Anyone august left outs?

me too

RD 08/15

Everyday you post something for August and the number of people who respond keeps shrinking!

Not a good sign for us !

And now I read that we have no hope of hearing if we have been approved (if indeed we do get approved) till Oct 8 because of the Audit.

Re: me too

Don't you think it IS a good sign that the number keeps shrinking?

Originally posted by wool
RD 08/15

Everyday you post something for August and the number of people who respond keeps shrinking!

Not a good sign for us !

And now I read that we have no hope of hearing if we have been approved (if indeed we do get approved) till Oct 8 because of the Audit.

I think VSC is processing through the audit

I got approved 9/25 and there were others on this list too. I think this means they are processing through the audit--maybe just RFEs and older cases? I hope so. I'm rooting for all you guys.

GC walla baba It will soon be a month since your case was as assigned. Maybe you should check with the IIO again.
Looks like there are still 238 cases pending for the Aug RD.

Total Aug Rd approval postings till today : 341

Till today:
Aug Rd cases approved, in this month : 32 only

But, Sep Rd approval postings, in this month are: 83

Looks like there may be around 30 to 45 cases of Aug RD approvals in the coming months or the number may still go down to around 25.
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VC 123 How do you know ?

VC 123 how do you know my case was assigned a month ago? The last time my lawyer called on Aug 20, my case was not assigned yet.....
Gc wallababa
I read one of your postings, I think which said your case was assigned on Sep 4. But if your lawyer last spoke with the IIO on August 20, maybe it's time to do another check.
Still pending

RD - 08/16/01
ND - 10/12/01
RFE - 9/19/02

3 months paystubs, 2 years W2, returns and employment lettter