Anyone file PERM today?


Hi guys.
I am new for this forum.
I am reading the forum from long time and now I have a few questions to you.
I am intending to use PERM for my LC.
I hold in Economics and have 2 years of expirience.

Do you think that is enough expirience for my occupation?
Hi guys, thought i'd give you an update on my case:

June 9 - Filed app
after 3 days my employer received psonsorship email
June 13 - Sponsorhip email answeredstatus changed to Final Review
Received letter to send signed recruitment report - June 16
June 24 - Letter sent to DOL
June 29 - Online status shows as "Certified"

business occupation, Level 1 PWD
Questions 12 - YES
rmi2k said:
Hi guys, thought i'd give you an update on my case:

June 9 - Filed app
after 3 days my employer received psonsorship email
June 13 - Sponsorhip email answeredstatus changed to Final Review
Received letter to send signed recruitment report - June 16
June 24 - Letter sent to DOL
June 29 - Online status shows as "Certified"

business occupation, Level 1 PWD
Questions 12 - YES

Congrat man, you are one lucky son of a gun!!!
PWP said:
Hi guys.
I am new for this forum.
I am reading the forum from long time and now I have a few questions to you.
I am intending to use PERM for my LC.
I hold in Economics and have 2 years of expirience.

Do you think that is enough expirience for my occupation?
Enough. Next, you need to prove you are the only one to be qualified for the job during the period of the recruitment. Have you got the Prevailing Wage Determination? What is the level?


My Lawyer just called and told me that my First application is showing as Certified now.

She told me that DOL is right now working on the process to withdraw the multiple applications for same applicant.
dsugandhi said:

You filled 4 applications and all of then are in final review status? People are waiting for just one to go in final review status and you have all 4 in final review status Unbelievable... Hope you get atleast one at certified status.

Have you filled all of them with the same content or with different?

Can you tell us what is your
job title
education and experience required in NP ad
H-12 is YES or NO


All the applications are same.

In start perm had this problem. Most of peoples application were not getting in the system. So my lawyer did 4 tries to get my application into the system and in 4th try the were able to file my application successfully. Which went to "Audit Review".

June 29th - DOL did a rerun on all the applicatoins. We saw all 4 tries as new application and in "Final Review".

June 30th - My First Try, Which was also in "Final Review" changed to "Certifed".

hopefully it will stay like this.
PERM Case Status

My employer is not giving me enough awnser to my question, I have the PERM case number. Is there any way I can get the information without going through employer/lawyer.
Congrats Zarpot.

Thats great news..

Your case changed to Certified, without even a request letter to send the signed ETA ???

Enjoy !

Yeha worked out grt.

rajaabhi said:
Congrats Zarpot.

Thats great news..

Your case changed to Certified, without even a request letter to send the signed ETA ???

Enjoy !
BS in CS and 3 yrs Experince

what is h-12?

dsugandhi said:


Can you tell us what is your
job title
education and experience required in NP ad
H-12 is YES or NO

Future employment

I am considering joining a new firm as senior s/w engineer. I was thinkingof asking them to file perm for a future employment of manager -software engineering (or somethng equivalent) - so that MS+2 is a normal requirement. Do you know of any problems with this at any stage (maybe after LC).


Need to refile in Florida

ok, it seems that this time I need to read as much as I can in order to get this going (I've been taking care of my H1-Bs for the last 4 years). I have learned that we can be better than some attorneys when we really want something.

My PERM was denied, of course, because the recruitment efforts were not within the timeframes (attorney's fault).

I need to post my ad in south FL again, 1 sunday and 1 in a very inexpensive medium. Last time I used The Miami Herald and the Employment Guide respectively.

Anyone has a an idea of a cheaper alternative, that will suffice the PERM requirements?

I can still use my previous ads as they are within the timeframes. I will be ahead of the attorney this time.

Any help will be appreciated.
i agree, if you have the time to do your own research you can do better than some attorneys.
More EB3 Approval than EB2

Correct me If I am wrong.

Reading the forum here, PERM giving more approval on EB3 compare to EB2?


How many of the recent PERM approvals, had/has another application in the traditional system/BEC centers. I have a case pending with BEC. I am wondering if I can leave that undisturbed and apply a brand NEW under PERM.

Wondering what the implications are

1) Will they even be able to connect the two cases, given that PERM may get approved within few weeks
2) IF they connect, will they automatically withdraw the earlier case, do something with the priority date ?.
PERM2010 said:
Correct me If I am wrong.

Reading the forum here, PERM giving more approval on EB3 compare to EB2?
Because # of EB3 applications are usually way higher. So pls. look at it as a %ge of filed. Although, I still wouldn't be surprised if EB3 approval %ge is slightly higher than EB2