" almost immiediately, but no email yet.

Seems like there are lot of us in similar sutivation. Hope this is not a software problem again. :mad:

When did get the Certified status? When did you apply? can you explain the sequence of status if possible dates.


I will keep you posted if hear back from my lawyer. Till yesterday my status was "rejected" and so far no mail has been received by my lawyer/employer on the reason for rejection. The application was filed on 6th June, 2005. My lawyer has suggested that-she can refile my application again without even waiting for the reason. But as if know I have asked her to wait as I am afraid refiled application might get rejected again.

Does anyone knows what are the implications if your refile is also denied.


Prats said:
Thanks for writing back, amdee.
I last spoke with my lawyer day before (7/5) and they did not have any update. The application still showed 'rejected' and there was no update to the date indicating that it had not been re-run (I was told that if the application is re-run, the application date will refresh to show the date of the re-run). The lawyer also told me that on July 1, the DOL had written to AILA informing them that there were still some glitches in the system and that they were working to resolve those and had also requested lawyers not to resubmit applications.
No word yet on the rejection or the reasons...waiting!

Please send out an update if you hear anything or see any updates. Thanks.
7th year extension

Is anyone in the forum aware if one can file for 7th year h1b extension on the basis of applying for the PERM process. ANy rules, guidance is appreciated.

Can you tell us how your status changed before rejection?
As soon as you filed, you got rejection or you went through sponsorship->audit review ?
My friend said if you got rejected immediately after filing, you should try again. If you got rejected after review, you'd better wait. That means you have some problems in application instead of glitch in pc.

amdee said:

I will keep you posted if hear back from my lawyer. Till yesterday my status was "rejected" and so far no mail has been received by my lawyer/employer on the reason for rejection. The application was filed on 6th June, 2005. My lawyer has suggested that-she can refile my application again without even waiting for the reason. But as if know I have asked her to wait as I am afraid refiled application might get rejected again.

Does anyone knows what are the implications if your refile is also denied.


What is your case profile. EB2 ? Primary/Alternate qualification requriments ?
Looks like DOL went into holiday mood, thats why they delayed in sending emails.
Your case went into Audit-Review ?
Thanks for sharing vjperm. Nothing happened for my case yet... Still waiting.

vjperm said:
Zoid, Maggie_LC, Clx-Dude,

We got the sponsorship e-mail and after replying, the status changed to audit review....

please share your status.

Sponsorship --> Audit Review

The status changed from sponsorship to audit review immediately after responding to sponsorship e-mail. We got the mail right after submission. It happened on Jul06. I didn't check anything further yet.


perm_faq said:

What is your case profile. EB2 ? Primary/Alternate qualification requriments ?
Looks like DOL went into holiday mood, thats why they delayed in sending emails.
Your case went into Audit-Review ?
Did not receive the sponsorship email. Still waiting

Good luck with you

vjperm said:
Zoid, Maggie_LC, Clx-Dude,

We got the sponsorship e-mail and after replying, the status changed to audit review....

please share your status.

My HR got the sponsorship email

My HR just got it. After answering "yes" to those 4 questions the status changed to Audit Review. At least some progress. Who knows.

I think yours is coming too. Every Friday something happens. Wish ourselves good luck.

zoid said:
Did not receive the sponsorship email. Still waiting

Good luck with you
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Well, received the sponsorship email today. But the sponsorship email was generated 7 days back and for some reason we did not receive it till today. I guess it was some software glitch on the PERM side.

As it has been 7 days since this email was generated we are not able to get to the Questionnaire page. I am not sure what to do now. I guess have to wait for someone from PERM to call us back. :mad:

zoid said:
Did not receive the sponsorship email. Still waiting

Good luck with you
Hi Zoid, Maggie_LC, Clx-Dude

Can you please let me know what is your processing centers ? is it Atlanta or chicago?

Are all three of you from California?


maggie_LC said:
My HR just got it. After answering "yes" to those 4 questions the status changed to Audit Review. At least some progress. Who knows.

I think yours is coming too. Every Friday something happens. Wish ourselves good luck.
Audit Review Questions

For those of you who have gone from Audit Review to Final Review, Can you please share the questions asked by DOL to your employer?

It will help us better to prepare the employer.

sponsorship email

Hello Guys,
I have the same porblem as zoid. Received the email but after 7 days so could not submit the questionnaire. I have another problem, my lawyer has listed the main company number in the applicationa nd the only way to rach my manager is to dail the first 4 letters of his last name. I really dout anyone from DOL is gonna go through all this hassle. Wondering what i should do? Do you think i should just withdraw and refile again?

- Applied on June 10 2005 Got Denial Status in 10 seconds
- Waited for DOL to update its program
- Status Changed to "Pending Sponsorship" and Received mail From DOL fro Employer Verification Survey on June 24 2005 (This was the day when DOL Updated its Program)
- Survey Submitted on June 27 2005, Status immediately changed to "Final Review"
- Status Changed to "Certified" on 7th July 2005

Process completed under a month..
Hi All,
How much time it takes for EDD to send the PWD? One of my friend applied it two months back in may 9th around and his lawyer is saying he still didn't get the PWD from EDD. Really appreciate your word on this.

anticipant said:
- Applied on June 10 2005 Got Denial Status in 10 seconds
- Waited for DOL to update its program
- Status Changed to "Pending Sponsorship" and Received mail From DOL fro Employer Verification Survey on June 24 2005 (This was the day when DOL Updated its Program)
- Survey Submitted on June 27 2005, Status immediately changed to "Final Review"
- Status Changed to "Certified" on 7th July 2005

Process completed under a month..


Congrats for your certification. I am also planning to apply under EB2 having MS + 2 years of experience. Would you mind to share

1. Your job title
2. H-12 was YES or NO

Hi Jay2005,

I noticed one of your previous post.

Many of us here are in similar sutivation. Got the sponorship email late and so could not answer to the online questions. :(

Guess we have to wait for someone from DOL to call us to do the manual validation.

Please share with us what happened to your case. Did anyone from DOL call your HR to verify the sponsorship? If so how long did it take for them to call you?

jay2005 said:
hello everyone,
My application is still in the sponsorship stage. We got the sponsorship e-mail on the 9th day only and the website would not let us respond to the questions as it was after the 7 days, But the initial e-mail was after 9 days. Now, we are stuck. Tried to call DOL and they say that perm processing center deals with this. But we could not acess the perm help desk. Any body in a similar siuation? Any ideas? There are so many glitches in the system and perm is not the solution for everything. Any suggestions appreciated. Lawyers are interested only in the money and don't really understand our plight.
Still in Final Review

anticipant said:
- Applied on June 10 2005 Got Denial Status in 10 seconds
- Waited for DOL to update its program
- Status Changed to "Pending Sponsorship" and Received mail From DOL fro Employer Verification Survey on June 24 2005 (This was the day when DOL Updated its Program)
- Survey Submitted on June 27 2005, Status immediately changed to "Final Review"
- Status Changed to "Certified" on 7th July 2005

Process completed under a month..

I am still waiting to get "Certified". Applied initially June 6th. Got denied. Waited for DOL to update its program. Replied to the sponsorship email on June 24th. Still in "Final Review". Anybody else also in final review??? :confused: