Anyone been approved in Garden City, NY, recently?

What number did you use to call Garden City???
Like you Im frustrated also. I had to stop working last week because
my EAD expired, and I too was expecting my passport to get stamped.
I filed for a renewal EAD, but that takes time, and I need to work now (before
I get behind in my bills).
My interviewer gave us a verbal approval, but did not write anything in my
Unfortunately I didn't get his name. Can I speak to anyone, or it has to be him.
(Was anyone interviewed by a black man with dread locks??? Did you catch his name???).

What should I do???
I posted the numbers before:
but listen call today .. Fridays is when they can talk to people..
516-228-9242 or 516-228-9243

ask to speak to a supervisor from Sec 245
and when they transfer you, give them the description of the officer who interviewed you... they should know him, there aren't many officers in 245 anyway and they all know each other.
good luck..
call today, and let us know
Well I called, and was put through to department 245.
I politely stated that I was looking for the gentleman who interviewed me.
He asked why I was looking for the interviewer.
I said, to get an update on the case.
He said, that I can only get an update by submitting a request in writing.
He was firm in his response, so I didn't want to escalate the situation, so I agreed with him, and left it at that.
I'll try calling again next Friday, and hope I get through to someone else..
Interview in Garden City at 7 AM?? guys have any of you had an interview so early? seems kinda strange my ND was NOV 2 so it is exactly 180 days ? coincidence!
I have a question guys, my EAD expires in a few days and I am wondering something. I received the "Welcome to the United States" letter but didnt get the actual card in the mail yet. What should I do until the card comes? Would it be a problem if I dont renew it?
The welcome letter is sufficient proof of your permanent residence until you get the card.
or at least it is acceptable "most of the times" by employers for employment purposes. But don't travel until you get the actual card.
bklyn2006 said:
The welcome letter is sufficient proof of your permanent residence until you get the card.
or at least it is acceptable "most of the times" by employers for employment purposes. But don't travel until you get the actual card.

Thanks...I dont have any intentions to travel soon anyways.
ravekiss said:
I have a question guys, my EAD expires in a few days and I am wondering something. I received the "Welcome to the United States" letter but didnt get the actual card in the mail yet. What should I do until the card comes? Would it be a problem if I dont renew it?
you are all set. no need to renew your EAD (they wont renew for you anyway) coz you are approved. that welcome letter is the proof that your case has been approved. the card should arriave in your mail in no days from now. i am sure by the end of this week, you should have your actual card.
trini0 said:
Well I called, and was put through to department 245.
I politely stated that I was looking for the gentleman who interviewed me.
He asked why I was looking for the interviewer.
I said, to get an update on the case.
He said, that I can only get an update by submitting a request in writing.
He was firm in his response, so I didn't want to escalate the situation, so I agreed with him, and left it at that.
I'll try calling again next Friday, and hope I get through to someone else..
man, don't be a push over!
when you called, tell them your EAD will expire in a few days, too later to get new one, and your boss requires the new EAD for your to contiune to work. you are somehow doomed in the middle of nowhere. ask him will that be trouble to just stamp on your passport so you can contiune to work. if he said NO, then ask him the process of my case, so I can tell my boss how long will that take. this is all the trouble you are facing, why not telling them?!!!
DON'T ask something like "update of your case", i don't think they will be toched by this question.
Be strong, coz you did nothing wrong.
bklyn2006 said:
To marion_etka:
you are right about the advantages, but right now, I really don't care I am loosing a job opportunity for this wait... the Human Resource is waiting for any approval notice so they can hire me... I didn't renew my employement Authorization because I thought I might get the stamp on that same day...
I am really pissed off ... :(
I called the officer today, and she said that she no longer have my file, she approved my case and it has to go to one more INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE check, I asked her is that the FBI check , she said NO NO, this is an internal QA to over see all the Officers job, they just go over the paperwork quickly to see that the officer decision is okay.. and if they find anything wrong, they will return the file back to the Officer to request more info...
this is rediculous ... the can't trust their own staff !!!
most likely that your are interviewed by a junior office, they are probly still in trainning section, the senior office needs to review the files to make sure that they aren't missing anything.
dude, you should be all right, i guess the QA will just take a few days.
you should have your card within a month.
Thanks Chrisz,
my problem is that my EAD has expired and I am home without work for the past 3 weeks.
my new job requires a proof that my case has been approved.
I am going crazy already. and I have till this Thursday to bring them a proof.
Any suggestions??
Is it possible that someone can receive the Welcome Letter or Green Card, BEFORE the online status changes??
How often does the online status change? or does it change automatically once you are approved?
bklyn2006 said:
Is it possible that someone can receive the Welcome Letter or Green Card, BEFORE the online status changes??
How often does the online status change? or does it change automatically once you are approved?
blyk dude, did the officer who interviewed you took your EAD and all AP stuff? if he took them, that means your case has been approved. otherwise, you are still on "waiting for decision list".
i totally understand your frustration on this, but there is serious nothing we can do to pace USCIS up.
can you go to garden city and try to talk to supervisor regariding your case? most likely they won't give you permission becoz lots of people are on the same boat.
call the local congressman and tell him your situation. to find out.

based on what i have read, the online status changes at the same time you get your welcome letter. if you can't find your online status, that probly means your case is approved and they are UPDATING the database. then you will get a letter in just a few days. similar time USCIS will send you the email notifications.

ravekiss said:
I have a question guys, my EAD expires in a few days and I am wondering something. I received the "Welcome to the United States" letter but didnt get the actual card in the mail yet. What should I do until the card comes? Would it be a problem if I dont renew it?

btw, when did you have your fingerprints done?
Thanks..I am hoping that receiving mine after the Garden City Interview will give others that were interviewed there and still waiting a little hope.
I guess, the officer who interviewed you, approved you the same day of the interview
because you mentioned that he stamped your file.
my officer stamped my file 3 weeks after the interview.
ravekiss said:
Thanks..I am hoping that receiving mine after the Garden City Interview will give others that were interviewed there and still waiting a little hope.
it is really matter of time if you are approved.
when did u file AOS by the way?
bklyn2006 said:
I guess, the officer who interviewed you, approved you the same day of the interview
because you mentioned that he stamped your file.
my officer stamped my file 3 weeks after the interview.
u are approved, just wait for a little bit longer. u have reaching this far, why not wait for another one or two months?!
if you don't get that job, then find another one. not too hard to get a job in new york now.