Anybody left from 2001


Registered Users (C)
Don't see any approvals these days and neither people talking about it. Did all the oldies got approved ?

PD2001...still waiting
I am from March 2002...why the hell do they approve 2003 before they approve 2001 and 2002? Can someone explain this to me?
Feel better

as bad as it may sound, I feel a little better that I am not the last EB2 from 2001 left. I wonder why so few of us are left behind..have they lost the files? Is there a red flag for employer or industry or geographic region, religion...or is it just plain old bad luck..
Do you guys do anything about it, or are you just sitting tight and praying...?

I am not sure what to do or rather what else to do. Countless service requests and infopasses and local congressman. My attitude has turned generally negative and I see little benefit from any more effort. If you have a magic bullet I would be happy to give it a shot
I am not sure what to do or rather what else to do. Countless service requests and infopasses and local congressman. My attitude has turned generally negative and I see little benefit from any more effort. If you have a magic bullet I would be happy to give it a shot

No, unfortunately I do not have a magic bullet, otherwise I would have used it myself. What I am trying to understand is (and you answered) if you are sitting patiently and hope for the best or are you trying to be as proactive as possible.
For example - when my name check wasn't clear for 5 years I sent letters to anybody you can think of in Washington, and I mean - any body, including the occupants of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., secretaries (of different government offices), top TV News anchors, etc. "Surprisingly", shortly after these letters the name check has been cleared.

Today, as of May 1, I am finally current, yet there is no movement whatsoever with my case. I talked to congressman, initiated an inquiry, sent a (reminder) fax to my Senator and also sent a letter to the Ombudsman. I feel that I covered pretty much all the bases...maybe I'll send another letter tomorrow to 1600 Penn, Ave...not sure yet, have to sleep on it.
So hopefully I gave some ideas of who to write letters. I feel that one must flood them with anyone possible whether directly or indirectly have any kind of cannot sit tight.

Good luck.
Did whatever.
Now Do what?
Nice guys finish last-est !

PD-Oct 01
485 RD 03

You will be and you should be out of this mess soon !!! RD 03 is too way long.

I know you would have done this, Try to open one more Service Request, and talk to your local congressman, Both will help to certain extent.
Ahh.. Feel better to see so many people on this boat… I am still waiting... Opened enquired 3 times in last 18 months and every time I got a response back saying "we are actively working on your case and you should receive a decision in 180 days, if not call us...." I don’t even know the reason till date on why its pending except the fact my priority date just became current (Nov 2001). Hopefully we all get GC/Citizen before we become senior citizens…
For all of you with 2001 PD and if your Visa number is available, do follow up with call or infopass every month until approval. Don't wait for them to open your case.