Anyone been approved in Garden City, NY, recently?

re-Garden City

My interview was Jan. 19 2006.
everything went well, the officer didn't stamp the passport (claiming that they do not stamp passports anymore). she said that I should recieve the green card between 2 weeks - 3 months.
It is been 3 weeks already, I haven't got anything. STILL WAITING.
Garden City -Most recent interview-

Hello All,

I had my AOS interview on Jan. 19 2006. it went smooth, My wife petitioned me on Oct 2003. and we received the interview notice on Oct 2005 (Exactly 2 years from date of filing). anyways the interview went well, we have a baby so the officer did ask many questions. She said that everything looks good and that she didn't check her computer to see my fingerprint results(FBI) , but she said that she will do it the next day and she said that I will receive the welcome letter and the green card between 2 weeks-3 months. And she only wrote something on my passport: my A# , her name , and date, Garden City and IRT6 (which means that I am married to US citizen for more than 2 years). She told me not to travel until I get the card.
so I am still waiting, now that my employment authorization has expired, and I just found a new job, BUT I CAN'T WORK because no PROOF of Employment eligibility!! I hope the employer can hold me the position for some time. NOW it made 3 weeks and no mail from INS yet.
My friend had his interview there last year and he recieved the card in 2 weeks after the interview. My other friend received it in 2 months after interview. and NON of them got any stamp on day of interview.
and suggestions, please let me know.
Shall I go to Garden City and request a stamp??

questions on interview JAN 19TH 2006

Listen all F1 Students Married US Citizens:

I am one of you... and although I was married for more than 2 years (actually 2 years and a half), and I already graduated College. The officer asked if I was still in school, so I said NO, I already graduated, so she asked to see the diploma, of course I didn't think of bringing the diploma, so I offered to show her my online transcripts if she would allow me to use her computer. SHE said it is okay, it is not necessary. But luckly within the photos we brought there was one in the graduation with my wife so the officer took it as a proof.
BUT remember all, if you have graduated PLEASE bring the diploma, and if you are still in school ALSO bring school transcripts (as the case of my friend, he was asked to mail in his transcripts to the DA Officer after the interview) EVENTHOUGH he was also married to US Citizen.
we had 2 bank accounts (with differnet banks) under both names, so the officer noticed that and she said GOOD.

Anyways, try to be calm and remember that those officers are humans like us, so as long as all your paper work is in order, you don't have to worry.
ALso important thing the officer asked for FIRST was if we had a lease from where live. so we had one from our landlord under BOTH names, MAKE A COPY because if you don't have a copy, they will have to take the original.
I was in Garden City, the week before you on Jan 19th 2006. I was told the same thing by the officer. Almost same questions and same result NO STAMP, and she said that I should receive the welcome letter and Card in 2weeks-3months. it is been 3 weeks already and nothing. My EAD is expired and I can't work without a proof. I will wait another week. I might need to go back to Garden City and have them either stamp my passport or give me a proof or a letter that it is been approved so I can work or something. I am not sure if I can go there again without appointment.
I went to 26 Fed. Plaza, I wasted 2 hours for nothing, the last thing they told me is that my case is in Garden City and they have no access to their database.
The only thing I got is some stuff that the officer in Garden City wrote on my passport (as a proof that she saw us that day).
Any suggestions??
ari4u said:
If GC has been approved, but no card yet and no stamp in the passport, then EAD application would be denied as applicant is already a PR.

i am confused. so what should we do if we get oral approved? we won't renew our EADS, what thing can we show to our bosses that we are legal to work? as the others said, they wrote something back on the passport doesn't replace the EADs.
if we make infor pass, they will say that they don't have access to the garden city.
man, that is sucks.
Seems were all getting the same timeline estimates...
My 12 weeks (3 months) would be March 5th.
It would be nice to be able to get some kind of proof so that
we can work in the meantime...
same thing here

I had my interview on January 10th in Garden City and the officer told me the same thing which is to wait from 2 to 3 months... it has been a month and I only got an approval of 130!
bklyn2006 said:
ALso important thing the officer asked for FIRST was if we had a lease from where live. so we had one from our landlord under BOTH names, MAKE A COPY because if you don't have a copy, they will have to take the original.

It is clearly mentioned in the interivew letter to bring copies of all originals else the officer would have to keep the originals for their records. Sometimes they insist on keeping originals eventhough you provide copies (like in my case), othertimes they are satisfied with copies. Be prepared etherways...
Phone number for Garden City


these are the numbers for the local office in Garden City:
(516) 228-9242, (516) 228-9243

First: when you call, ask the operator to speak to the officer that interviewed you. Don't go in details with the operator, because they might not put you through. Just tell them, you need to speak of Officer ~~~~.

Second: if you are lucky, the officer may pick up her phone, and then you can provide him/her with your A# , name and date of interview with him/her. Explain that you need to know the status on the case. if it was approved and when will you get the card.

I tried it, the first time I was lucky and I spoke to the officer, but she couldn't provide me with information because she was in a middle of an interview. so she suggested to call her on Friday.
I did call after couple of days, but she never answered her phone.
so no harm guys, you can try this.
remember, be nice to the officers and appoligize for bothering them and stuff like that. you don't want to make them angry :)

Good Luck,
thanks for your info,

i am also student married USC and did my interview on Garden city on 22/Dec./05. just like what you were talking, things went well at the start of interview and suddenly she asked me show something like diploma to prove what I was doing duiring xx-xx period. that sucks and i never think i need this for this interview, then she asked me mail it to her after it.

Now I am still waiting, hopefully I can hear from them soon, i did call the officer interviewed me, but she was screening others that time and can't pickup the call, then someone told me she is only reachable on every friday. so i suppose have to call her again.

BTW, If ppl doesn't know the name of the interviewer, how they can do? Just call Gerden city's number? what tactic can be used for knowing the case status most recently?
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Hey Lawmanfox,

you might be right, it could be the same officer. except in my case she didn't ask me to mail her anything, she was satisfied with the picture at the graduation day.
Interviewed in Garden City on 2/13/06

Today I had an interview for I-485 (AOS) in Garden City. The officer asked the regular questions, such as birthday, parents' names, the address, the husband's occupation and so on, and asked us to submit documentation which is listed on the interview notice. At the end of the interview, the officer said I would receive GC in 1-3 months because Security Checking hasn't been completed yet. So, my case is still pending and we may visit Garden City office if GC doesn't arrive after 3 months. No Stamp.
Hmmmmm..Well, I can feel I'm in the same boat as most applicants in NYC. :confused: I'll keep you posted if anything is new.
Good luck!!!
well, I went Garden City today in order to inquire my case status, after passing security check point, I went straight down to windows 1 and was asked to fill out a form with personal information, they said they will mail me the most recently status of my case :-(, that sounds bad, i was unhappy with that because i am tired of waiting waiting and waiting. it's very simple for them to input my info to their datebase and tell me something right the time. but they didn't. they prefer to letting ppl waiting.
creamcheese said:
the officer said I would receive GC in 1-3 months because Security Checking hasn't been completed yet.
This is about what was told to us when I was there last Dec...
He made it sound as if the computer was malfunctioning, and said that
he couldnt access my fingerprint results (along those lines).
It sounded fishy at the time, but he did say the case looked like it would
get approvred.
Im on week 9, and no word from Garden City.
Was anyone interviewed by a black (AfricanAmerican) young man with dreads?
That was who interviewed us, but I don't remember his name...
Interviewed on DEC 22 2005, was told the same reason"security clearance", anther name is 'FBI name check', it's really a black hole and no one can tell how long it will take, from days to years. Just pray man
It is a real shame that after waiting for the 485 interview one has to wait more for the card...

My interview is in April '06, after a wait of 3 years!!!

Best of luck,
security clearance?

Interviewed on Jan 31, 2006 at Garden City. Stuck on security clearance. Wonder if anyone with the same experience got cleared recently?? Anything we can do??
How do you know that your application is stuck in security clearance check?
do you call Garden City to find out that it was stuck there?
or you guys just assume that!
May be the officers are backed up with work and leave the files piling from week to week.

I would like to know if my case is also stuck in Security clearance thing... how can I find out?
I interviewed in Garden City in Jan. 19th 2006. and I haven't heard anything yet. the officer said everything looks good and I should receive the welcome letter and GC in 2 weeks-3 months period.
she just wrote few things on passport...
Is this mean that I am stuck in clearance check?
