Anyone been to Derby Line, VT or Champlain, NY POE ?


Registered Users (C)
I am about to visit for my TN extension this weekend.
Just wanted to know if anyone been to either Derby Line, VT or Champlain, NY POE's ?
I am just not sure which POE to attend for the renewal. I just wanted to know any experiences at these POE's
If anyone has been to one of those POE's, your input will be very helpful.

In Anticipation,
C'mon. The border is fine. Try there first, and if it fails (it won't) then mail-in.

99% of TNers have straightforward apps.

... and no RFEs to deal with
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Okay, I'll bite - I should have put the caveat in there about straight forward - like "Management Consultant" :cool:
I know people who went to the VT crossing and had no issues. But rather than take a chance on the personality of whoever you get at the border, I would say doing it by mail might be wiser.
It's interesting to read about the RFEs for TN applications. On another board I participate in, there have been many reports about RFEs for L1 applications. The particulars sound similar - wanting detailed organizational charts, copies of employment contracts, etc. Some lawyers there have been receiving RFEs that are pages long. Looks like an across-the-board internal directive might have been issued.
Personally, I think that if you are qualified for a TN on paper - meaning no interpretation is needed - then it shouldn't really matter if you go to the border or do it by mail. But if you have to prove anything with more documentation, it might be easier to do so from inside the US than on the outside looking in (especially if you don't have a house back in the old country anymore).