anyone combining CP interview with marriage?

No interview date yet!

I haven\'t heard from the consulate about an interview date yet! My dad went there and stood in line but the closed the counter before his turn! That is the consulate\'s service-oriented attitude. Any way, we\'ll have to wait and see when the consulates open and when they assign my date.
More info on combining marriage and CP

Hi guys, I spoke to my lawyer about combining marriage and CP. He said, "I strongly advise you to get married BEFORE the interview". According to him once the interview is done, the consular post MAY direct you to proceed with regular immigration for your wife (which takes 3+ years). He did say that it was open to interpretation by the consular post though.

The process according to him (and I think he\'s slightly wrong - read below) is to intimate the consulate ASAP once you know of the change in your marital status. He asked me to ask the consulate as to whether they wanted to accept my new wife\'s documents now or should I bring them to the interview. If they did accept them then, he said she would be interviewed with me and she would get her PR with me too.

I personally think he\'s wrong about two points,

1. I think you CAN get married after your interview has completed (but before entering the US), then go to the consulate, tell them you have got married, hand them your wife\'s papers. Other lawyers have said this as well - but I do acknowledge my lawyer\'s point that this approach is fraught with risk.

2. Say you did get married before the interview and intimated the consulate, I think the consulate will ask you to bring your wife\'s papers and submit them at your (the primary applicant\'s) interview. Then, the consulate will assign an interview date for your wife 2 months hence or something. This was what anand72 posted on this board and I think that is correct.

Just wanted to share ALL the information I had for what it\'s worth since there isn\'t a lot of information on this out there. I\'d suggest we keep in touch with each other.

One question I had was about the I-134. It says this has to be notarized, do you know if an Indian notary will do?

Oh yeah, my interview is on October 25th.
CP, marriage and no-pay vacation

Hi all,

Does anyone has idea about;
After CP approval and before returning from India, If I take no-pay vacation, Can I legally enter into US?
Similarly, if I am on no-pay vacation, would consulate approve my GC (during CP interview)?

many thanks
just to keep the threat alive

I\'m in the same boat,would like to see further discussions on this

one more person

I saw one more person in the same boat....Anand72, I am eagerly waiting to know your experience and what did you find for marriage after CP. Is it possible? what is the procedure?

Unique situation

My wife cannot attend the Cp interview so my attorney suggested I could go for CP and my wife could file for I485 after I comeback. Any one who has some experience or any second opinions. Please post
before vs after


My lawyer told me that if I get married BEFORE the interview (even if spouse\'s details hadn\'t been included in pkt 3), he/she could accompany you to the interview and submit their details at that time and both people get their GC together. Is this true ? Another option the lawyer said was to include the would be spouse\'s papers in packet 3 (that way both get the appointment) and produce the marriage certificate at the time of interview. Anybody who can validate this based on personal experience please ?

Hi Rajesh,

what I learned from a lot of people on this board, it is true that you can submit your spouse\'s details and she would get the GC based on your petition. exact time frame, I don\'t know..someone says approximately 2 months. If you confirm this with a lawyer, please post his answer.
No Title

I finished my interview today and asked the consulate officer during my interview what is the process for marriage after cp and before returning to the US. His reply was its very much possible. Just mail the copy of marriage certificate, appt letter, birth cert of spouse, local address, copy of immig visa issued to you. they will schedule the interview from 6weeks-2months time frame.
Thnak you

Thank you so much Anand. After seeing your post I am relieved.

But a question can we submit this information during the interview itself or we have to wait until we get the visa issued and mail it separately?

Good Luck for your marriage.
Does date still need to be current for spouse\'s in\'view?

Anand and others,
       Does the date still need to be current for the spouse\'s (dependent\'s) interview even after getting iv for primary.

Yes the priority dates need to be current while assigning interview for follow-on cases ( after getting iv for primary).
congratulations!!!, Anand

Congratulations on GC. This information has relieved me a lot. Seems this is one more advantage of going for CP. All the best on your quest for Ms. perfect!

Anand, any idea; if I require to take no-pay vacation (in worst case, while searching for the match) after CP interview, will it have any adverse effect on my returning to US?

By the way what is time limit you need to return back to US? 4 months or 6 months?
Congrats Anand, good luck!!!


Please post your after marriage experience with the Consulate when you apply for your wife.

Thanks for posting your experience, I believe more CPers wil also share their experience. My P3 just got created and hoping for an interview around end of December or early January.

Scheduling interview for spouse


I read in immihelp discussion forum that if you get married just before your interview you could fill all the relevant forms for your spouse, finish medicals and take your spouse along with you to the interview at the consulate (ofcourse with the marriage certificate). I thought this is not possible as the consulate needs to apply for a visa number for your spouse too and they wouldnt allow your spouse considering that the appt. letter does not have his/her name in it. But the posting was made by a person who did this and got the visa for his wife in Delhi Consulate. Is this possible?
No Title

I got a reply from the consulate that ...spouse\'s interview will NOT be at the same time. IT will only be packet 3 submission for her, during my interview. Her interview will be 2 months later. I am leaving on Oct 3. Interview on Oct 31st. Marraige in October.
No Title

Yeah. The chennai consulate seems to tell just that. But, I do know that there were some cases in the mumbai consulate that rescheduled the interview for both the primary applicant and his/her spouse in the next week itself or sometimes the next month. I wonder if they were reusing the visa numbers of those who rescheduled/cancelled their interviews. (i dunno). I guess the safest thing to assume is for the interview to be in 2 months. If anyone else has a personal experience different from this, please post it here.
No Title

Its dicy. But like in my case, if the priority dates retrogress after October, for EB3, then I am screwed big time. My wife will not be able to join me anytime soon. I guess I have to take the risk. No choice.
No Title

If your PD\'s are before 1999 I think u can safely apply for spouse because my guess is if PD\'s retrogress it wont go back more than 99. I cannot say about 99-2001. Before the new law was passed the PD\'s for EB3 had advanced to mid 97 so I dont expect it to go back to that time. Either way scheduling the interview depends on visa numbers for the spouse which the consulate has to order from the state dept so it will not be at the same time as you unless the spouse\'s name was also part of the appt letter and u also sent packet3 for spouse. If this is not hte case be prepared for a delay of up to 3 months or 4 months even though the consulate says only 6weeks to 2 months. Goodluck. I will let you know what my situation comes out as if my marriage gets arranged I will be filing for spouse before returning.