Anyone been approved in Garden City, NY, recently?

I read on the FBI's website, in a 2003 report, that the name check process takes about 4 months for 98% of all applicants.
A common question we receive is, How long does it take to complete a visa request name check? As shown on these graphs, 86 to 92% are completed in 30 days. For both types of visa requests, 98-99% of the requests are resolved in 120 days.
How true that is in real life, from what I've been reading here, I cant say.

Im practically in the home stretch (Im on week 10 out of 12, according to my verbal approval) and still no word.
So Im definately not in the 86 - 92 percentile, so lets hope Im in the 98 - 99 percentile :p
I may have some hope for persons interviewed at Garden City that are awaiting Security Clearance. I had my interview in GC on Jan 24 2006. I was told that everything looks good and once I pass the security clearance, I'll get my card in the mail. Yesterday (Feb 21) I received an update on my online status that stated:

"On February 21st 2006, after approving your application, we ordered you a new card. Your card will be mailed to you as soon as it is ready"

So thats some good news for me and all the other people that were in my situation here in NY. Dont loose hope people...keep checking your online status!
ravekiss said:
I may have some hope for persons interviewed at Garden City that are awaiting Security Clearance. I had my interview in GC on Jan 24 2006. I was told that everything looks good and once I pass the security clearance, I'll get my card in the mail. Yesterday (Feb 21) I received an update on my online status that stated:

"On February 21st 2006, after approving your application, we ordered you a new card. Your card will be mailed to you as soon as it is ready"

So thats some good news for me and all the other people that were in my situation here in NY. Dont loose hope people...keep checking your online status!

All I have to say is damn you!!! (I mean that in the nicest way :D )
Congrats. Hope the card gets to you quickly.
I just checked my status and it still says ->
On March 8, 2005, the results of your fingerprint review for your I485 Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status were received, and processing has resumed on your case. We will mail you a notice if further action is needed, or when a decision is made.
Cmon security clearance, go go GO!!!!
Trini0, that was very similar to what mine had said before they changed it yesterday was last updated after I did my fingerprinting in April 2005, said the processing has resumed.
I guess with my case, I admitted, that I had a few involvements
with the law (driving without license) in my interview, but I was never arrested.
And those incidents were yearssss ago...
So they are taking their sweet time to see if Im lying or something else.
But I'm trying to keep hope alive, that I get approved sooner than later.

Cmon security clearance, go go GO!!!!
trini0 said:
I guess with my case, I admitted, that I had a few involvements
with the law (driving without license) in my interview, but I was never arrested.
And those incidents were yearssss ago...
So they are taking their sweet time to see if Im lying or something else.
But I'm trying to keep hope alive, that I get approved sooner than later.

Cmon security clearance, go go GO!!!!
I will be having my adjustment of status interview tomorrow in Garden City. I am so excited! but I heard from a lot of people that they are not putting stamps on the passports instead they are sending the approval letter like three weeks after and then the green card. Anyway! I think I am ready for the interview and as a remark I am not taking a lawyer, I am only going with my husband.
I will let you know on Friday how everything went.
Congrats RaveKiss:
I am happy for you.
I just checked my status online, which by the way I have an account and they are supposed to email me once any changes occurs:
this what mine says:
"Application Type: I485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status

Current Status:

On October 22, 2003, your fingerprint fee was accepted as complete, and processing of your case has resumed."

I interviewed on Jan. 19th 2006 in Garden City, and after bugging the officer many times on the phone, she approved my case on her end, but she told me that there is one more step to go: which is the security check and once this is finished, the system will automatically update your status.
I hope I get this update soon.
I will keep you guys informed.
BTW, Ravekiss, did you receive the email from USCIS or you just went to the website and entered your I-485 receipt number??

Ravekiss: I hope you will still post to this forum, do not leave us alone in this maze... :)
to bklyn2006

2003??? When did you file for I-485 then?

I waited for my interview for just a little bit less than a year and it was on january 10th 2006. It seems weird that you filed the papers way before I did and you ended up having your interview after me!!!!!!!!
it is true Marion...
somehow people who filed before a certain time in 2004, their applications took 2 years and a change, just like mine.
however, 2004, 2005 applications are only taking about a year.
but the good thing, is that I get to take the non-conditional green card based on marriage for over 2 years.
so both have advantages and disadvantages.
bklyn2006 said:
it is true Marion...
somehow people who filed before a certain time in 2004, their applications took 2 years and a change, just like mine.
however, 2004, 2005 applications are only taking about a year.
but the good thing, is that I get to take the non-conditional green card based on marriage for over 2 years.
so both have advantages and disadvantages.

That is true because I know someone filed in May 2003, married to US Citizen by birth and only got thru in Feb 2006, their interview was January. In my case I filed in Jan 2005 at which time my attorney told me that USCIS had a Pilot Program running at that time and it means that anyone filing during this program would get thru much faster. They had initially told me about 6 months but mine took a year. Thats still fast comparing to alot of people on this board. I'm not sure whatever happened to the Pilot Program and when it ended.

bklyn2006...I had signed up on for email updates. They would send me an email as soon as the online status had changed. They approved the case on February 21 and I got an email update the same evening. Before that I had a message similar to yours for months. Also I will continue to post on this forum, I feel all of us here have something in common right now and I really want to see everyone gets thru and receive their cards.
bklyn 2006: I was confused what u said in ur previous post.Officer approved ur case though u have security clearence pending? I thought they can't approve cases with pending background check.I am sorry if i misunderstood ur post.thank you
Well Siri80 that's what the officer told me on the phone, After explaining to her that I need some proof that my case was approved for my employment requirements (since my work authorization has expired). she actually felt for me and she put me on hold for about 15 minutes and I heard her clicking stuf on the computer. then she told me that I am lucky She just approved me (this was 4 weeks after the interview). then she said that she will stamp my file, then there would one more clearance check done by an office near by her office. and she said that she will make sure it will be on their first priority and she even took my cell # in case any complications.
but she didn't call me and still my case is still pending.
I went to Garden City yesterday and I spoke to the officer on duty, and after arguing with him he agreed to check my case in his computer "which he said he was not supposed to do" but he did and he told me that the case is almost done, it should be very soon, and he saw that the officer approved it , but it has to go through the second clearance.
I am still waiting ... keeping my fingers crossed :)
to bklyn2006

oh ok I see...
yeah I guess there are advantages and disadvantages of whether the process takes less or more than two years. Not that it matters but you reminded me how frustrated I got when I saw the date my interview was supposed to take place. January 10th!!! And Our second anniversary was January 23rd!!! At first I was thinking about rescheduling the interview so I would not have to deal with USCIS anymore regarding my green card but then I figured that I was not planning on getting a divorce any time soon anyway so I was like whatever :)

Something tell me that you bklyn2006 will get your green card faster than I do, even though my interview was earlier than yours. My reasoning is that you have been waiting longer...

Anyway, I am still patient but if I don't get my card sometime in March I might loose it, because I want to go visit my family in April during spring break!!! Am I asking for too much? :mad:
just so everyhing makes sense

I forgot to say that for whatever reasons we filed all the documents one year after we got married, but I guess you already figured that ;)

As I told you before I had my interview yesterday at Garden City. :rolleyes:
The officer offered us to do the interview in our language and we agreed.
I was so nervous! He asked I lot questions.. How did we met, if I had spend time together my husband's children and he also inquire about our prior marriages and our current jobs. I offered him a recent affidavit of support and all the evidence we have together with some pictures.
At the end he told me that he needed to check the file again to make a decision and that I will be receiving a letter later on. I had the dare to asked him how long would it take and he said he did not know.
What do you guys think about my experience, was it good? Because I have a friend that had almost the same type of interview but at least they told her how long she had to wait and she received already the approval and they ordered her card already.
Please give me some opinions.
Mona25 said:
As I told you before I had my interview yesterday at Garden City. :rolleyes:
The officer offered us to do the interview in our language and we agreed.
I was so nervous! He asked I lot questions.. How did we met, if I had spend time together my husband's children and he also inquire about our prior marriages and our current jobs. I offered him a recent affidavit of support and all the evidence we have together with some pictures.
At the end he told me that he needed to check the file again to make a decision and that I will be receiving a letter later on. I had the dare to asked him how long would it take and he said he did not know.
What do you guys think about my experience, was it good? Because I have a friend that had almost the same type of interview but at least they told her how long she had to wait and she received already the approval and they ordered her card already.
Please give me some opinions.

i think you should be ok, maybe he meant that he has to wait the FBI report.
how long have you been waiting since you filed?
did he write something on your passport, like 245i pending?

get the officer's name and give him a call a week later to check your status.
To marion_etka:
you are right about the advantages, but right now, I really don't care I am loosing a job opportunity for this wait... the Human Resource is waiting for any approval notice so they can hire me... I didn't renew my employement Authorization because I thought I might get the stamp on that same day...
I am really pissed off ... :(
I called the officer today, and she said that she no longer have my file, she approved my case and it has to go to one more INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE check, I asked her is that the FBI check , she said NO NO, this is an internal QA to over see all the Officers job, they just go over the paperwork quickly to see that the officer decision is okay.. and if they find anything wrong, they will return the file back to the Officer to request more info...
this is rediculous ... the can't trust their own staff !!!