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schandrag said:1. Immigration officers in India get paid well enough. They do not accept bribes as a rule and do not need to. ( it is a society in transition folks, get over this notion that one can bribe one's way through everywhere in India)
2. Much of this is a hold over from the old days when one needed emigration clearance to leave India. The sole role of the immigration officer for departing Indian Citizensin India today is to make sure that the departing Indian citizen is not wanted by the law/ is not a terrrism watch list. or non Indian citizens they have to make sure that they have not overstayed their visa etc.,
3. The airline has the duty to chek your visa at departure. Until a few years ago the state run Ailine Air India handled the majority of international flights departing from most Indian airports and therefore the lines were blurred.
4. Most airports in India are run by the govt. through the Airport authority of India which is a aging, mindless beuracracy and inists on this procedure. If you have departed from Cochin which is a private airport you would have noticed that these 'immigration' offcials do not have a ubiquitous presence.
5. these are Indian immigration officials. Most of them are educated and knowledgeabel regaridng requiremnts for entry INTO India. they obviously cannot know the entry requirements to every country in the world. On this board we are all immigrants to the US and hence we know the requirments. Would a USCIS officer know the entry requrements to India??
6. Things are not `different' in India. It is eficeient and most things are monitored and work as well as any other `western' ( now is that a synonym for developed- I disagree) nation.
thats one of most realistic and sensible answers...
If an immi officer challenges you and you are clean and have the paper work, what the big deal in responding with the right paper work ? If you didn't have the paper work, you can always go a superior officer to address the issue.