Anyone file PERM today?

harshy said:
How must time does it take to get reply as regards the reason for denial

Thanks in advance.

Did you guys receive a PW Tracking # to be mentioned in F-1 of the form?
All cases " In Process"

Upon latest inquiry with the PERM center:


No more - AR/FR etc.

Another way for DOL to get away from answering questions. At least that keeps us from having high hopes (which were raised with the FR status).
Switched to PERM

Had applied for for my LC from Maine in Dec '04 (EB-2 TR). Anyway, started the PERM process yesterday as it looked like the other case was going to take for ever for approval.
Hello Gurus,

I'll greatly appreciate your responses on this. I am thinking of Filing a new application in PERM(earlier application in BEC filed early 2005). Does B.E(4 yr Comp Sc.) and 6+ years exp prior to current employer qualify for EB2 in the PERM system(It used to in the earlier system). Also for what position(software related). Does any one know of any approvals with this kind of a scenario.
vivekjain57 said:
Hello Gurus,

I'll greatly appreciate your responses on this. I am thinking of Filing a new application in PERM(earlier application in BEC filed early 2005). Does B.E(4 yr Comp Sc.) and 6+ years exp prior to current employer qualify for EB2 in the PERM system(It used to in the earlier system). Also for what position(software related). Does any one know of any approvals with this kind of a scenario.

I am similar experience of you, got it certified in PERM as "Senior Software Engineer" for EB2. I have seen other EB2 approval with "Software Engineer". So it all depends on your progressive experience along with other EB criteria is proved in 140 stage.

Good luck to all of you.
hi, all

looks like it is very quiet since In Process, I thought DOL must hire a powerful consultant who knows how to deal with people's reactions.
Denial at I-140 after PERM Labor Approval?

Hi Guys,

Is it possible to have a I-140 denied after the labor has been approved via PERM?

I fit into BS (Comp. Sci) + 7 yrs exp. category and planning to file in EB2. Lets say my labor gets approved in EB2 PERM..can USCIS still deny I-140? If yes, what option does one have if that happens?

Audit Letter

Got audit letter today. The lawyer says it is a routine one and they have asked for a list of things including recruitment report. The deadline to submit is August 19th.

I think it is good news that you got a letter. It means that they are still working. I bet you filled in Atlanta, not Chicago.
Could you share again your filling date and status until today? And , of course the center. I remember you were waiting for some time in sponsorhip status. Good luck and keep us posted. Your post today was the only indication that DOL is still working after 7/29. Please, share
Atleast it is moving!

Good luck vjperm

vjperm said:
Got audit letter today. The lawyer says it is a routine one and they have asked for a list of things including recruitment report. The deadline to submit is August 19th.
Audit Letter


Filing date : 5-July-2005, changed to "Sponsorship" immediately
E-mail received: 8-July-2005 changed to "Audit Review" after responding.
Audit review to "In Process" : 29-July-2005.
Audit Letter received : 2-Aug-2005; deadline 19-Aug-2005.

Mine is Atlanta Processing Center;EB-2.

irinastaicu said:
I think it is good news that you got a letter. It means that they are still working. I bet you filled in Atlanta, not Chicago.
Could you share again your filling date and status until today? And , of course the center. I remember you were waiting for some time in sponsorhip status. Good luck and keep us posted. Your post today was the only indication that DOL is still working after 7/29. Please, share
File EB2 and EB3 140 together

There is an option for you to file two 140's if you have a labor that qualifies for EB2 140. File one EB2 140 adn EB3 140, it is a hundered dollars extra thats all. Most of the people do that, just in case if EB2 fails, you will always have EB3 that will clear. Ofcourse you would have to wait for many years with EB3 140...but hey atleast you are one step ahead...I understand after you clear 140 you can port companies...I am not completely sure but you have lot of possibilities...485 is a simple step only thing is you need to wait.

talktome said:
Hi Guys,

Is it possible to have a I-140 denied after the labor has been approved via PERM?

I fit into BS (Comp. Sci) + 7 yrs exp. category and planning to file in EB2. Lets say my labor gets approved in EB2 PERM..can USCIS still deny I-140? If yes, what option does one have if that happens?


Hi all,

Its good to hear from vjperm - shows that things are atleast alive (if not moving very well). However, it is certainly frustrating to see that there have been no updates at all from Chicago.

I have a small update to share - but it is certainly not positive.
My PERM case was filed on 6/3 - so it has been 60 days today. I spoke with my HR manager and attorney today about this and they said that since there was a problem with the decision matrix and the system, they believe that the 60 days now should be counted from the day my application was re-run and went into sponsorship/ final review (which was 7/8). While I do not agree with them, I don't know where this puts me in terms of the overall process and I am feeling almost as frustrated as knowDOL.

I also called up the Chicago NPC again (312.886.8000) - usual; no updates on phone; please send a letter (not even an email!). I don't know what to do - I may just write them a letter and also send them an email but am not sure where things stand.

Will keep you all informed if there is any development at all - hope to hear from you all as well. Thanks and good wishes (most of all good hopes!) to all.

I am also updating my information below:

1. Rajaabhi - FR 06/24-Chicago
2. irinastaicu - FR 06/24-Chicago, filled 6/15, no conversion, RIR at BEC
3. psam123 - FR 06/28-Chicago
4. AnilMI - FR 06/29-Chicago
5. knowDOL - FR 07/01-Filed 6/14-Chicago(No conversion) - one RIR with SWA not yet in BEC
6. Prats - FR 07/08-Chicago (filed 6/3, denied 6/6, sponsorship 7/6, final review 7/8, in process 7/28); EB2; No conversion but RIR app also pending at BEC (no word on case entry/ 45 day letter)
7. titu1972 - FR 07/12-Chicago
8. einmanninus - FR - 07/14-Chicago -No paper LC application, will start H1B from Oct. (currently using OPT)
9. gsn - FR 06/28-Chicago
10. sd_guy - FR 06/24-Chicago (+4 others in Final Review 6/24)
11. Gc_Reform - FR 06/24 Chicago, Filed 06/10, Pending RIR at SWA, NO BEC, NO Conversion
12. Cabal - FR 06/24 Chicago, Filed 06/6, (Sent Recruit Let 7/18)
13. coolz - FR 6/29 Chicago, Filed : 6/29
14. Jay2005 - FR 06/24; Filed : 06/02 - Chicago (One RIR in BEC, no conversion )
15. nhusson - FR 06/24; filed on 06/15 -- Chicago (No conversion) - one RIR
(SWA CA sep 2004) - not yet in BEC
16. abu2003 - FR; Filed on 05/24/05 - Chicago
17. deshu77 - FR; Filed on 06/02/05 - Chicago (1 more in Same Situation)
18. Goofy101 - FR 6/24, Filed on 5/23 -Chicago (5/24 - 6/24 Audit Review)
19. Bystander6 - FR 7/22, Filed on 7/22 - Chicago
20. CA_GreenCD - FR 7/27 - Chicago
21. ZlikeZebra - FR 6/24 Filed on 6/16 - Chicago
22. nning---Sp 07/06 Filed on May 21st,Audit review to 06/24,denied to july06, sponsorship from 07/06, in process from 07/28---chicago
23. Zoid - IP 7/28, Filed 7/1 - Snail Chicago
What can I do?

I have been waiting for 65 days, fivedays ago the status change from "Final Review" to "In process".
I need an answer in the next 3 day, because my son will reach 21.
Any Idea, suggestion, please use the imagination.

Thank you
All of us are waiting for weeks in final review. If you passed 60 days, you should email (better your employer or lawyer) DOL asking about the status. My attorney said there is no harm in enquiring about the status, after 60 days have gone. Since you are really pressed by time send an email ASAP. You may not gain anything, but it is the only thing you can do. I am sorry.
Which center did you file? Were you ever in audit review? Atlanta works faster, thus you may get some attention after emailing. (this is a bit to optimistic, but there is no harm in trying)
irinastaicu said:
All of us are waiting for weeks in final review. If you passed 60 days, you should email (better your employer or lawyer) DOL asking about the status. My attorney said there is no harm in enquiring about the status, after 60 days have gone. Since you are really pressed by time send an email ASAP. You may not gain anything, but it is the only thing you can do. I am sorry.
Which center did you file? Were you ever in audit review? Atlanta works faster, thus you may get some attention after emailing. (this is a bit to optimistic, but there is no harm in trying)

What is the use? they sent same reply for all my case pending from 4/28.

The case is still in process, and official notification will be

Chicago National Processing Center
Who know what to do

Today I started to discount hours (not days), My lawer told me tha he already sent a letter, an now is talking with the AILA (American Immigration Lawyers Assoc.), but nothing yet.
Does enybody know what is happening, is the system working o the cases are being controled by hands?


My lawer said:

"I believe that your case is with the Atlanta Processing Center. The
prior status was "Final Review". About one week ago, the designation
was changed to "In Process". There is no indication yet that it will be
audited or that there is a sponsor review going on."
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List of "status"es for PERM application

Can anyone list out of different possible "STATUS"es in PERM and meaning
of "each" status of PERM application ?

aakasa1 said:
Can anyone list out of different possible "STATUS"es in PERM and meaning
of "each" status of PERM application ?

it used to be
Submitted -Sponsorship - Audit Review - Final Review - Certified ( typical excluding denied...)

Now it seems .. only 'In Process' - 'certified'

EB2 Retrogation Possible in September?

Going by the DOL newsletter, guess EB2 might get retrogress in september. Does anybody has any idea how long it will go back. I read somewhere in this forum that EB2 got retrogresses during 1999/2000 for a period of 9 months. any insight on this? please share so that we could make some educated guess for the current upcoming EB2 Retrogration.